Share your best Forsaken Shores tips!

  • Yarr everyone!

    Me and my friends have been exploring the Devil's Roar for a few days now, but are still having some difficulties. For instance, we feel like there's almost never a safe spot to park our ship, because there are so many volcanoes. Once we are far enough from volcano A, we'll be too close to volcano B. Also, the rowboat gets destroyed so easily, and then we're just stranded on this hellish island... So! I wanted to ask the community what their best tips and tricks are for this region! Hoping I can learn a thing or two!

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  • @princes-lettuce Definitely stock up on tons of planks and bananas before going in. You will go through planks so quickly! If you are sailing by a volcano, be sure to have at least one crew member below deck for repairs and staying alive from falling rock. Never anchor at an island and always have your ship pointed away from the island for a quick getaway. Constantly watch the volcano on the island. As soon as you see dark smoke billowing out get out of there! As for safe spot...hmm...just open water? Haha! Yeah, we usually just sail away from the island we need to get to and head for it as soon as the smoke stops.

  • My crew and I keep a look-out that gathers loot we find on the island into the rowboat and is tasked with keeping track of island events. He is our enemy ship and black cloud spotter so we know immediately when to get off the island. We also never send everyone onto an island, max 2. That way we have one ready to leave until we all mermaid back onto the ship, and we have one in the rowboat as a secondary exit and to get our loot out of reach.

    Another tip is really not "Sea of Friends," but hanging out in ambush near Morrow's Peak is a very effective way to get loot. A lot of people are so concerned over the volcano meteor spam that they forget other players can still rob them lol. It is the Sea of "Thieves" for a reason.

    Ending tip: Use the geysers as traps for Order of Skulls missions. Absolutely Hilarious and such awesome karma delivered to the Skellys.

  • Also, as an add-on to my last post. You actually have to park your ship farther away then you may think to stay out of volcano reach. Makes keeping someone on the ship a priority. The rowboat moves quick enough in a straight line you can avoid a lot of the rocks, but they can be parked close to rock faces or inlets that are protected enough as to not get destroyed. All in all, the galleon does a lot better when facing bow onto the island and the 2 decks make lethal hits less likely!

    Hope all my rambling has helped and have fun!

  • Tip: SeaStack Shelter
    Most Sea stacks in the Devil’s Roar are outside the rang of the volcanoes. You can also use them to cross reference the map to get an idea of their range on the map.

    Tip: Geyser hopping
    Near a cliff or high ground but don’t want to go around? Then try using geysers to hoist yourself up.

    Tip: Prepacked Survival Kit
    Launch merchant quests until you get a banana crate. Load it up and place it in safe zones (caves) on the volcanic islands. It’ll make the mad dash for bananas much easier knowing there are some guaranteed ones stowed away.

    Tip: Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend
    We’re all desperate to survive out in the Devil’s Roar, helping another ship or crew survive an eruption can gain you a powerful ally. In addition they could give you a ride in their rowboat.

  • Great tips, thanks!

    As for camping at the outpost: I'm not a fan, but that's just my opinion. A galleon was doing this to us yesterday. They kept killing us as we tried to do some shopping. So we raised their anchor and sailed their ship into a volcano. Good times. :)

  • Geysers don’t spawn on rocks and grass, stick to those surfaces when possible and you’ll rarely be shot up into the air

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