Third Person View that is not an Emote?

  • It would be nice to see your weapons and gear in a third person view without having to cheer, point, clap, dance etc....

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  • @deadrekoning excuse for this one. Should be an option.

  • I don't get the point of third person in a game where the combat mechanics are centered around first-person. There are plenty of other games in first-person that don't let you see your cosmetics without taunting.

  • @blam320 not a third person play mode, just a third person view similar to what you get when you emote.

  • I don't really see a need for it, We get to see our gloves that's it lol. We can always emote.

    Plus it makes the best screenshots

    alt text

  • @blam320 I'd love to see a 3rd person mode. I don't think the combat be centered on 1st person, they be simplistic enough that they'd work in 3rd too.

    I actually thought this might address the perceived imbalance between those that play on a PC and those (meself included) on the Box o' X. Mouse n' Keys be a superior way to play a 1st person game, but I think a controller works better when the view be in the 3rd.

  • @awesomecoreusa said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    @blam320 I'd love to see a 3rd person mode. I don't think the combat be centered on 1st person, they be simplistic enough that they'd work in 3rd too.

    I actually thought this might address the perceived imbalance between those that play on a PC and those (meself included) on the Box o' X. Mouse n' Keys be a superior way to play a 1st person game, but I think a controller works better when the view be in the 3rd.

    That's too bad. Third-person as a viable play mode shouldn't be added.

  • @blam320 can ye give a reason why ye feel it should not be added? I explained why I feel it would be of use, I'd be interested in yer counter-point.

  • @awesomecoreusa said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    @blam320 can ye give a reason why ye feel it should not be added? I explained why I feel it would be of use, I'd be interested in yer counter-point.

    Would it be nice, yes. But IMO it would take away from the feeling of being on the ocean. Having to look behind you rather than staying straight and moving the camera. I like the 1st person. The FOV could use some work though.

  • @deadrekoning

    I would dearly love this possibility, or even for the 3rd person camera to be a bit more flexible. I think I spent 10 minutes trying to get it to zoom out far enough to take a screenshot of our crew sat around a campfire, and I still couldn't get all of us in the shot.

  • I just want to be able to see the weapons I've purchased on my character.

  • @blam320 why? Skyrim, minecraft, star wars battle front (I'm positive there are more ) have it to where it gives no advantage it's just a different view. Plus the only thing you can do with gold is buy cosmetics....this should 100% be in the game lol

  • @katttruewalker said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:


    I would dearly love this possibility, or even for the 3rd person camera to be a bit more flexible. I think I spent 10 minutes trying to get it to zoom out far enough to take a screenshot of our crew sat around a campfire, and I still couldn't get all of us in the shot.

    Personally I believe there should be a free roam camera mode, with limited distance of course solely for the purpose of screenshots since SoT ie one of those good screenshot type games.

    But imo allowing a 3rd person game play mode could really change the entire experience of this game. No more watching your back or relying on crew mates to tell you where things are especially behind you. Forcing you into 1st person IMO adds to the immersion. If you take that away not only are you "removing" yourself from your character you are also removing the effect of immersion. But to each there own and I wouldn't vote against it even though I'm not a supporter of it.

    What the game really needs is more emotes, and a brandish emote as well.

  • @rdizz I guess e'eryone has their own preference. For me, viewing in the 3rd doesn't pull me out o' the experience. For some, aye, I can see where it would change things.

    It's not top o' me wish list by any measure. An' I highly doubt we will e'er see it. T'would require a whole new batch o' testing because the game would be changed to a view it was not designed for.

    But this be a forum of discourse, so when I see something I agree or disagree with I will speak me mind.

    A basic 'stand still' emote probably be the best, and simplest, solution. That way ye can rotate around yer pirate without having to go to the point emote. It also adds to an existing mechanic, so I believe (I'm no game designer) t'would be an easier addition that adding a 'view pirate' mode or sometin'

  • @awesomecoreusa said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    @rdizz I guess e'eryone has their own preference. For me, viewing in the 3rd doesn't pull me out o' the experience. For some, aye, I can see where it would change things.

    It's not top o' me wish list by any measure. An' I highly doubt we will e'er see it. T'would require a whole new batch o' testing because the game would be changed to a view it was not designed for.

    But this be a forum of discourse, so when I see something I agree or disagree with I will speak me mind.

    A basic 'stand still' emote probably be the best, and simplest, solution. That way ye can rotate around yer pirate without having to go to the point emote. It also adds to an existing mechanic, so I believe (I'm no game designer) t'would be an easier addition that adding a 'view pirate' mode or sometin'

    Are you ever on your solo sloop and suspect something is behind you? You quickly turn around AND BAM there is a galleon on your stern!!! Remove 1st person and that is lost as you most likely will be able to rotate the camera as you sail forward. Being in 1st person also forces you to engage more with the game that exist around you.

  • Yeah no 3rd person outside of a stationary option. How bout a dressing room option or a mirror in the captains cabin.
    @Rdizz gets it so I'm not needed :p

  • @gloog said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    Yeah no 3rd person outside of a stationary option. How bout a dressing room option or a mirror in the captains cabin

    A mirror would be a nice addition for sure!

    2nd this movement.

  • @rdizz easy, no rotating camera like star was battle front lol. Youll still have to use 1st person for most things like compass and all that. It should just be an option so you can at least see your butt in the fruits of your labor

  • @rdizz Meh, I could live wit' that. Gives console players an edge in that sense. Engage be a relative term, I've played engaging 3rd person games an' I've played unengaging 1st person games. That be on the game, not the view.

    But.... as I said I don't think a 3rd person view will e'er show up.

  • @stubbierbell598 said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    @rdizz easy, no rotating camera like star was battle front lol. Youll still have to use 1st person for most things like compass and all that. It should just be an option so you can at least see your butt in the fruits of your labor

    The thing is people want 3rd person to see their character. This wont work with a fixed camera. Then we have the issue of people tilting up and down and looking behind the ship without having to actually see what's in the water. Not to mention a fixed camera 3rd person is just frustrating as all H E double hockey sticks... fixed camera works with flight not so sure with sailing as you should always be keeping a weather eye....

    I dunno I see pros and cons for both but in my sole opinion I see way more cons and ways to abuse it as well.

  • I tend to agree with @Blam320 that a 3rd Person Play/Combat mode would make the game something it's not.

  • @awesomecoreusa Amen.

  • @stubbierbell598 said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    @rdizz easy, no rotating camera like star was battle front lol. Youll still have to use 1st person for most things like compass and all that. It should just be an option so you can at least see your butt in the fruits of your labor

    You bring up an example that shows how drastic a toggle 3rd person is - PC battlefront and console battlefront are insanely different games because of it. This would do nothing positive for SoT and pc players would gain yet another advantage.

  • @gloog ugh people care WAY to much about some tiny advantage lol. Its a silly pirate game. The PvP isn't ranked or to be taken seriously. Were not playing overwatch lol if I bought a jacket and pants and thats all I can buy... I should be able to see myself kill skellys in my jacket and pants.. not just me new golves and hook.

  • @stubbierbell598 uhh okay ill hotkey it to my mouse while Xbox players fiddle with their 3 keybind options. Your comment speaks volumes on having not played a 3rd/1st person shooter.

    Look at the forums, we don't need more PC advantages.

    Sure, casual game but we are talking about players losing all their work so..

  • @gloog just bind it to d-pad left. I think console players would get an edge in 3rd person, it plays better with thumb-sticks.

    Me thinks t'would be the PC players complaining for once.

  • Well for the record I dont like the idea only because I think it will take away alot of the game itself.

  • @gloog said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    @stubbierbell598 uhh okay ill hotkey it to my mouse while Xbox players fiddle with their 3 keybind options. Your comment speaks volumes on having not played a 3rd/1st person shooter.

    Look at the forums, we don't need more PC advantages.

    If it was a game where having an advantage mattered then I would agree with you lol. Like I said, this is a casual game. No stat page to track K/D, No rankings and sailing away from people is easy. If you wanna hot key me then whatever lol. I rarely even engage in pirate vs pirate pvp. Most people just avoid one another lol

  • @stubbierbell598 lols every other sentence. I don't know what game you're playing or what forums you've been going to. You seem new, but consistency in gameplay and combat is extremely important- far more important than seeing your "butt". The game can be played at whatever intensity the player wants, it's kinda the point.

  • @deadrekoning 3rd person sailing is all they need for me. Just like black flag just not with the cannon options etc. Would be helpful.

  • @gloog said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    @stubbierbell598 lols every other sentence. I don't know what game you're playing or what forums you've been going to. You seem new, but consistency in gameplay and combat is extremely important- far more important than seeing your "butt". The game can be played at whatever intensity the player wants, it's kinda the point.

    I will argue seeing my butt in the pants I spent 13,000 gold on is 100% more important than anything to do with PvP. The point! Of PvP is to steal loot. You sell loot for gold. You spend gold on cosmetics! If this was a hardcore pvp game then why is there no incentive for pvp other than the chance for loot? ... the pvp in this game is like the pvp in minekraft. Can you be some elite pwnzer? Sure....Is that what the games about? Naw..

  • @stubbierbell598 Not everyone treats SoT as a casual game, that's on you. Plenty of people treat this game as being more hardcore than Korean Starcraft, and you can't say they're wrong for doing so.

  • @natsu-v2 said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    @stubbierbell598 Not everyone treats SoT as a casual game, that's on you. Plenty of people treat this game as being more hardcore than Korean Starcraft, and you can't say they're wrong for doing so.

    All i can say is I can't wait for it to land on eSports lol

  • can we set this thread on fire and let it sink? It appears to have gotten a touch off topic.

  • @awesomecoreusa said in Third Person View that is not an Emote?:

    can we set this thread on fire and let it sink? It appears to have gotten a touch off topic.

    Man overboard.

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