Rare & Deckhands are on Holiday, it is time for us to PARTAY !

  • @erinom3 You've forgotten the precursor of this revolt,
    @DrBullhammer the fierce

    alt text

  • @el-espectro-0
    I would never forget my pugtner in crime @DrBullhammer
    He deserves all the credit for starting the revolt, I am merely his right-paw-pug.


    Oh, and just in-case you were wondering. Clearly, I am the one on the left.

  • @drbullhammer @Erinom3 Truly the bestest dog that day. :')

    Now we must ready...

  • @drbullhammer It's the only gif I could find. lol

  • Party Boat!!

  • Sorry, I am not really a Rare insider. If I do GIFS, I do Star Wars gifs:

  • @Bobbles31 @DrBullhammer
    A mind trick, this is not. Our humble request you must consider.

  • Be there in a minute everyone, have t finish off this sithbear.
    does insane back flip dodge

    @erinom3 alt text

  • @bobbles31 Make an own launcher that has better download servers and send me a copy of the game via Usb stick because my pc likes to crash when it downloads games and all the downloaded files are gone when it crashes. By the way the game need 20 hours to download with my internet speed. Message me if you need the address for the post to send me the usb.

  • @tangenteenzym16
    Mate, why are you reviving a thread that is 2 months old ?

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