Since when is "getting good" needed to enjoy a game?

  • Before i start i want to say: i'm a pvp based player and i speak for those that don't get to enjoy the game because of this!

    As we all have noticed the AI threats on the seas are very active since the re-newed Karen (kraken) all the different megalodons and the new skeleton ships!
    I was thinking, with the Arena coming up soon, is it not time to also give the PVE community a place to be?

    I know a few people who are hyped to play sea of thieves but just dont stand a chance if it comes to PVP, some want to solely roleplay, others just want to explore or earn gold!

    What if there would be a game mode where you can play without the threat of PVP, where you can not earn any XP but you can earn gold!
    So to actually progress in commendations/titles or level up in the alliances you will have to play in the regular servers or the arena!

    This way there is an option for youtubers like Neebs Gaming for example to come back to Sea of thieves as they can roleplay and just have fun with the world of sea of thieves, ffor me to casual play the game with my girlfriend, for my friend to be able to play with his son without getting sunk by competative players!

    This opens up the game for alot of new types of players that just can't really get in the game as it is due to pvp as pvp isn't for everyone and i feel that especially Sea Of Thieves is a game you got to be able to enjoy without "getting good at pvp"

    Also this offers new players to get a grip on the game and fully focus on how everything works, giving them a better chance for when they decide to try out the risk servers!

    Alot of responses to this is: the game will die if you split the community.

    I disagree as alot of people simply dont play because of the pvp!
    I think that it will even make the player base grow!
    And if this is done with more prioritization on server population, the game will shine more than it has ever done as it gave EVERY TYPE OF PLAYER a place to do their thing!

    Keep your comments respectfull and please always backup your opinion with an argument!

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  • I remember you that "Arena" is not a "pvp mode", despite a condensed "adventure mode". In your topic: I think that @SwimPlatypus7 hit the point very well here of why this shouln't be a thing

  • sorry but pve only mode should not reward anything. no gold, no rep, nothing. if you want to be rewarded, go the normal game and earn the rewards while maintaining the risk factor, not cheesing the system.

  • @enticed-malice Very well, still would be great to see the roleplay, more adventure based gameplay etc!
    I agree that there should be little to no reward!

  • They would need to change a lot of the mechanics to make a PvE mode work properly.

    Want to steal someone elses treasure chests? You can just go pick them up and walk away now because no one can do anything to you to get them back.

    Need to sink a boat? You can still use an explosive barrel but now you can board it and crash it into something, just grab the wheel and don't let go. You can grab the anchor, sails, wheel, etc... without anyone being able to stop you.

  • @baftnation said in Since when is "getting good" needed to enjoy a game?:

    @enticed-malice Very well, still would be great to see the roleplay, more adventure based gameplay etc!
    I agree that there should be little to no reward!

    Except that's exactly what Sea of Thieves is..... It's an adventure mode game that's designed around fun first.

    If you take away the danger of PVP, then the PVE becomes a pitiful joke, because it's specifically designed and tuned to include PVP.

  • Maybe if there is so much demand for it could it not also be a positive thing? If it gets a lot of new players after a while they might want to try out this adventure mode with the little pvp in it?

  • @amancebacabras But it is a pvp driven game mode!
    And as i said, there would be alot of benefits!
    And there are many takes on how people see this game, cant disagree on what i read on that forum post you posted at all but i also see the different takes!

    As i stated, i am a pvp based player!
    I love it and wouldnt wanna go without it, however i mentioned the types of players that have proper reasons to go into that pve game mode!

    It wouldnt hurt anyone, just benefit those that need this mode!

    And as stated in the other comment, maybe rip the mode from any progress, even gold!
    Would still leave the adventure/rpg/justforfun gaming community happy with that place, even i would chill there when in the mood to just screw about and explore!

    Captain falcore could use this to tell his stories etc!
    Its for the players that are not competative or progress driven!
    I dont think the daughter of my friend would mind not hitting pirate legend next year, she wants to have fun, just like captain falcore wants to explore the islands and their secrets, just like a noob wants to get into the game steady, my mom likes the idea of the game but she cant even use both thumbsticks, she'd go there!
    I myself know about 8 people that would use it regurlary and some even mainly!
    I have spoken to many players in alot of groups/clubs/discords etc and i can tell there are more people hoping for something like this than any of us think!

    I agree on your take, and that is what the game is, but i don't think this would hurt the game or its playerbase!

    Let me know what you think!

  • @baftnation And I share that, with not a single reward, is a good idea. Devs in one of the recents streams have stated that this could be a thing in such a form, but as I said, if there's only a bit of progression, that could (and is going to) end up just like in every single game where a pvpve game turned into separate modes for both: a shipwreck.

    Of course the game need some type of "roleplay" halls for events between fleets (clans) or for content creators like CptFalcore, but thats a thing and other entirely different is a pve only mode.

    This topic is actually like the "Tortuga" one, and with the Arena arrival (and his "Lobby Tavern") this could take a desirable and healthy form making it possible things like the "Events server with no progression" and the "social hub" thing without damaging the actuall game.

  • I prefer the game we all first sailed into. However, The Arena is a condensed soup version of that game into a mix with water and get a PvP server.

    Time to be fair and stop trying to have it one way. If Rare can give the PvP requesting/demanding pirates more of what they want, it would be unfair to not give the other pirates out there more of what they want as well.

  • @ruigtand-nl good point man, im sure alot will start to want that precious pirate legends tital or a decked out ship in no time!

    And killing the kraken for the 10th time without reward will push them towards more regular play aswell!!

    Ive seen you on the seas once you scurvy pirate!
    I was yelling: STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP as you where blowing holes in my ship hahahaha!

    Keep up the good game man! one of the few fun pvp encounters in the past half year!

  • @d3adst1ck they can give me an achievement for stealing someone else's chest then im sure they can make a chest in posession of a ship/crew unable to interact with!

    Let me know what you think!

  • @x-crowheart-x dijo en Since when is "getting good" needed to enjoy a game?:

    If Rare can give the PvP requesting/demanding pirates more of what they want, it would be unfair to not give the other pirates out there more of what they want as well.

    From the feedback seen months ago, I strongly think is actually the opposite: the way of Rare to please the pve community putting a carrot outside of the adventure mode for the pvpers while not doing the suicide of a pve only mode.

  • @amancebacabras thats what i mean, also a place where a little sloop with its sails up in the middle of the ocean is spinning in circles with a player clueless what to do but behind that player is the son of my mate giggling and laughing because hes a pirate and having fun!
    just an example!

  • @x-crowheart-x i agree!
    Wouldnt hurt anyone to give all those players their place in the game instead of telling them to "just git gud"

  • @swimplatypus7 and i agree, but i also see that theres a big group of want to be-players that dont play because they dont WANT to pvp, maybe someone with a handicap, some little kid, my gf etc!

    And with no rewards it wouldnt hurt or affect the game in ANY way!

  • @amancebacabras But what i think is actually gonna happen with the Arena is that the proper pvp based players like me will move there, leaving the trolls with the noobs and new players on the regular server.. at least now the trolls/griefers and shittalkers have actual opposition... and forget that for a second and just think of the different types of players that WILL try the game when this is possible, a portion of those WILL step to regular servers and stay, it will only contribute, especially if theres more prioritization on server population to make up for the split and make sure the servers are filled!

    lemme know what u think!!

  • @amancebacabras said in Since when is "getting good" needed to enjoy a game?:

    @x-crowheart-x dijo en Since when is "getting good" needed to enjoy a game?:

    If Rare can give the PvP requesting/demanding pirates more of what they want, it would be unfair to not give the other pirates out there more of what they want as well.

    From the feedback seen months ago, I strongly think is actually the opposite: the way of Rare to please the pve community putting a carrot outside of the adventure mode for the pvpers while not doing the suicide of a pve only mode.

    Yes and no. While The Arena may have a residual effect after stirring allowing the sea to congeal better, it is still catering to the players that wanted more PvP. It is also Rare’s hidden recipe to cook up a “BR” mode which is the latest craze like bell bottoms and lava lamps. An effort to bring more to the table... sea.

  • Even without PvP, there will always be people who will complain about something.

    When i was a kid, we had to try dozens of times a level, some, like me, were accustomed to return the game from the beginning, we had only 3 lives to survive. But the point is not this.

    Sea of ​​Thieves is a game where community feedback is the key, but how far should the community be heard? The community does not know what it wants, it does not know much about pirates.

    Even when the internet was difficult to access, it was common to buy magazines and research the game that we were going to buy. Games were expensive and Rare did great games like Battletoads, Donkey Kong, Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day (my favorite), they were always featured.

    It´s impossible to please everyone, even if Rare wants, will never do. And turn a pirate game into a navigating and digging game, sure will kill the game.

    I do not buy a game that is not made the way I like to play. I do not buy football games, but also I won't go to football games forums ask to add fight between matches, why? Because I like fighting games! The community should learn to differentiate these types of requests.

  • @baftnation

    :D me shooting? now i wonder when this was .. i try to be this friendly chickenboat captain ^^

  • @enticed-malice said in Since when is "getting good" needed to enjoy a game?:

    sorry but pve only mode should not reward anything. no gold, no rep, nothing. if you want to be rewarded, go the normal game and earn the rewards while maintaining the risk factor, not cheesing the system.


  • @targasbr so just ignore an entire type of player just because why?
    Adding this wouldnt hurt the game at all as it doesnt affect your stats at all, it is for those that dont care about progress, or maybe for people who wanna do roleplaying or use it to just have fun without pvp threat!
    It can bring in alot of new players and a portion of those will step into the regular mode!!

    I dont think it will be negative at all!

  • @ruigtand-nl in the summer, thats all i remember haha

  • @ruigtand-nl we sailed together also, but you and your friend where afk all the time haha

  • @baftnation I dont think that the players that could jump from a pve only mode to the adventure mode were uncomfortable with the current adventure mode, but the pve of this game is too much easy/frustrating, with no middle point for a pve mode; from killing Karen, Meg or a wave of athena's skeletons with no effort, to being obliterated by an entire undead line infantry company when the wave pulls more than 6 pistol/eye of reach skellies at the same time with that Sir Arthur Dayne skelly at front line that can tank everything with his cutlass while you can't charge an attack because the snipers XD.

    With this kind of pve that is actually not "proud" rewarding, you dont feel never the "I've passed a legendary feat" of the real pve, but get bored very quickly or worst, frustrated. As I said long ago, no one really enjoys the task of charming snakes with a hurdy gurdy ad infinitum if there's no real risk of losing that work, and that risk could only come in form of other players that may or may not be better than the player.

  • @amancebacabras but i am talking about people that DO like that sort of gameplay, i don't see myself doing this unless im playing with my gf or doing a video or something!

    But this is what i have heard from so many different players on all kinds of platforms, so we cant just ignore the fact that theres a community out there waiting for this!

    Also, with future updates there will probably come more and different types of AI threats, and alot more to make exploring a bigger part of the game!

    With the promise of years of service on this game, i dont think we should overlook this opurtunity!

  • @baftnation

    Must have been with captain panic i stayed at his house this summer and then i just startet playing sot :")
    Srry for afk

  • @baftnation It never is a requirement. But if you're a casual player and you don't care to dedicate the time/effort to get good at the game then you shouldn't care or get upset when someone who does destroys you. As frustrating as forced PvP can be on a new/bad player it is how the game is designed to be. Rare doesn't want you to sail around risk free never having to worry about PvP. I'm sure some people were either lied to or simply ill informed before buying the game and under the impression that they could play like this, but that's simply not the reality of Rare's vision. While they don't want galleons filled with legends going around dumping on brand new sloops, in a weird way that's part of the SoT experience. If you can't handle it you may just want to jump ship. This game while it can be really fun and relaxing is far from a purely casual experience.

  • @blg-strong-dad i find the stating that these people better just leave the game brings no good to anyone man... if it doesnt affect the game itself but it brings joy to by example all that i already named in post and comment type of players, and i really believe it will be good for sea of thieves!

  • @baftnation Yeah, but in my "game history" I've yet to find a player of that kind that sticks with the same game enough time to sustain it. Some people find their carrots, others need someone shown them, but the players that can't pay attention to carrots shouldn't be heard in any game, and in a lot they get pleased only to leave after that.

    Just like platypus pointed in their post, Ill talk about the same game, WoW: the first servers to die in world of warcraft when Blizzard started to discourage the pvpve experiences and started losing players in the procces, where the pve ones. A lot of people asked for "solving" the outdoor pvp "problem" and Blizzard finded that, in fact, that started to kill the game and the only servers that stayed in a healthy form where the pvp ones (where more people understanded that in some games one mode couldn't live without the other one).

    Today, in a game where less than 2 million players pay the suscription when there was a time with 13 and a lot more in pirate servers, every single old friend of mine remember their battles in Tarren Mill or Stranglethorn while they were leveling, not the times they were killing spiders in Duskwood or Lions in The Barrens

    IMO, people that enjoy pve only should wait until the "Tall Tales" and "The Arena" updates get live servers, because these 2 updates are going to change the pvpve experience a lot and I see a bit pointless to give feedback about a topic that has been worked but not yet implemented. Who knows, maybe that people dont need the pve only mode after these 2 updates...

  • @baftnation There's really no other solution. Either they like the game so they'll deal with the PvP aspect, or they'll find something they enjoy more. You can't ask the company to change their entire vision they spent years creating just because PvP scares people off.

  • @baftnation About Sea of Thieves:

    "Exotic islands. Hidden treasures. Riddles, battles and shanties. The essential pirate experience.
    Sea of Thieves is a new type of MULTIPLAYER GAME that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, YOU'LL ENCOUNTER OTHER CREWS... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?
    "- Source HERE

  • @targasbr

    You made me reminisce about the golden age of gaming. The first coin chomping arcade game I played all the time was Donkey Kong. It stood along the wall of our small town’s only grocery store. Once a week I had until my mother or grandmother came back with the cart filled with grocery bags to get to my next highest level.

    First in home game system was playing a game with two lines and a dot. Thought I was living the dream with my first computer on a desk in my room. Buying heavy boxes filled with a dozen or more floppy disks. A real manual and tangible bonus items like a cloth map or a plastic figure.

    Dozens of consoles and home built computers later here we are. My first upgrade was to purchase a tube of memory chips by mail order to plug one by one into slots on a motherboard. Now I buy a video card which is basically its own computer with memory, cooling fans, and a cost to match all the other parts in a box to play the next graphics mind blowing game.

    Back in the beginning I would have to write a letter, in cursive of course, to interact with a game’s creators. Purchase a stamp and hope it would be read if I wanted to talk to a game developer. I did write letters being the video game geek I can be. Got one reply asking me to beta test the second game in the Gabriel Knight series. Now we can meet the developers up close to shake their hands at shows and join forums to give feedback, ask questions, and yes make requests as fast as we can press submit.

    It is a privilege to be a genius to make video games. It is a privilege for most of us to be able to afford and play video games. It is a privilege to be able to meet the people who created your favorite game you probably end up playing way too much. It is everyone’s right to speak freely, to ask questions, and even make requests.

    We come a long way in the world of video games. I would say a lot of what was truly good and best, has been lost as resolution, frame rate, and connection speeds got better. Games maybe flashier, but they are in many regards not the same anymore. Hopefully one day the good old days will be the good new days. Hopefully others will learn to live and let live. What a better place we all will be privileged to play together in.

  • No joke, get good.

  • @urihamrayne you cant be serious right? XD

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