So I was chased for 2 hours.....

  • I've been trying to collect all the 6 flames today. I almost got it when my internet crashed, but that's besides the point. I spent another 2 hours getting them all except the pink one. I try my luck with a ship and guess what happened.... They chased me for a little over 2 hours. Yes, that's right. TWO HOURS. In the end, they managed to sink me as I was alone. I had literally no treasure, and told them that I just wanted the flames.

    I know it's sea of "thieves" and PvP is inevitable.. But something needs to change. I was forced into a 2 HOUR LONG CHASE by two 9 year old kids with literally no life. There NEEDS to be a fix to this problem. I'm not touching this game ever again until something is done about griefing idiots

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  • If you had nothing aboard, scuttle. Or, change servers. Or both. I disagree that anything needs to change to stop this. I don't personally understand why anyone would want to chase another boat for any extended period of time, but that's just me and other crews have that option. You have options as well.

    I had a crew and a boat full of loot (60kish) after completing a Gilded voyage last night. I had a reason to stay and make it difficult for the chasing crew. Fortunately, it worked out for my crew and we sold all of it after crisscrossing the map twice. That wasn't the case in your situation.

    Just my opinion.

  • @gatorwocky I had spent 4 hours total getting each flame, 2 hours, then my internet crashed. the second time I had every flame except the pink one. So if I scuttled them I would lose all progress. When you have nothing of value and you're just running around getting chased for 2 hours... that needs a major change in my opinion. PvP should be encouraged when everyone wants in on it. Of course you can't control how players behave, but this is just ridiculous.

  • @khaylezerker said in So I was chased for 2 hours.....:

    I was forced into a 2 HOUR LONG CHASE

    Forced? Press ESC and leave the game or just altf4, what's the problem? That's kind of insane that they follow you for 2 hours, for me it would be boring but it's part of the game, you're just on of those people who keeps whining that someone sunk you.

  • @bundui And you must be one of those who think it's incredibly fun to run around making the game intolerable to everyone!

  • @khaylezerker said in So I was chased for 2 hours.....:

    @bundui And you must be one of those who think it's incredibly fun to run around making the game intolerable to everyone!

    Could you be more specific about this? Because I assume you mean If i'm sinking someone it means that im making the game intolerable to everyone?

  • @khaylezerker said in So I was chased for 2 hours.....:

    I know it's sea of "thieves" and PvP is inevitable.. But something needs to change. I was forced into a 2 HOUR LONG CHASE by two 9 year old kids with literally no life. There NEEDS to be a fix to this problem. I'm not touching this game ever again until something is done about griefing idiots

    First, I understand that you're upset - after all, you lost.

    Secondly, no, not literally - if they had no life, then they wouldn't be chasing you, because they'd be, well, literally dead.

    Thirdly, this is not a problem and doesn't need a fix, nor does anything need to change. Don't let you emotions blind you from the truth or propose false solutions. Your "9-year olds" were simply playing the game the way it was intended - they weren't griefing or cheating in any way shape or form (that said, it wouldn't be surprising if they were foul-mouthed and abusing the double-gun exploit).

    Fourthly, if the game is causing you this much stress, simply take a short break and try again later.

  • @khaylezerker I apologize. My reading comprehension may not be at its best right now. You did have something of value on board. I get it. However, my opinion does not change. If someone gets a thrill out of chasing another boat for an extended period of time, so be it.

    In your scenario, you were basically a merchant. Merchants never wanted to be chased and attacked by pirates. However, that's exactly what happened. Changing the game to the point where a crew can't act as pirates is against the grain of the game's intentions, in my opinion.

    Better luck next time and happy sailing. I hope you are able to knock out that commendation.

  • @khaylezerker The pink flame is for getting killed by a player. So why didn't you let them kill you then spawn back on your ship to get the commendation?

  • @khaylezerker You should've ghosted your ship and boarded them... they would have killed you and party boat

  • @khaylezerker sometimes you have to fight

  • it's easier to grief solo players, with a single other person, just imagine having him try to get aboard their ship purely to drop anchor on them, and delay them from raising it. a very simple task if they're chasing directly behind you. the "thieves" in Sea of thieves is plural, remind yourself there is less you can do against this solo, and that's just the sad part of the game is that it isn't remotely forgiving to solo play.

  • If that ever happens try finding another ship.

    There have been so many times I've had a chaser hunt us down, and we drive passed another ship. The chaser goes after this ship. In most cases we help take down the chaser too.

    You could also try to lose them with tight turns, or going to the red waters.

    There are also the world dangers, storms, fog, meg, or kraken can help.

  • the absolute best solution right now is to continue enhancing the PvE perspective of the game so that it does not seem like PvP is all this game is about. for example, i can imagine most people hear of the game through streamers or youtube channels. these channels mostly feature PvP encounters rather than PvE exploration because PvP brings in the most viewers. it is sad but i dont blame these channels at all.

    for now, scuttle your ship if you have no loot and hope for more PvE content.

  • The flames are hilarious. Doing all the tasks while keeping the boat afloat is tedious and you also have to deal with the Shrouded Spoils encounters and ignite the shiny lanterns which are a pvp magnet... with multiple colors which boosts the attraction of griefers by over 9000. This achievement seems like it was made to reward griefers.

    I would suggest to do it with the full Galleon of people who want it. Doing it solo is the best way to uninstall the game.

  • @drbullhammer That's what i thought too but I checked and it must have been changed to all 6.

  • You could have jumped on their ship to let them kill you for the flame and then after putting it on your ship you could have switched servers.

  • @khaylezerker

    There is a fix, it's something we can all do.

    Play better.

  • @khaylezerker Two nine years old kids gave you problems for two hours. Two nine years old kids. Two nine years old kids...

  • @khaylezerker To rush someone that long is quite a game. Who can sail better, who tricks the other? That can be quite exciting. I like it, no matter if someone wants to catch me or vice versa. It's simply a competition. If you don't want it, escape or sink your ship. So simple.

  • @targasbr I bet those were of course the most fraudulent PC kids. Lol.

    As my comrade said, when we - in an alliance of two Galleons and a sloop, so 10 people! - lost in a large battle against one single sloop with two players? "Well, we ten were all alone, the others were two."

  • I might be missing something here (I read your OP twice) but if you were short the pink flame you were in a good situation (right?). All you had to do was jump off your ship and board them. Maybe drop their anchor or something while you waited for them to kill you... and then you get the flame, light it on your ship, and log off. Right? You get the commendation the instant you meet the requirements.

    More broadly I understand the complaint as have been chased plenty when empty... normally I’ll just “let” them sink me if I need to get on with my Athena. There are plenty of people with time to just chase nowadays (which I don’t get at all as seems like a total time vampire given once the sail is set getting caught/sunk takes a ton of time). But most of the people who do that are actually pretty bad at sailing in my experience, so you end up being able to ghost-ship sell all your loot pretty easily. It is TONS of fun to yell “I’ve got the life-changing Chest of Legends” on the dock as they sail by BTW!

  • @khaylezerker said in So I was chased for 2 hours.....:

    I've been trying to collect all the 6 flames today. I almost got it when my internet crashed, but that's besides the point. I spent another 2 hours getting them all except the pink one. I try my luck with a ship and guess what happened.... They chased me for a little over 2 hours. Yes, that's right. TWO HOURS. In the end, they managed to sink me as I was alone. I had literally no treasure, and told them that I just wanted the flames.

    I know it's sea of "thieves" and PvP is inevitable.. But something needs to change. I was forced into a 2 HOUR LONG CHASE by two 9 year old kids with literally no life. There NEEDS to be a fix to this problem. I'm not touching this game ever again until something is done about griefing idiots

    You were not forced to run for two hours, you CHOOSE to keep the chase going. You could have:

    • Stopped running and fight.
    • Use the environment, fog, storm, shallows, skeleton ships, etc. to try and lose them.
    • Guide them to a different ship and request support or have them switch targets.
    • Scuttled the ship.
    • Change server.

    As others have stated, needed a pink flame... make them chase you in a straight line, ensure nothing is in front of you to bump into and go board. Within two hours of chase it should be easy to at least get on their ship once and die by their hands.

    I play solo quite often and persistent pirates can be annoying, but they are a part of the seas. I prefer to try and circle to get some pod shots off, slowly dwindling their resources as a pirate that stocks up I tend to have enough spare.

  • @khaylezerker said in So I was chased for 2 hours.....:

    I've been trying to collect all the 6 flames today. I almost got it when my internet crashed, but that's besides the point. I spent another 2 hours getting them all except the pink one. I try my luck with a ship and guess what happened.... They chased me for a little over 2 hours. Yes, that's right. TWO HOURS. In the end, they managed to sink me as I was alone. I had literally no treasure, and told them that I just wanted the flames.

    I know it's sea of "thieves" and PvP is inevitable.. But something needs to change. I was forced into a 2 HOUR LONG CHASE by two 9 year old kids with literally no life. There NEEDS to be a fix to this problem. I'm not touching this game ever again until something is done about griefing idiots

    I totally understand your frustration. Sadly Rare have not added any consequence for bad sport or pirating in general. There's no consequence for anything you do in the game except losing your loot and time. And in your case waste of time.

    It's a problem with the game and one that many have complained about since the game was in beta and to this day. It's often shot down by regular forum users as something dumb and your own fault. No one's forcing you to play etc. The usual nonsense.

    I hope you will keep on playing and making posts on the forum about both good and bad experiences as we need more feedback from non-die hard fans.

    Take to twitter and reddit also if you feel like it. The more players asking for some changes the more likely it will eventual happen.

    If not. And your not having fun because of it. Stop playing. That's something all developers notices when enough starts stopping logging on.

  • @binaryplayerone Rare treats violations of the terms very seriously and you can report players who break these terms.

    What are not considered griefing or toxic are:

    1. Sailing after someone
    2. Killing someone
    3. Sinking someone
    4. Hiding on someone's ship

    All of the above can be handled by using the ingame mechanic of player versus player combat or proper sailing. It is an open world PvPvE environment.

    The seas are an unpredictable place and things don't always go to plan. It creates the best and most frustrating moments on the sea.

    These moments are crafted by the players and to turn a bad situation into an epic story one has to engage in situation based on how they would want it to turn out and enjoy the moment.

  • @binaryplayerone said in So I was chased for 2 hours.....:

    I totally understand your frustration. Sadly Rare have not added any consequence for bad sport or pirating in general.

    A consequence to pirating in a pirating game with the name "Sea of Thieves"? I am always confused by this way of thinking. Confusing griefing/bad sport behavior with the actual mechanics of the game and a essential part of the content to this game, pirating. Which I think most people understand that pirating in this game includes ship to ship combat, player to player combat, ship chases, loot theft, and grog drinking with the occasional bit of music and dancing.

  • There is literally only ONE negative thing that happened to you and is due to other people and you instantly start complaing. This is ridiculous. Are you also complaining in your real life over every person that gets on the wrong side with you and demand they change?

  • @binaryplayerone sagte in So I was chased for 2 hours.....:

    Sadly Rare have not added any consequence for ... pirating in general.

    Why should they? That would be like complaining about a manufactor of a car racing game, that the manufacturer generally does nothing against fast cars. Of course this always means: the cars of the others.

  • @khaylezerker Let's be clear: nobody forced you into a 2 hour long chase, you made that decision entirely on your own. At any point you could have ended the chase by losing them, turning to fight, or scuttling.

  • No treasure, no nothing?

    Two words: Scuttle ship.

  • @khaylezerker said in So I was chased for 2 hours.....:

    I've been trying to collect all the 6 flames today. I almost got it when my internet crashed, but that's besides the point. I spent another 2 hours getting them all except the pink one. I try my luck with a ship and guess what happened.... They chased me for a little over 2 hours. Yes, that's right. TWO HOURS. In the end, they managed to sink me as I was alone. I had literally no treasure, and told them that I just wanted the flames.

    I know it's sea of "thieves" and PvP is inevitable.. But something needs to change. I was forced into a 2 HOUR LONG CHASE by two 9 year old kids with literally no life. There NEEDS to be a fix to this problem. I'm not touching this game ever again until something is done about griefing idiots

    Really, you should be rejoicing in the fact that you essentially made them waste 2 hours of their time by chasing you for nothing. When I first started playing this game, I would try all kinds of tricks to lose a tail. But I learned quickly, it is actually more fun to make them chase me back and forth across the map all night. If we have treasure aboard, I sail near an outpost, a crewmate jumps off with it and sells it while the chasers come after me. My crew mermaids back and we rinse and repeat until all of our treasure is sold.

    If we don't have treasure, I still bait the chasers and get them to follow me. I find it rather amusing to see what lengths they go to keep up and if we get sunk, oh well. I relish in the fact that I wasted their time.

  • @swimplatypus7 said in So I was chased for 2 hours.....:


    There is a fix, it's something we can all do.

    Play better.

    There's also a fix for dimwit.

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