Sea of Thieves: Black Isle

  • Its been a while since ive been on here, life is a curse. No pun intended, though lastnight I had an idea. I loved the Devils Roar and I've often hoped of seeing new AI threats and regions to explore implemented in newer updates. From the depths of my mind, I present: SoT Black Isle

    Sea of Thieves: Black Isle - This would ultimately introduce new structure to the Athenas quest line for players. Located north of the Devils Shroud, a dangerous plot of water spells out looming death for anyone that crosses into the region of ''Black Isle'' This region is utterly void of light and like the Devils roar, hardly anything living calls it home. And anything that was living, is long dead. It's a calm, black watered area shrouded in darkness, shipwrecks and small islands. Black Isle's back story is rather tragic, a mighty battle ensued upon it's once blue waters but there was no victory, for the war was never finished by it's oponents. Instead, something deathly rose from the depths, something so sinister that not even Duke or any other Bilgerat and sea sick pirate; would dare utter the words, ''Black Isle''

    Only described by pirates whove survived it as a wall of whispy black mist that emerges from the water, dragging a ship and crew down to it's birthen abyss. Whispy tendrils sweep you clean off the deck and into the darkness with no chance of survival.

    THE STORY: As a player, you spawn in and speak to duke of whom is sitting at a table looking rather worried. You ask him what has him of all pirates, spooked. He vaguely explains the mysterious disappearance of ships along with the disappearance of one of his mates and crew, out seeking adventure in a long forgotten region of the sea of thieves, ''Black Isle''. He tells you to go and speak with a stranger named ''Grog eyed Gregg'' of whom is located somewhere in the Devils Roar, he has more details on the matter and youre tasked with finding him. You'll need to ask around the tavern and you eventually end up going down the chain, ear to ear and are told to look about on Flintlock Peninsula. From there, you'll find Gregg camping out at flintlock peninsula on the eastern coast.
    Upon addressing him he tells you about how he was part of the infamous battle of Black Isle and had managed to escape with his life on a piece of drift wood with his trusty lantern. He then begins to tell you about the Black Mist, rising out of the water and laying waste to not only his ship but as well as the other ensuing ships. He explains how it took out the ships' lanterns as it attacked, ailing itself more powerful and leaving the crews blind, anyone smart enough with a lantern might have survived. He was the only one to have survived. He then tells of how he heard tales of a great evil that infected the once shimmering waters of Black Isle, know one knew where the black mist came from but it was deadly and was a plague upon the waters. Tavern talers say it was Athena's arch nemesis, come to this world to seek the artifact that banished it many oceans of time ago. Now it's come back for revenge and Athena wasn't here to stop it.

    When you ask him what the battle was about, and what artifact of value, he tells you it was simply over a torch. Though it wasn't just any torch, it was THE Torch, ''Athena's Torch'' wielded by the Goddess herself. This torch had the power to tame pure darkness, it could kill shadow skeletons in an instant and emitted an ethreal flame that could be seen for miles. And above all, it could banish The Black Mist back to the pitch depths of Black Isle once and for all. The battle was for posession of a map that had washed ashore on Shipwreck Bay. It foretold of the torches location.
    He then proceeds to tell you that theres just one small problem, he doesn't have the map, well all of it that it is. After he escaped with the map, he ripped it apart into 7 pieces and hid them on each island. He tells of how he managed to thwart off the Mist with his lantern and hid the pieces among the islands in Black Isle, where the mist nor any other fool would find them, not even himself! He gives the map piece he's treasured away and tells you to find it and put an end to what they started. So now its up to you to figure out where they are on the islands with your first given clue, you'll start near the heart of the battle, Deadmens' Rest.

    Theres a total of 7 map pieces but only 6 islands, and searching for them is not easy, not only are shadow skeletons everywhere like flies on rotting flesh, but the black mist is the boss that keeps coming back for more. Your lantern is going to be your best friend as it'll ward off the mist from killing you and will of course keep the shadow skeletons at bay.

    The six islands:
    Karven Cove
    Blackthroat Trove
    Dusk Island
    Poison Peak
    Gloomfell Isle
    Deadmans' Rest

    The battle of Black Isle took place between Deadmans Rest and Karven Cove, just south of Gloomfell Isle. The islands are a puzzle in themselves for each island holds a map piece riddling where the next piece is located along with a drawing piece on the flipside. The islands are patterned to actually create a symbol, that symbol just happens to be the Athenas mark. Once put together the map shows the symbol of Athena marked with an X in the middle that tells of a 7th hidden island in the middle that doest show up on the map and isn't surfaced for easy access.
    The island is actually underwater, players must then muster up the courage and bananas to hold their breath and find the underwater island. A new AI threat, ''shadow sharks'' will ultimately be a sour demise and reminder to players that no where is safe. These skeletal sharks are no different than the shadow skeletons and can only be repelled and killed by a lantern's lights. Be mindful though, you only have so much breath, bananas, ammo and time; before you die trying to find the cave entrance to the underground island, by which you'll have to start over. Once you've found the enrance, you're golden! You'll access the underground island, ''Athenas Fall'', from then on you'll read the final clue of which will then lead you too a cavern that is the tomb of Athenas Torch. Though, like any good twist, its grab and go! Once you've grabbed the torch the cavern will begin to collapse and you have precisely one minute to escape before being crushed to death and resetting the mission. Once and IF you've survived the Indiana Jones twist, you'll be met by the Black Mist and Shadow Skeletons in the cavern of the underground island for one final boss battle. At this point you must use your timing and skills wisely of Athenas Torch for the torch will only emit the ''killing glow'' in consecutive bursts. It's best to do this with a crew and alliance, for regular lanterns will subdue the mist and skeletons enough for the player wielding Athenas Torch to land the final kill hits and destroy the mist of which will ultimately kill the surrounding skeletons as well. Once defeated, players will be granted 200 doubloons, a new title, the accommodation ''Seeker of Athenas Light'', a tattoo set and best of all, ''Athena's Flame''
    This is a bright teal green glow that fades to a dark green and pulsates when raised. When raised the light can be seen for well over 20 nautical miles, it can be used as a light or a beacon.

    I hope everyone enjoyed this as much as I did! Feel free to comment and cast your thoughts!! My next idea, SoT: Collosus, will hit tomorrow. Cheers and happy holidays!

    Gameplay Elements:
    New Athenas Campaign
    New AI boss introduction of Shadow Sharks
    New AI boss introduction of The Black Mist
    New cosmetics and title
    New Lantern ''flame''
    New region and 6 surface islands to explore including the 7th hidden underwater island
    No weather mods
    No sunlight, very murky and very dim swamplike atmosphere
    Explorable shipwrecks as well as the sunken battleground ships
    Black water top, somewhat visible underneath for easier exploration of wrecks and Athenas Fall
    Playable SOLO or with a crew and or alliance- solo players start at the last check point should the die. All participants of the crew and or alliance receive the awards once the line is finished.

    Remember, this is ONLY a fabricated spin off of the original Athena's Lore. Should Rare ever make this a thing, they have the rights to change it. Just an FYI.

    -Instead of shadow sharks, sirens? As a new AI, or both
    -The Black Mist has a balastball effect on the ship
    -The Mist can spawn shadow skeletons on the boat, keep your lantern on!
    -New ship threats like the Brigitine
    -Black Isle is a crossway between the land of the living and the dead, players can see the Ferrymans ship sailing around from time to time. Disappears as you get close to it.
    -New AI ship threat, wrecks of the war, olden crews seeking life to destroy in Black Isle.

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    조회 수
  • This is really cool, but I'm not smart so it's confusing... Could you make a quick list of gameplay elements that this region could have?

  • @salems-reject

    Good overall, with one inconsistency: Athena was never a person in the Sea of Thieves lore. The fabled Athena's Fortune which legends set after was the ship of the first pirate to sail the Sea of Thieves, the ship captained by the one now known as the Pirate Lord.

    Also, you seemed to make this story for one person, and no way you could reset the maps, lantern and collapse for the next, especially midway through (if multiple people do it at the same time).

    Sharks don't have skeletons.

  • @nefnoj Sure!! I'll relist it now, more dulled down and simple.

  • Damn, nice.

  • @ultmateragnarok I understand lol but this is only a fabrication. It'll never be an actual update and if someway it becomes one, Rare can change it as they please. Every plot we've played though is first person and its first come first serve basis of whoever grabs the torch. Though every participating crew member and alliance member gets the goodies after, not just one. I did specify its best with multiple people BUT not impossible to do solo. As well, solo reverts you to restart at the last check point should you die. And sharks DO have skeletons lol, but not a full calcium structure, cartilage and blubber mainly but remember..this is SoT, anythings possible.

  • @salems-reject

    Sharks don't have much of a skeleton, but maybe a slightly rotting version would be better. Something like the Torch would be either held in your lantern and lit from it or mounted to the ship (the handheld lanterns shouldn't really have that kind of power anyways). Most of SoT is for multiplayer so that is no different.

  • @ultmateragnarok True, but in the world of SoT, we know anything is possible. As well, giving every player the torch would defeat its purpose in the quest, therefore it renders it no longer a special artifact. Giving players the flame would be more approachable since we can already change lantern colors, though it would only be limited to a players lantern and not ship lanterns, thats why the well of fates is more ideal for ship lanterns. Not to mention the flame is everyones way of saying ''I defeated the darkness'' It's more than a lantern cosmetic because once the campaign is over, its over.

  • @salems-reject

    Maybe after the event is over the island would resurface, and the flame could be taken after fighting back through the shadow infested caverns.

  • @salems-reject Very nice post. You have a well written story albit a bit inconsistent with the Lore ,but can be adjusted and a very detialed questline althou it would need to tweak the end to accomidate for multiple players. But other then that well done. I hope to see you expand on this Alternate Player Update and further this discussion. May i add Your Topic to the Community Idea's Master List.

  • @ultmateragnarok Why not!

  • @enf0rcer Of course! I'd be honored, I plan on revising this at some point since it's a big one. I'm currently writing up another idea, Sea of Thieves: Colossus. And sorry for the late response, life.

  • I'm not Rare and do not speak on their behalf-- but I'm just gonna point out that if you scroll all the way to the bottom of the page there is a button that says 'RARE ARE HIRING' 😂😂

    Awesome as heck base idea for Rare to work with, I can't wait to read your next idea!

  • @ultmateragnarok said in Sea of Thieves: Black Isle:


    Sharks don't have much of a skeleton

    Actually they have a metal skeleton and within that are the banana hungry monkeys.

    (its a joke if yall really dont get the reference)

  • Great Post commented for visibility :)
    Really would love to see Rare follow up on some of these great community ideas.

  • @salems-reject said in Sea of Thieves: Black Isle:

    @enf0rcer Of course! I'd be honored, I plan on revising this at some point since it's a big one. I'm currently writing up another idea, Sea of Thieves: Colossus. And sorry for the late response, life.

    Your post has been add to the MasterList under "Black isle". I thankyou for your contribution and if you have any updates to this post plz be sure to announce it as a reply to the list to keep your link updated. Additionally if you new or old Topics you wish to be added to the list you can suggest them by posting the link to them as a reply to the MasterList.

  • @ironrangemaiden HAHAHA lol ive seen it, if ONLY. I'd dedicate so much time and thought to new ideas if I was given a chance of hire. Next idea is post op, so soon! Keep an eye on that horizon!

  • @enf0rcer Thank you so much!!!

  • @yolo-swaggines I as well, thank you!

  • @salems-reject said in Sea of Thieves: Black Isle:

    @enf0rcer Thank you so much!!!

    Np just be sure to check out the list and show your support to any ideas you find you like on the list.

  • @enf0rcer Will do!

  • @yolo-swaggines It's true!
    Have you seen any any monkeys? It only makes sense then...

    That video was hilarious.

  • @d-jaguar 👀

  • @triheadedmonkey

  • @d-jaguar yeah, I have seen it...but you said have you seen any monkeys? 😉

  • @triheadedmonkey Haha touche? Although, I've seen you in the forums but never on the seas. I have seen plenty of sharks.

  • Overall, a good idea, aside from a few points that have already been brought to your attention by others.

    What if this "Black Isle" was actually an extension of where the Ferry is located? It's dark, dreary, and dead - and that makes it perfect IMO.

    Regarding the monkeys, I would love to see an in-game reference to that video in some way once monkeys and other pets/animals are introduced.

  • This would add a really good reason for using the on-ship lanterns. Everyone always keeps them off (except noobs) to not be a beacon for other players.

    Also I have some ideas on how to implement existing game mechanics. Right now from what I read, the mist seems pretty OP. How about for gameplay sake, whenever it appears it has the same effect on your ship as the Ballastball, and the effect stays active until the mist disappears. The mist could also make shadow skeletons spawn on your ship, and the on-ship lanterns would trigger them to become solid.

    Also since all skeleton ships right now are galleons, you could have brigantine and sloops manned by shadow skeletons (for the sake of not having insane firepower that could instantly sink your ship). The ships could also be new unique ones, which are the remains of those old crews that used to rage war, instead of the regular skeleton ships created by Wanda.

    And though I like the spooky factor of everything around you being pitch black, it seems pretty boring. How about when the skeleton ships spawn, have some sort of colored fog that can be seen in the darkness, and also have the stars at night somewhat visible.

  • @Salems-Reject This idea is insane, I love the work you put into it. I really hope the devs take this into consideration. One thing I thought, what if instead of Shadow Sharks, the new threat could be Sirens. The opposite of mermaids that help sailors find their way, Sirens kill any sailors they see and the other threat they can bring to the game is that you can hear them sing in the black mist. The effect that their songs will cause on players could be somewhat similar to getting drunk in grog but more of a blurry/ hazy view and the movement will become slower. Ways to counter this could be to have someone playing music in the crew to try and muffle the voices of the sirens.

  • @denisowator I like your take on this. And the new ships made of wreckage sounds amazing.

  • @lmatticl Sirens make sense lore-wise. Since a lot of people died there, it makes sense they eventually fully turned, and because of the blackness, couldn't find their way out of the Black Isle.

  • @denisowator Exactly! And it's something to truly fear. Black Mist, unable to have full control of yourself and the ship, it encourages teamwork and if they manage to turn off your lanterns you'll get attacked by shadow skellies or even pulled overboard by the same Sirens.

  • @denisowator look at this concept in the lore book. This tweet is by SeaofThieves HQ.

  • @lmatticl I think making the eyes glow (because of evolutionary needs and such) would make them really terrifying. Imagine you fall overboard, you're looking around for your ship, and you just see two big glowing spheres in the water ahead of you, just staring.

  • @denisowator My point exactly, that would give more reason in why Duke and the others are terrified by going to the Black Isle. Seeing your long lost brother with those demonic eyes hunting for your heart.

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