Bravo gally!!

  • So slooping merchants with my husband to get his 30 commendations done....gally asked to steal our boat we said no thanks. He told them no we were doing merchants. They for some reason thought if they killed us they could steal our boat. That's not how it works. Anyways fast forward 45 minutes we complete the merchant. Great. Hree's the gally again claiming we brought it upon ourselves we fired first. Then they claim to have fired a "warning shot" First. Ok whatever we sell our 2 full cannon ball crates. We scuttle because our supplies are basically gone and we have an empty banana crate and an artifact. They didn't even pick those out the water. They invite my husband to a party. They said just give us your ship. He told them no multiple times. They claimed that he never answered them. He left the party. The girl [Mod Edited] (or something like that...horrible at pvp) was the gamertag. Claimed she can still hear us. We go into a party. She can still hear us. Figured out she was trolling my twitch stream the find us on the map. Ended twitch stream. Bravo. You didn't get our loot or animals and most important ....our boat!! Thanks for keeping us on our toes!!!!

  • 21
    조회 수
  • Need an alliance limit to stop the ambitious from trying to get fleet servers.

  • @stundorn People asking for ships was a thing before the Alliances, tweaking the alliance system will not make any difference to people trying to take over a server with there friends.

    Maybe the loot side but to be honest I don’t think it would.

  • @xxxo-star-oxxx if that is their Gamertag, you be best to remove it before the @Deckhands so as it is not allowed on the forums.

    If you wished to though, you could send a support ticket and report them if you believed them to be toxic and/or cheating.

    Send a ticket from here: and wait for a minute for it to load properly, there should be a drop-down menu where you can select the appropriate category. Provide as much relevant information as possible (including screenshots/recording and Gamertags if you have them)

  • Nice tale.

  • @stundorn said in Bravo gally!!:

    Need an alliance limit to stop the ambitious from trying to get fleet servers.


  • @triheadedmonkey said in Bravo gally!!:

    @xxxo-star-oxxx if that is their Gamertag, you be best to remove it before the @Deckhands so as it is not allowed on the forums.

    If you wished to though, you could send a support ticket and report them if you believed them to be toxic and/or cheating.

    Send a ticket from here: and wait for a minute for it to load properly, there should be a drop-down menu where you can select the appropriate category. Provide as much relevant information as possible (including screenshots/recording and Gamertags if you have them)

    Sounds like a really lame reason to try to get someone banned Mod edited]

  • @xxxo-star-oxxx Normally when people start doing that to me. I add a delay to the stream and just write down where I am going!! I am glad that they paid for their ignorance, and congratulations on your merchants.

  • @kzoo-kid Yea, if you choose to stream you kinda have to deal with the consequences. I agree with you on this!

  • @kzoo-kid
    alt text

    Rules are rules. feel free to read them yourself here:

    alt text
    ^this one too

  • @triheadedmonkey said in Bravo gally!!:

    alt text

    Rules are rules. feel free to read them yourself here:

    alt text
    ^this one too

    Rules are rules, indeed. It seems like you are trying to fit the most loose definition of toxic possible in order to ban people who's actions sounded extremely benign.

    I'm not disagreeing with any of the rules nor am I suggesting that people be allowed to break the rules, but it seems to me like you are inclined to report people who don't really deserve it.

  • @kzoo-kid I don't make the rules, they are the rules of the forum agreed to by all who use the forums.

    I am not trying to get anyone banned. I have no say and no ability to ban anyone.

    That said, some posts don't conform to the rules, which is why I mentioned it.

  • @triheadedmonkey Let's be clear: I'm not referring to the naming and shaming part. I don't think OP was intending to break rules and IMO they don't deserve any disciplinarian action for this "name and shame", but I also think think you were right to remind of the rules and kindly suggest the removal. I can understand how this wasn't clear from my previous posts.

    I'm just referring to your suggestion of reporting for toxicity, which I feel was misplaced.

  • @kzoo-kid If the OP believes that the other person was toxic, the best thing to do is inform Rare and let them investigate. They have a lot more data to go on and have the ultimate say of what is and what isn't 'toxic'.

  • @triheadedmonkey right, but OP never called them toxic and the post didn't portray toxicity so I think it was an inappropriate time to insert a reminder of the ability to report players for toxicity, which makes you look like a nark who has a trigger happy report finger.

  • @kzoo-kid The post seemed negative and used the word 'trolling'. It also included a name/Gamertag (which isn't allowed) so I merely pointed out the option of reporting via support ticket.

    You are free to feel however you like about me, but would also like to point out that name calling is also not allowed.

    EDIT: The words Toxic and Cheating were taken from the categories for Support Tickets

    alt text

  • @triheadedmonkey cheers mate, just FYI nark isn't name calling it's a description (a police informant).

  • @kzoo-kid with negative/derogatory connotations. :)

  • @triheadedmonkey you can interpret it that way if you wish, but it is just a word with meaning. It would be silly and redundant for me to say "you look like someone who is looking out for people to report" instead of substituting that entire description for one word that means literally the same thing.

  • @xxxo-star-oxxx @Kzoo-Kid

    Ahoy there.

    @triheadedmonkey is correct.

    Naming and shaming is prohibited on the forums as per the forum rules.

    As a result I've edited your post to remove the gamertag.

    Witch-hunting and Call-Outs
    Posting gamertags or screenshots of conversations in order to name and shame community members is not allowed on the Forums. If you believe a post or thread violates community standards, please flag it for moderation.

    If you believe a player has been toxic in the game, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket to Rare Player Support.

    Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    I'll also close this thread down now.

  • @Kzoo-Kid Please refrain from calling others names, as it is a violation of our forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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