Anniversary Update Out Now!
노트: 2022년 3월 10일부로 아레나게임 모드는 Sea of Thieves에서 삭제되었습니다. 아래 있는 사진은 보존된 스크린 샷으로 출시 당시의 내용입니다. 아레나 콘텐츠에 대한 자세한 내용은 통해 확인할 수 있습니다.
So here we are on the launch of our biggest update yet, the Anniversary Update. There has been so much love poured into this across the team, and it's a genuine privilege be a part of it, watching it come together. When we set out with the plan to bring all of these elements together in one release, we knew it would be challenging, but I don't think we knew quite how much.
Going from the shared world adventure that Sea of Thieves has always been to a game that contains competition on demand in The Arena and rich story-led quests in Tall Tales requires an incredible flexibility and willingness to adapt, learn new skills, and a mindset that embraces risk and taking on new challenges. For me this embodies what Rare is as a studio, and what we'll always continue to be.
I'm looking forward to playing the Anniversary Update out in the wild with you, experiencing the magical stories delivered as part of Tall Tales, and embracing my somewhat competitive side on the seas in The Arena. That's not even to mention The Hunter's Call, the fishing, the cooking, the harpoon and the expanded ship damage system. This is such a rich update that makes Sea of Thieves a completely different experience, and it's going to be so exciting to see how it plays out.
As you enjoy the Anniversary Update and all of the incredible work showcased within it, take a moment to think of everything that's needed for a team to work together to deliver everything here. The talent involved, the challenges to overcome, the collaboration and drive across every area of the team. It has been no small achievement.
So as we look to the future of Sea of Thieves, I'm excited to think about what could come next. But for now, join me in raising a glass to everyone who has contributed to making Sea of Thieves what it is, alongside the magnificent community that has supported the game in so many ways, giving us the opportunity to keep making new adventures for you all.
Cheers. I'll see you on the seas.
– Joe "Three Sheets" Neate