[CLOSED] Design an Achievement Contest!

  • Name: Ehh... Gross
    Description: Throw a bucket of vomit on 100 different players

  • Achievement Name: Chances of that!

    Achievement Description: Collide with another player in mid-air after being shot out of a cannon

  • Achievement Name: Explosive Fishing
    Achievement Description: Shoot a shark with one of your ships cannons.
    Suggested Image: A shark looking out of a cannon like your pirate does in the game.

  • Achievement Name: Death from above
    Achievement Description: Kill another player with your sword by jumping from the crow's nest.
    (Optional): You can see a pirate falling down. He puts his sword infront of him to hit the pirate who is standing right below him

    Or change the jumping point to a certain amount of meter or anything like this.

  • Achievement Name:boarding party

    Achievement Description:
    Fire yourself or another pirate on to another ship from a canon

    Suggested Picture: worried pirate in a canon

    • Chest fest
      Sell 10 chests in under 30 seconds.

    • "X" hides the spot
      In a 5 meters radius around a buried chest, dig 10 times without success

    • Flying touch-men
      After both being shot out of a cannon, collide with another player mid-air.

    • A Rare encounter
      Be on board of the same ship as a Rare employee.

    • Parlay
      Spend 30 minutes aboard of an enemy ship without taking any damage.

    • Land-lubber
      Step on board of your ship for the first time.

    • Dying gull
      Sail a ship with at least 20 fixed holes

    • Clutch snatch
      Steal a chest from a 4 man crew while playing solo.

    • Sea monkey
      Eat a banana while under the water.

    • United we sail
      Sink an enemy ship with the help of another enemy ship.

    • Step ahead
      Reach the treasure in 60 seconds after starting the voyage.

    • Scurvyless dog
      Eat 1000 bananas.

    • Easy come, easy go
      Get your treasure stolen in 60 seconds after finding it.

    • Sail against the wind
      Spend 10 minutes sailing your ship without having your sail fully stretched out.

    • Chalice of malice
      Kill a player that's holding a golden goblet.

    • The great naval orchestra
      Play a song in a group of 20.
      (PS: this could even unlock a special song)

    • Legend
      Reach the maximum level with all available trading companies.

    • The Ark
      Capture 2 pigs, 2 snakes and 2 chickens and have them present aboard your ship all at the same time.

  • Achievement Name: Aerial high-five
    Achievement Description: Collide with a player mid air while both being fired from a cannon.
    (Optional): Pirate flying from cannon towards the camera.

  • Achievement Name: Bullseye
    Achievement Description: Shot another pirate from a distance of x meters
    (Optional): pirat aiming at the small boat at the horizon

  • Achievement Name: Stone Cold Sober

    Achievement Description: Play 100hrs in game without drinking grog.

    Suggested Image: Stamped Coin (AA or a No Tankard Symbol)

  • Achievement Name: A nose for treasure
    Achievement Description: Dig up a treasure chest within a minute of first stepping on the island.
    Achievement Image: A pirate on all fours sniffing for treasure

  • Achievement Name: “I am the Music Man”

    Achievement Description: “Play at least one sea shanty on every single island.”

  • Achievement Name: Flying Parrot
    Achievement Description: Fly more than 50(?) meters by using a cannon.
    Achievement Image: Pirate launched from the cannon.

  • Achievement Name: I just came to say you're welcome
    Achievement Description: Sail across the seas with just yourself or no less than 2 others for 10,000 meters without stopping.
    image idea: A wave.

  • @teddy-25 as I mentioned in a previous post

    Oh Balls 10g

    Get killed by a cannon ball

    And a picture of a cannon ball heading to the head of a drinking pirate

  • •Achievement Name: Unman the Ship!

    •Achievement Description: knock two or more pirates off an enemy ship after planting and detonating a Gunpowder Keg.

    Suggested image: Side view of a ship with a huge explosive on the top deck with four pirates flying backwards off into the sea.

  • Achievement Name: '1 in a Billion'
    Achievement Description: Fire yourself out of a cannon into another cannon

  • Achievement Name: Prisoners' Transport
    Achievement Description: Sail your ship while

    • your entire crew is in your prison.
    • or while at least having 2 pirates in your prison
      (Optional): You can see a sailing ship with several arms/hands sticked out of it :D

    (sry for my english. I hope you can see the picture I am painting :D)

  • Achievement: Battle Royale

    Description: Kill 99 enemies without dying.

  • Achievement Name - Cannonbawled or Cannonball or Nothing

    Achievement Description - Using your last held cannonball, directly hit another Pirate on their ship.

    Achievement Picture - Picture of two pirates on the main deck, one firing the cannon and the other holding a cannonball. In the distance, another ship having the cannonball hit on the deck.

  • Achievement Name: The gold race

    Achievement Description: No more than 100 characters – Race to find an island treasure before your crew finish 1 lap of the island on the ship.

    (Optional): could be a pirate ship with a checkered flag on the mast. Art isnt my strong point.

    I think it could be quite challenging given enemies and locating the treasure in the first place

  • Achievement Name Ferry Nuff
    Achievement Description Visit the Ferry of the Damned 100 times
    Optional Dead Pirate / Pirate on ferry

  • Achievement Name: Friendship Knows no Bounds
    Achievement Description: Make a friend from another crew while sailing on the Ferry of the Damned
    (Optional): Pirates dancing, playing instruments and drinking while on the FotD.

  • Achievement Name: Hide & Seek
    Achievement Description: Hide yourself in an enemy ship for x minutes.
    Suggested Image: A pirate hidden in a barrel

  • Achievement Name :What do we do with a...
    Achievement Description : Get drunk in the Crows Nest and fall out of the boat.

    This happened to me during the Alpha and I found it stupidly funny, more should experience. it.

  • Achievement Name: A Pirates Life Will Be

    Achievement Description: Steal a Skull and a Treasure Chest from another player and return them both within a 10 minute period

  • Achievement Name Big Booty
    Achievement Description Find Booty on every island in the game
    Optional Pirate with hoards of booty!

  • @teddy-25
    Achievement name: I feel... cold
    Achievement Description: Betray your shipmates and kill them.
    Suggested Image: A gun pointed at the shipmates?

  • Achievement Name: Blinderbuss

    Achievement Description: Get a kill using a Blunderbuss while your view is restricted by vomit.

    Achievement Image: a pirate with a head covered in the green stuff, cockily blowing away the smoke from the end of his gun.

  • Achievement Name:Shark Bait! Achievement Description:Kill a shark only using a sword.

  • Achievement Name: Whats that noise? CANNON FIRE?
    Achievement Description: Get hit by a posing ship 100 times
    Optional Image: Two ships in battle.

  • @teddy-25 I participate!
    Achievement Name: My booty is better than yours

    Achievement Description: Complete a max level faction quest.

    Achievement Name: Lucky Bill

    Achievement Description: Land on another ship by using the cannon.

    Achievement Name: Captain Blackeye is proud!

    Achievement Description: Discover and deliver a treasure while being drunk.

    Achievement Name: The bigger they are, the harder they fall

    Achievement Description: Destroy a 3 to 4-crew ship with a 1 to 2-crew ship.

    Achievement Name: The Sherlock of the Sea

    Achievement Description: Solve a clue puzzle by just digging at one spot only.

    And here you go guys! Hope you really enjoy my ideas!:)

  • Achievement name: Iv'e got a jar of dirt!!
    Achievement description: Drink your first alcoholic drink.
    Optional: Drinking some drink in a tavern

  • Achievement Name: Bring Home The Bacon
    Achievemant Description: Cage A Pig

  • Achievement Name: “No honor among thieves”

    Achievement Description: Steal another crew’s loot and turn it in for your own!

    Suggested image: A pirate is seen in mid-air, with a crazy smile on his face, after jumping off an enemy ship holding a chest, as the enemy crew looks to be clambering to catch him.

  • Achievement Name: The Gross Pirate LeUpchuck
    Achievement Description: Vomit on 25 different pirates

    Achievement Image: A evil looking pirate with a big billowing beard...of vomit hanging off his face 😝

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