[HELP] Devil's Ridge Riddle Quest

  • Hi there, this morning i joined the game a bit just before the server went down. I had a riddle on DR but i could not find the spot. My game is in Italian, so i will try to translate better i can, hope make sense to someone:

    Go where the stars barely shine, find the explorer crushed by a rock, read this map ecc.

    I know the game pretty well and i was guessing was the one crushed by the trap at the hidden tunnel, but was not that poor guy. So i started to search all the caves and places covered by rock but i could not find the explorer, then the server went down and my search failed 😭😭😭

    Anyone remember where this guy is?

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  • @cr0n0d

    In a cave one must search, to find the explorer crushed in a rocky splurge.

  • @cr0n0d we had problems with that voyage as well. been on that island twice, looked everywhere. never found him. abandoned the quest.

  • Unfortunately, I haven't been to Devil's Ridge yet so I can't help you. Though it could simply be you didn't look in the right places. I have been on many riddle quests where I would stay on the mentioned island for 15 minutes longer than I should have because I was always second guess myself all because I missed the chest by an inch or two. I'm sure you would have found it if the servers didn't shut down though.

  • @capt-player said in [HELP] Devil's Ridge Riddle Quest:


    In a cave one must search, to find the explorer crushed in a rocky splurge.

    He has it right. I will say that this crushed explorer can be hard to see in the sands. Walk slowly with yer lantern high and you will find him.

  • @d-muhny I have seen a couple of them half buried with some small rocks close by, i read the map but did not trigger the riddle 😣

  • @cr0n0d if you want to add me I will help if you see me on

  • There is a hidden cave on that island and in that cave there is a skeleton stuck in the walls, crushed by a boulder. Stand infront of it and start shredding your pirate axe.

  • The skeleton is inside the cave somewhere inside a passage going inside. I don't know specifically where it is on the map, but look for a skeleton that is upright being held up by a post with some rocks supporting him as well. It is near the end of the passage entering a bigger cave. I hope this helps.

  • Here's a picture

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