The Other Half / Distinction 3 (Level 302) is recruiting

  • Ahoy, Fellow Scallywags!

    We are currently looking for more active players to join our guild. Anyone is welcome, be it a new sailor to a seasoned pirate!

    Current Guild Members as of this post: 14/24
    (10 spots up for grabs)

    Requirements :

    Guild Player: Willingness to collaborate and increase the distinction of The Other Half.
    Pledging: Pledge your proud ship to the service of The Other Half and make it prosper with rewards and returns.
    Respect: A positive attitude and respect for all crew members. Toxicity is not the option.
    Discord: Join our discord server once you are approved.

    Ready to join a guild that sails with skill, strategy, and a sense of adventure? Set your sights on The Other Half and let’s make waves together!

    Apply Now: Drop a message here or contact hazard1711 or drazerius on discord for more details.

    Adventure awaits!

    Fair winds and following seas, [Haripilz17 / The Other Half]

  • 15
    조회 수
  • Fairly new to the game but if you still have open spots, I'd love to join. I don't mind running solo but it would sure be nice to crew up from time to time. :)

  • Hey im interested on join if you guys still have some slots to spare, im a 1k+ hours player interested on the mayority of the contents, PVe/Pvp/Fishing/comendations.

  • @Dr-ItchyUvula & @Toxic4721 can i gt your discord ids too

  • @haripilz17 Of course! My discord id is itchynipples

  • @haripilz17 Sure!
    here´s my discord: Toxiv#9735

  • Lvl 312 and looking for 8 more

  • Hey 400+ hours and a commendation grinder (sometimes pvp too) my discord username is brocavestudios

  • I would love to join! My discord is sky3445

  • I would be in for the job, my user is Sizzle4180 on xbox and sizzlebob on discord.

  • @coolflyingpiggy & @Sizzle9667 sent both of ya a req on xbox

  • I'm down, 1.4k hours, discord is Holy_Man_Scrat

  • i would like to join

  • Hi! Happy new year from Argentina. Im interested to join. Wanna grind new battlepass and sell fast. I dont mind playing solo or with a crew

  • Lvl 333 and looking for 3 more

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15 중의 10