VIT Talks 2018: Sea of Thieves: creating a new type of multiplayer game - Joe Neate

  • Joe Neate, Executive producer at Rare, talks about Sea of Thieves.

    Players Creating Stories Together

    Passionate about multiplayer but keen to bring positive online experiences and create something unique.

    This talk takes players through that journey.

    Wonderful, wonderful talk.

  • 14
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  • @katttruewalker I love Joe's current smart-casual dress sense!
    Suit jacket with a Sea of Thieves T (standard)!
    I would also guess jeans and some trainers?!

  • @sshteeve

    Aye, not just the "talent".
    But a snappy dresser to boot!!
    This could work too...
    alt text

  • @piratecraggy I'm sure Joe will have rocked one or two of these!

  • Great video, and great to see the actual vision of the game from the developers point of view rather than what everyone else asserts it was. Specifically Joe spent a fair amount of time saying they didn't want a game where people just went in and went around killing everyone. Making it clear that they were more interested in positive player interaction over just log in and kill each other.

  • I also love that he spent time talking about making the game so that families can play together, and that Rare wants families to play together. Another debunk for those that complain about kids playing the game.

  • Nice talk! :) Joe is such a "loveable" person :)
    I often think that the communication can be improved.. But when Joe gives an update in one of the developer video's, i always think "Awh, why didn't you tell me that! It's ok buddy!" :p

    Anyone else noticed the list item out of alignment in de video @23:09? :p

  • @katttruewalker
    Joe Neate... Three Sheet Neate...
    How did I not understand this until now?

  • Thank you Mrs Truewalker for once again finding this great video. Don't know how you do this everytime but i'm very glad you still do this...
    This video shares a great deal on how SOT came to be and the way it , apparantly , needed to presented before the Big Chiefs of Xbox , reminds me a bit on how Mr Jackson had to find sponsors for his vision of the Lord of the Rings...And we all know what a succes that became...

    But games are different , games come from decades in wich things kept simple...Put the player towards a Big Evil doer and throw them all kinds of obstacles on the way, AI enemies and enviroments with all kinds of obstacles...A formula that still stands in many Single Player games of today...

    Multiplayer quickly turned out to be the best of the rest...Racers , shooters , sportgames ...all aim to crown the best but forget the rest...Luckely Co-op games came along where two and sometimes even four Friends or people that worked together towards a common goal came forward too...Personally , i find these games the best because a mixture of Talents and Flaws can be molded in a solid crew that tackles the game's story or other game options...

    But Rare is unique in it's philosophy and have for me changed my life a lot...i have Friends, unfortunately far away Friends, but still new Friends , because Rare created a game that "pulls " on it's players...

    It's cartoony, but oh sooo detailed characters ,it's ships, skies , islands , tunnels and so on that doesn't have that inborn threat that seems to be standard in every game nowadays graphics , give an entrance to every kind of gamer , Young ,Old , Male or Female , everyone finds something that attracts them to this first sight. But when you dive into this game so much more opens for you ...For some it takes time and others are immidiate victim to it's Magic that pulls you into this game and like a Real Kraken never releases you...
    Our Community , already three years ago started small with a lot of Rare fans or fans that came from the online game Pirates of the Carrebean that suddenly came to a halt...We grew and every person was welcomed ,today this Community has bursted out of it's boundaries but people still get welcomed and the negativity by the release has been layed down to little fires that quickly become put out with reasoning , mostly...
    We are growing along a game that doesn't stop growing ...i don't know one game that alters and enrich their game without having asked one cent extra , yet...

    Oh, and i found one rule of that Rules of Engagement parchment very important. " The experienced Pirate needs to help the new Pirate "...That may sound like a chore to some but believe me , there is nothing as rewarding to leave a Pirate behind that has absorbed a lot of tips and tricks and therefor has become a Pirate that can withstand the world and it's players better than when they are thrown alone in this game, unaware of what SOT really is...

    And one more thing to Mr Joe...Mr Joe, you and the whole of Rare has Gold in their hands. Not only in financial value but this game ,wich hopefully last for many years , had the potential to bring whole families together , bring Friends from all corners of the world together , and is simply a game that radiates love and absorbs our love for this game so...Why so nervous ? This game is loved and appreciated by many ...Don't be nervous, just be proud on what 200 people have made with Passion, Dedivation and an unseen tenacity to make SOT work...We love this game , the Friends it has given and will give us and yep...Many of us love Rare too and i'm not ashamed nor nervous to admit that....

  • This was a great watch, thanks for sharing.

  • @katttruewalker aye this HAS been a good year

  • @clumsy-george aye yes I doff my bilge rat hat and cheers drinks grog hic

  • Neate's talk on being open and transparent with players is quite refreshing.
    Most developers never communicate with their player bases.

  • After all these years, they finally made the game I always wanted! Thank you so much for this Rare. What a vission what a unique and daring concept what a brilliant team. Sometimes I can't believe they made all I have ever thought off and dreamed off and what I missed in other games and made it come true.

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