Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd

  • Sea of Thieves cosmetics removal – May 22nd

    As some of you may have already heard through our latest Developer Update, we’ll be removing some of the newly added in-game cosmetics that players felt weren’t visually distinct enough. These cosmetics will be leaving the Sea of Thieves on May 22nd and are as follows:


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Grand Admiral Figurehead
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Figurehead


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Grand Admiral Cutlass
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass

    After this date they will no longer be available for purchase, but if you have bought them they’re yours to keep! Additionally, Castaway Bilge Rat weapons and ship liveries will be lowered in price. Anyone who purchased items within this set pre-price adjustment will have the difference reimbursed.

    We’ll also be introducing new, more varied cosmetics to the game within the coming few weeks so keep your eyes peeled and your coffers primed for the next drop!

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  • @opticalmatrix said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Sea of Thieves cosmetics removal – May 22nd

    As some of you may have already heard through our latest Developer Update, we’ll be removing some of the newly added in-game cosmetics that players felt weren’t visually distinct enough. These cosmetics will be leaving the Sea of Thieves on May 22nd and are as follows:


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Figurehead
    • Grand Admiral Figurehead
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Figurehead


    • Scurvy Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Castaway Bilge Rat Cutlass
    • Grand Admiral Cutlass
    • Ruffian Sea Dog Cutlass

    After this date they will no longer be available for purchase, but if you have bought them they’re yours to keep! Additionally, Castaway Bilge Rat weapons and ship liveries will be lowered in price. Anyone who purchased items within this set pre-price adjustment will have the difference reimbursed.

    We’ll also be introducing new, more varied cosmetics to the game within the coming few weeks so keep your eyes peeled and your coffers primed for the next drop!

    they can reimburse us gold spent for items......but they cant give us our day 1 eyepatch back for those of us who didn't like our char's looks so we made a new one. Pathetic Rare, Love the Potential of the game but I can honestly say I LOATHE Rare as a company and game provider. p**s poor programmers. AWESOME marketing team though.

  • @noruas
    If you are so against this game and the great devs that made it, honest question. Why are you here?
    alt text

  • Plesae allow us to change the color scheme on models, instead of reskins. That would improve it a lot in my opinion, and add more variety. See my post about it Here!

  • Bad idea. Color variety in each item should have always been a given, it's charging twice as much for an item that looks almost exactly the same as a cheaper version that people had a problem with (good on you for adjusting that by the way). By taking these specific ones away you're just making them suddenly limited-time exclusives. Just equalize the prices and I don't think people would have an issue.

  • @ve111a said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    If you are so against this game and the great devs that made it, honest question. Why are you here?
    alt text

    search some of my 300+ odd posts if you really want my answer.

  • Cosmetics were handled and are still being handled like trash. Their decisions are so arbitrary and random.

    1. Remove cosmetics because RARE wasnt prepared, with clearly no cosmetics path design.

    2. Launch game with no cosmetics.

    3. Recolor cosmetics to make it seem like you have more

    4. Split up black dog set into several promotions when they were clearly designed at once

    5. No account wide cosmetics for players

    6. Awful purchase page with equally awful preview.

    7. No favorite settings?? I can't make a set piece of favorite clothings?

    A game designed for cosmetics with no cosmetic variety is the one thing I'll never understand.

    How about instead of removing them you put them behind that cosmetic piece? As in, the player clicks the sword he wants, it opens the different colored skins of that sword and you pick what color you want.

    Come on RARE, what are you doing?

  • I don't really understand the reason for removing them. If people think it's not worth their gold ,since they look the same, then they can simply NOT buy them...

    I mean, the epic versions of all weapons and figureheads look the same as well, just with different colors. Removing stuff is not the answer. Keep it and add more.

  • Oh my, it seems like its been ages since we have seen anything from @OpticalMatrix.

    Just wanted to say,

  • @irish9399 said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Bad idea. Color variety in each item should have always been a given, it's charging twice as much for an item that looks almost exactly the same as a cheaper version that people had a problem with (good on you for adjusting that by the way). By taking these specific ones away you're just making them suddenly limited-time exclusives. Just equalize the prices and I don't think people would have an issue.

    Agreed, I bought the cheapest visual upgrades and have no motivation to spend on unperceivable differences at sea! Saving my gold for the PL skins and such

  • Really upset regarding this decision to be honest. So far every set that has appeared in the game as gold-purchasable sets has an item for EVERY part of your pirate. I think it's pointless to take away items simply for the sake of it. Just leave them in the game and going forward create new/interesting items that won't be classed as 'too similar'.

  • @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @ve111a said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    If you are so against this game and the great devs that made it, honest question. Why are you here?
    alt text

    search some of my 300+ odd posts if you really want my answer.

    you mean the ones where you say you are here to troll because that's more fun to you then the game? I don't have enough cheese for all that whine.

  • @opticalmatrix I've gotta say this really makes absolutely no sense to me. If anything I'd say just leave them and add more. We currently have a game where cosmetics are everything, and we don't have too many to begin with. Now you're going to remove some because they look similar? I feel like the extremely obvious way to go here is to simply tone to prices down on reskins to match the original and add some new skins instead. I'm not saying we need them NOW, but when you have more ready. If people don't like these reskins then they can just not buy them. This just seems kind of out of nowhere and not very well thought out.

  • I fall in the camp of this being a poor decision. The better solution, as was pointed out above in this thread, would be to place recolors behind the base item so you pick the item, then the coloring of it. No need to remove them. These variations in coloring still provide us more unique pirates, they just shouldn't be their own items since they are just directly color changes. You could even have a function to charge to recolor an existing item for a cost that is less than flat out purchasing the item the first time - new gold sink for people.

    Hope they change their position on this and go the better route.

  • I had my hope up the Scurvy Bilge Rat ship set gets reduced in price as well. Oh well.D;

    But I agree: reskins aren't a bad thing and removing them until reworked isn't a good solution.

  • @gloog
    Even though i don't agree with your opinion at all, you do have some good ideas.. Favourite settings and different colored skins should exist.

    We need to have more options (like colours) to everything we have, we need to be different than the rest to "become famous"! It's really annoying that all you see, at the moment, looks like 4 pirates over and over again.

    I hate the idea @Irish9399 mentioned earlier, that those things will actually become limited-time exclusives this way... Maybe after buying anything, you could spent 1/10 of the item's price to get a second colour as well.

  • @ve111a said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @ve111a said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    If you are so against this game and the great devs that made it, honest question. Why are you here?
    alt text

    search some of my 300+ odd posts if you really want my answer.

    you mean the ones where you say you are here to troll because that's more fun to you then the game? I don't have enough cheese for all that whine.

    search more. I only said that in one of my posts.

  • This thread is a little harsh but I kinda have to agree.

    I'd rather see favourite sets, better management of items in shops (filters, push bought items to the back of the list), and leave the existing cosmetics in place. So they're all broadly the same? So what? Just keep adding more. Loads more. Let the little differences stand. (but also add lots of wildly different stuff).

    And while we're here - please please please more trouser colour variation (which aren't the useless one legged ones).

  • @lord-of-goats cosmetics are the only thing I'm harsh on about this game. Mostly because the variety is a joke and the amount is pathetic.

  • @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @ve111a said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @ve111a said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    If you are so against this game and the great devs that made it, honest question. Why are you here?
    alt text

    search some of my 300+ odd posts if you really want my answer.

    you mean the ones where you say you are here to troll because that's more fun to you then the game? I don't have enough cheese for all that whine.

    search more. I only said that in one of my posts.

    That's all you need.

  • @ve111a said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @ve111a said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @noruas said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    @ve111a said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    If you are so against this game and the great devs that made it, honest question. Why are you here?
    alt text

    search some of my 300+ odd posts if you really want my answer.

    you mean the ones where you say you are here to troll because that's more fun to you then the game? I don't have enough cheese for all that whine.

    search more. I only said that in one of my posts.

    That's all you need.

    good. then you can leave me alone now. forget I exist. cause whether u like it or not, im not done on the forums yet. and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

  • @noruas
    alt text

  • @opticalmatrix

    This is a welcome update. Thank you for addressing that this lack of visual distinction between cosmetics.

    However, I also agree with other users who have stated that the real issue is the fact that the UI/UX in shops is really poor. Color selection should simply be another tier of customization.

  • And thus begins the mad scramble to buy these items before they disappear forever.
    Spent 50k on swords tonight; only 360k left to farm in 11 days for the remaining items!

  • after it was added, people were complaining that they don't like it and it's pointless to have these almost identical things.

    Rare decides to remove them based on this. And now everyone's like:

    alt text

  • @gloog said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    Cosmetics were handled and are still being handled like trash. Their decisions are so arbitrary and random.

    1. Remove cosmetics because RARE wasnt prepared, with clearly no cosmetics path design.

    2. Launch game with no cosmetics.

    3. Recolor cosmetics to make it seem like you have more

    4. Split up black dog set into several promotions when they were clearly designed at once

    5. No account wide cosmetics for players

    6. Awful purchase page with equally awful preview.

    7. No favorite settings?? I can't make a set piece of favorite clothings?

    A game designed for cosmetics with no cosmetic variety is the one thing I'll never understand.

    How about instead of removing them you put them behind that cosmetic piece? As in, the player clicks the sword he wants, it opens the different colored skins of that sword and you pick what color you want.

    Come on RARE, what are you doing?

    Rare, hire this guy.

  • @sir-lotus But I didn't complain. Ever. This is the FIRST thing that I have had an issue with so far in Sea Of Thieves.

  • @ellundel-psn it wasn't directed at you. It was just to lighten up the mood and meant more generaly. Sorry for the missunderstanding.

  • @opticalmatrix Could you make all these items one gold seeing as they are to removed and will technically be considered exclusive/one time only content much like the day one eye patch and the eye of reach

  • @sir-lotus said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    after it was added, people were complaining that they don't like it and it's pointless to have these almost identical things.

    Rare decides to remove them based on this. And now everyone's like:

    People were complaining due to the combination of no cosmetics and reskins being pushed as their own type of cosmetic.

    Why the solution is removing them is beyond my understanding - a simple 'hey, we won't push reskins anymore for the time being' would've worked.

  • @sir-lotus Fair enough.
    But the thing is: I think at this stage its completely pointless to remove the items from the game.
    People complaining that "the items being released are to similar to the old ones" are absolutely and completely entitled to that opinion and I honestly even agree with them!
    The items listed above ARE to similar to one another - Because they just recolours!
    But I don't think REMOVING them is the answer.
    They are in the game now. They have been designed, coded, implemented and patched into the game - Just LEAVE them alone.
    The fact that people complained shouldn't translate to mean "ok sorry we will take them away again".
    It should be "message received, in future we will make more distinguished items/designs from previous ones".

  • @gloog Exactly!

  • @alphacenturion2 I agree with this (sort of).
    Perhaps not 1g, but give people a fighting chance to obtain them before they go.

  • This removal of the items make owning them very pun intended. Now I want them more ;D

  • @gloog said in Sea of Thieves Cosmetics Removal - May 22nd:

    1. Split up black dog set into several promotions when they were clearly designed at once

    So glad someone else noticed this. It's the first thing I noticed after a fellow Pirate showed me their Chips Ahoy equipment. I've mentioned it to a few players and nobody agreed with me.

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