Random ping spikes

  • Hi everyone!

    I was wondering if the game itself is experiencing a degradation in performance in regard to server connection.
    For example, on Australian servers i experiencing normal ping of 35-45 ping, with spikes of 60-100, which create visible stutters and annoying instances of rubberbanding.
    When im playing with my Canadian friend, i experience a brief amount of normal ping which is 250 ping and then a spike and steady hold at 315 ping with spikes after that of 350-380.

    I doubt it's hardware limitations, as previously i've never had this much connection trouble with sea of thieves before.

    Any input/troubleshooting/setting suggestions would be much appreciated!

  • Honestly I sometimes experience the dreaded "rubberbanding" issue every once in a while while playing, and I'm still not quite sure what causes it either. In my case turning down some of my graphics settings and making sure I didn't have any background apps running seemed to help, but that could've just been a placebo on my part.

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