A purchaseable Burning Blade ship.

  • Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Burning Blade ship you can keep? It’s too overpowered.”

    That is why I’m suggesting some nerfs to the purchaseable Burning Blade.

    First nerf would have to be to remove the ashen roar without removing the front of the ship to keep the aesthetic, so to ‘turn it off’ and keep it off, have the lever be broken by the wheel.

    The second nerf would be to the Skeleton crew. this would be to remove their ability to fire cannons, while keeping the repairs and aiding you with raising anchor. The skeletons would require Wood inside the wood barrel to repair, taking the wood from the storage and when they run out of wood, they cannot repair anymore.

    The fourth nerf would include an anchor that would increase with crew size, with 1-2, it would be the base anchor, when it’s 2-3, it would be the Brigatine anchor, and when it’s 3-4, it would have a galleon anchor.

    In order to even buy the Burning Blade, I’d say you must take over 10 Burning Blades and return the ship with 8 rituals completed to Fireheart. (Each of the 10 ships must have 8 rituals when sold to count.) The ship will be 100 million and you will be able to purchase the ship directly from Fireheart after completing the 10 Burning Blade with 8 Ritual sales.

    I know we already have a Burning Blade Reborn ship cosmetic set, but in my personal opinion, it looks like a BB from Temu, it doesn’t give off the same feeling and look as the actual Burning Blade. I want the real thing, or someone way closer to it. I love the aesthetic of the burning metal mouth in front of the ship, along with the sails, the colours, everything.


    A buyable burning blade that has nerfs on it, along with a high purchase price and requirement.

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  • I forgot to mention, to replenish the skeleton crew, you still need to do rituals. And you will have the reapers flag on the ship and not able to change it.

  • I have to say I don't like the idea.
    It gives skilled PvP players a clear advantage (The skeleton crew) on a permanent ship that only they can get. Anyone less skilled at PvP, or who dislikes PvP, will be unable to get all 8 rituals.

    Even though it's only in-game gold, not RL money, it's still a flavor of 'pay 2 win'. In a game where the only things for sale (With gold or RL money) are cosmetics. Which means it also goes against the core design philosophy of the game.

    All in all; I don't like the idea of a skeleton-powered ship that only the most skilled/lucky PvP players will ever get.
    It creates a divide in the player base & removes skill from the ship itself by gifting them what is, in effect, a self-repair ability. Again, an ability less-skilled players won't have.


  • No.
    Bad idea.

  • No thanks.

  • Would be funny if safer seas crews could use the burning blade as a galleon (without comms enabled)

    People could create some silly content with it and it would be pretty fun.

    Seeing some solo in safer seas sail around blasting pve with fireballs would be funny to me.

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