Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.8

  • Patch Notes - 1.1.8

    Ahoy pirates!

    The Sunken Curse Bilge Rat Adventure has ended, and the Sea of Thieves faces an unusual calm. Rumours abound of a new threat on the horizon, making the shopkeepers of the Sea of Thieves nervous. Word in the taverns is that shops across the Outposts will soon be lowering their prices to encourage sales, so clever pirates may wish to save their coins…

    Patch 1.1.8 also brings with it key performance improvements, crash fixes and additional fixes for other known issues.


    • Great Water - Improved lighting, reflection and movement of water within the ship.
    • UI Update - Ampersands have been updated to be more visible on loading screens and in UI header fonts.

    Performance Improvements

    • Sinking items now despawn at the lowest depths the player can swim to, instead of sinking beyond. This improves overall game performance.
    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.
      Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Fixed Issues

    • The Executive Admiral Jacket no longer clips on muscular body types.
    • Flags no longer become detached from flag poles when sailing.
    • Players no longer clip out of the Sloop when interacting with Banana/Food Barrel.
    • Screen stutter has been reduced whilst sprinting and aiming down sights.
    • Players who earned but did not receive items during The Hungering Deep will receive these upon next login.

    Known Issues

    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
    • Some players may continue to hear muffled sound after being fired from a cannon.
      We have reports that being fired out of a cannon again clears the muffled sound.
    • The UI and pirates in the 'Select Your Pirate' carousel may not be visible for some players.
      We have reports that the UI and pirates become visible after a few minutes.
    • Some Skeleton Thrones Titles were not correctly awarded to players who completed the required Commendations.

    Download size:

    Xbox One: 1.36GB
    Xbox One X: 1.36GB
    Windows 10: 965MB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Looking For Crew?

    alt text

    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

  • 103
    조회 수
  • Word in the taverns is that shops across the Outposts will soon be lowering their prices to encourage sales, so clever pirates may wish to save their coins…

    Oooh that sounds nice, soon will probably be next week then :)
    Good to know, I'll keep the coins in my pocket!

  • I have a strong feeling that the developers originally planned on releasing the Cursed Sails this week, since this patch isn't bringing much stuff in...

  • The Executive Admiral Jacket no longer clips on muscular body types.

    No more pretending to be Schwarzenegger Twins?

  • @personalc0ffee Good thing too cuz the water in this game looks absolutely terrible :) /sarcasm

  • Oooooh very nice very nice
    Question tho .... will there be the skellie poles on the outposts that was shown in the trailer or is that actually part of the DLC

  • Sigh still no cannon fix ftl.

  • @treefittymonsta THAT! -.-

  • Come on @khaleesibot give us a #SeaofTease! We're dying over here!

  • @handsh0t said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.8:

    @treefittymonsta THAT! -.-



  • You know the drill, players spawning in the brig is not in the known issues, therefore I'm here to point out that it should be.

  • Even better water? 😍 looking forward to seeing the improved visuals when taking on water!
    Well played Rare, another solid patch that’s appreciated. All the best for next week.

    UPDATE: the water that fills our ship does indeed look incredible. Reflections, glistens and rocks around in the ship in a more realistic manner. Bravo Rare. That’s a pleasant surprise in the update!

    Holy cow! Wait until you see Wanda in golden sands weapon shop... and look who’s sitting on top...

  • @khaleesibot I shall raise a ticket if needed but I don't see the text below the loading screen pics.

  • When this game first come out you focused on making the game stable and banging out fixes......what happened to that Rare, made me proud to play a game by someone who you're just mucking about I swear

  • That cannon sound bug is still in the game? Disappointed, because man that is annoying :(

  • Duke is gone?! So now we cant so anything with our dubs?

  • I think this issue started with Sunken Curse week 1’s patch, and i’m not sure whether this is a Rare or microsoft side issue but it’s still continuing up to this patch, in my house me and my bro have 2 X1’s and game share Sea of Thieves and one of us updates the game then we copy it between consoles via external devices to save bandwidth, currently Sea of Thieves is the only game I can’t copy between storage, I can click copy across but nothing then happens, on top of that this new update glitched my game out in the occasional “you need to finish updating, or reinstall” even after i’d finished updating, so I need to reinstall both of our games, again I don’t know if this is a problem with microsoft and not rare since it’s mainly issues with managing and updating and it’s not actually in-game problems, but I only seem to have these issues with Sea of Thieves, and fairly frequently too, sorry if this is in the wrong category if it is do point me to the right one lol thanks

  • @urihamrayne said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.8:

    You know the drill, players spawning in the brig is not in the known issues, therefore I'm here to point out that it should be.

    Happens when you join and get lazybeard while joining, then rejoin and you're in brig :)

  • @mentimjojo y, i just started the game and was wondering where he went to.... I hope he will return cuz i saved all my coins

  • @mighty-ace123 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.8:

    That cannon sound bug is still in the game? Disappointed, because man that is annoying :(

    I think the 'fix' for that is not shooting out the second you went in. Just wait 1 second before hitting the shoot button, then it shouldn't happen. To me it looks like a piece of code couldn't finish before you hit shoot (out of the cannon).

  • @mighty-ace123

    I've noticed hopping back in the cannon and then out again fixes the problem for me.

  • @handsh0t sadly hasn't made a difference how long I wait. When you shoot off it's not always possible to return to a cannon right away.
    So you spend minutes running around as if you've put your head in a bucket...

  • Two days ago I just finished buying everything in game, and now you're lowering prices?!...

  • @reedski Dude don't be salty.

  • is anyone else having an issue with hearing other players in game, enemy crews and my own crew?

  • @khaleesibot So when are we getting that delicious Cursed Sails page on the website that tells us all of the changes that are coming? :)

    We had one for Hungering Deep and we are only 5 days away now :D

  • @xcalypt0x it's up on

  • Anyone else getting LavenderBeard ?

  • Muffled Cannons- Climbing in and climbing right back out usually fixes it. No need to go flying across butt muncher infested waters or smashing into a cliff unless of course you like getting bit and smashing into cliffs?😀

  • @reedski Where does it say they lowered prices?

  • I just want a banjo please. I don't care when I just want it to happen. Otherwise I'm perfectly content with the current standing.

  • @mentimjojo Ahoy matey!

    For the moment no... the Bilge Rat Adventure is currently over and Duke will return again during the cursed sails event where you will find more stuff to get your hands on!

  • Known Issues
    -Inclined characters that bothers you while walking.

  • @reedski want some chips with that salt?

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