What Are Your Top QoL Wishes For 2025

  • We all have big wishes for Sea of Thieves features and fixes, but what are the small-ish quality of life features that you want to see added to the game in 2025?

    (Sorry, FoV increase is not happening, so don't even bother wishing for that!)

    In no particular order, here are my five biggest wishes:

    Slimline Voyage Banners

    Ever since slimline island banners were added, we've begged for this. It just seems daft that we haven't gotten this yet. It's just so annoying finishing a voyage and having your health/ammo covered by the black bars.

    I get that it's supposed to be an epic end to an adventure - but almost seven years into the game, that novelty has long worn off and, for most players, the bars are just an unneccessary obstruction to more important information.

    Hide/Minimise Selling Notifications

    This has become a problem since loot is more and more abundant on the seas. But it's not uncommon to sell a modest pile of loot and have those notifications pop-up on screen for minutes after, covering things like your cannon interactions.

    Please, Rare, let us turn off these loot-sold notifications or simply minimise them to the Notification feed on the top left.

    Mic Testing In-Game

    Oh, Sea of Thieves, this is probably my biggest pet peeve since day one of the game - there's no way to set your mic in-game and no way to test it's working (without another player). Being a Microsoft game, it's possibly mandated that they use the Windows Default Communication Device setting - my theory is it's to do with Xbox Live privacy settings applying to that. But I still wish there was a way to check in-game, on your own, that your mic works correctly.

    I suggested years ago that there should be a parrot in every tavern that you can talk to and it would repeat back your audio in short clips. I still think that would be the most SoT thing ever and highly useful/prevent a lot of frustration.

    More Options For Controller Binds/Fix The Secondary Prompt Issue

    Simply put: we are fast running out of binds on controller and it puts controller players at a massive disadvantage when it comes to quickly equiping items/weapons/tools.

    A shift-modifier system, as used by other games, would probably be the most elegant solution to adding a lot more button binds.

    I bundled in the "Secondary Prompt" with this because it's part of the restricted binds problem and affects every controller player (my worst nightmare in game is a deck full of crates, because I cannot switch weapons around them!).

    I would be so ecstatic if Rare sort these out in the next year!

    Buy Treasure Chests

    This is probably my biggest "it would just be nice" wish - being able to buy a treasure chest from the Merchant Alliance to store small loot items in. It's not a big deal and, sure, you can find them almost anywhere but the same could be said for a humble storage crate.

    Have a Great New Year, Pirates, and Happy Sailing in 2025!

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    조회 수
  • My big request would be...able to filter your storage crate on what you want to store and/or collect. I hate looting islands to grab all fireworks, bait and useless items that take the spot in the storage crates.

    Also be nice to be able to "favorite" or save clothing selections.

    Just a couple as of now

  • I just want bugs fixed so it doesnt feel like every fruit you eat, bucket you toss, and shot you land is up to rng. Best qol is having your game act predictable in the ways its supposed to work!

    Genuinely dont even need any other convenience, i just want stable play!

  • I'd love the ability to turn off the "adjust trinket" prompts, seeing as even with trinket prompts disabled they still appear. Also maybe make the inspect trinket interaction a bit more prominent then it's place in the change trinket section, like maybe a secondary interact when looking at a trinket?

    Maybe the ability to change the font on ship's crests as well, or just have a greater variety of fonts avaliable for different crests to make each one more unique

    Figureheads/generic crest base changing to match hulls

  • Reduce the amount of buttons to get into game

    The interface Sea of thieves uses is clunky at the best of times, but with all the added features (captaincy & guilds mainly) the amount of button presses required to get into a game is just insane, not to mention the advertising/news popup that gets shown every… single… time you start the game.


    Ingame UI Updates

    As with so many features that get developed and subsequently forgotten about in sot, the slimline island banners was a breath of fresh air when they where introduced 4 years ago! since then every other banner type interface item has remained the same, big blocky banners that block important information on screen, in the middle of a heated fight and a crew mate activates the skull of siren song map on the mast… guess you don’t want to see your health or ammo, this is just an example but yeah every voyage, voyage completion, hourglass banners etc all massive blocks.

  • Ignore Pets option.
    So we can have multiple full sized pets.

    Barrel mass organization. Let me move that stack of cannon balls from one spot to another in the same barrel.

    Cosmetics sort by alphabet or release date along with favorites/stash options.

  • Cosmetic loadouts/presets - Scrolling through pages and pages of items isn't ideal

    Change ship size mid session - Often I have friends who may want to join or who need to leave mid sesssion. I'd be happy if it even involved a server change. Can't take loot, but keep supplies and emmisary.

    The ability to use any tier of trinket - I haven't bought any of the cherished tier, because I quite like the lower tier ones. But I'd like the option to choose as the different tiers suit different ships.

    Merchant gunpowder/wood/fruit/cannonball voyages - It's a regular topic in the forums, but anything to make this more practical would be good.

  • Cosmetic presets.
    7 years old. Nearing 8.
    AAA game where it's main reward system is entirely cosmetic based. (Outside of Commendations). Should of been a QoL change with Captaincy season back then.
    There's just zero excuse as to why it shouldn't be in the game by now.

    I'm beginning to think they are just very very lazy, which isn't a surprise with how much they managed to make the game laggier every year. 2025 will be no different.

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