Looking to join a 18+ guild!

  • Hey!

    I’ve got a bit of experience on SOT and pretty active, but I’m looking for a mature and fun 18+ guild to play the game with!

    I enjoy PVP and PVE, got a mic and enjoy just doing whatever on the game, wanna find people who know how to play the game well and level up and get loot (taking out other pirates and stealing their stuff too because who doesn’t love ruining someone’s day).

    I play on Xbox series X and have discord!

    Discord: Mike11824777
    Xbox: mike118247

  • 5
    조회 수
    xbox onejust for funcommunitywindows 10general
  • @mike118247 Hello. You have been officaly noticed by the guild known as the Banana Cronchers: A high level, active, pvpve, xbox guild. I am one of our two leaders and am intrested in bringing you aboard if you are still looking. We're ranked 6th on the ledger as I'm writing this and we have an xbox chat instead of discord. Msg me here, on my post, or on xbox if intrested.

  • @h0b0jo0e sent a message!

  • @h0b0jo0e have anymore open spots?

  • @h0b0jo0e hi, keen to join as well if you have a slot, active xbox pirate legend

조회 수
xbox onejust for funcommunitywindows 10general
5 중의 1