Complete or Cancel Voyages?,

  • It seems there are three main ways of doing voyages.

    Option 1: Select a voyage, and check it for what kind of loot it offers. For example, 4-5+ chests on a single island for Gold Hoarders. 4 skulls on a island for Order of Souls. or 1-2 gold animals for Merchant Alliance. If the quest has one of these, you go out, collect it and then cancel the voyage to start another looking for the same requirements.

    Option 2: You search for the same criteria as above, but instead of cancelling after collecting the "main haul", you complete the entire voyage.

    Option 3: Complete all voyages, no matter what loot they offer.

    So in terms of Reputation / Experience, what do you feel is the best option? How about in terms of getting the most gold?

    Thanks all!

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  • If youre doing merchant quests then do option 2, if its just oos and gh then best to get as much done faster

  • I've been grinding out Merchant the past couple days. I cancel anything that isn't at least 3 gold animals and collect only the gold animals unless there's multiple gunpowder kegs as they provide a good chunk of reputation. I went from 41 to 46 just yesterday doing this.

  • @awesomechad888 @OdinResurrected so you guys think option 1 would be best for Gold Hoarders and Order of Souls? It seemed to rank up my Merchants really quickly, I’m curious if it would be about the same for the other two.

  • @daddy-sanctus Personally, yes. Once you hit the 40s it seems only the top tier loot is worth the time. That is if you're wanting to grind as fast as you can. Though it can have a downside, I've spent a good 20 minutes server hopping and cancelling voyages because RNGesus wasn't on my side giving good voyages.

  • @daddy-sanctus I'm in no rush for pirate legend or reputation so just do each quest I'm given (doesn't matter if its just a few chickens or chests etc) often on the way I find other stuff like ship wreaks, message in bottles and chests etc on different islands.
    If i'm in a larger crew though I will usually just go with what the crew wants to do.

  • @stacky-a I wouldn’t say I’m rushing to get to pirate legend... but a little faster wouldn’t be bad. I’ve been playing daily for nearly a month now for 4-8 hours a day and I’m at about 30-32 in all my factions. I know that’s just going to get exponentially harder as the levels go, so I wouldn’t mind speeding it up a bit.

  • @daddy-sanctus Yeh I get it, as long as you don't get too bogged down in the grind and still enjoy just playing the game, thats all that matters really :). I'm on about the same levels as well (30, 31, 31) and its slow going from here.

  • Option 1 is the best way for all of them currently, for OoS & GH your ideal is most bosses/x's possible on a tiny island.

    It does feel kind of cheesy though, I'm hoping sometime in the future they add incentives for actually completing whole voyages or scale rewards along with difficulty. Feels a little weird that getting quests on the small islands is more rewarding than going to the big cool well designed islands.

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