Some Ideas that could make this game more fun


    • Underwater Update
      Dive Bell Helm to go in the bottom Sea Level. Coral Reef, Merfolk Ruins, Glowing J e l l y fish, Eye of Kraken in darkest depths. New Sea Life and Spiral Storms. Anchored Gunpowder Kegs with a high tide to low tide on certain islands. You can see your anchor and player Shipwrecks lootable.

    • Conch Shell For calling in Mermaids instead of them always spawning next to you.

    • Server player Increase and a new Man O' War ship that houses 6 or 8 players. Along with Craftable rafts and Strongholds. More visible damage shown on ship.

    • Revamp on the whole Voyage system, right now there's little reason to turn in loot because alot of items ingame are just reskins

    • Boss Ships and new types of enemies. Right now it's boring with these Skeleton lord 1 out 50 kills. Needs more Variety the Marinetime Union, Ancients and Merfolk could be new enemies along with fire skeletons.

    • New Islands like the one from Maiden Voyage, Bring in Ancient Temples and new intriguing puzzles. Marinetime Union Outposts that are unfriendly to pirates. Islands that have cave systems and ruins that don't want to be explored.

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  • I'm starting to wonder if someone somewhere popular decided to post every bad idea possible for this game and for whatever reason asked others to duplicate it here just to drive all of the regular forum locals bat-you-know-what crazy.

  • @galactic-geek The only bad Ideas I see are PVE Servers and Split Community. I honestly wouldn't mind a Campaign mode heh

  • @fyibias said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @galactic-geek The only bad Ideas I see are PVE Servers and Split Community. I honestly wouldn't mind a Campaign mode heh

    we don't need a campaign mode because it's ok the way it is

  • @galactic-geek every bad idea possible? Damn. In my opinion this is one of the best ideas i've seen. Everything just expands on what the game already has perfectly

  • @simplelyricc said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @galactic-geek every bad idea possible? Damn. In my opinion this is one of the best ideas i've seen. Everything just expands on what the game already has perfectly

    the under water stuff sure

  • @closinghare208 i think all of it really we need new areas and bosses, more caves and temples to explore, more variants of voyages, and just more stuff for adventures

  • @simplelyricc said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @closinghare208 i think all of it really we need new areas and bosses, more caves and temples to explore, more variants of voyages, and just more stuff for adventures

    sure and a big crab

  • @closinghare208 yeah

  • These are some good ideas.

  • Good ideas! About the sealive, I would like to sea (pun intended) manta ray, hammerhead shark and a (giant) crab :D
    And other animals like goats and boars. Perhaps add the goat for merchant voyages and the boar for hunters?

    Edit: it would also fit the art of this game to have land and sea turtles roaming around shores. More animals will give the game a more alive world feeling :)

  • Can I wear a turtle i just killed as a hat? or turtle soup?

  • Other Ideas I had in mind recently

    • Skeleton Fleets that spawn in a rate of 3-5 instead and pursuit ships in a good distance when it's triggered. (not sure if this relates to the ingame problems of limitations)

    • When in a alliance the names are Blue color on other ships, however this could trigger a Alternate alliance that ingame could bring incentive to attack said alliance. So basically like Reapers flag but in a different showing. I.e. The Arena island could bring a Deathmatch bringing in new ships. Something to make a server super active. For example if alliance has 4 ships then 4 ships are more likely to spawn in the same server and a Pirate alliance can be created.

    • Boardgames in taverns there is a stair case that is blocked off in each tavern. Parrots Send in messages to ships along with monkeys pretend to do on hands work. (no pay to win there)

    • It be kinda neat if there was some form ingame level editor but I'm not sure if something that the game could create at the moment.

    Part of being a pirate is searching for the unknown and stealing on a big battle

    Like I stated before I think there should be something more fun then the Voyage system that is in currently. It's kinda boring with fedex missions. I think there needs to be more purpose of items that influence things in the server. Bring in hidden secrets and more variety on cosmetics, Treasures and regular goods.

  • @galactic-geek if you don't mind, why do you think these are bad ideas? the only one i think is bad is craftable rowboats and strongholds. that'll take too much memory and wouldn't really be useful or effective.

  • @capt-flameheart the giant enemy crab will do massive damage...

  • @fyibias said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @galactic-geek The only bad Ideas I see are PVE Servers and Split Community.

    Except splitting the community would be ultimately healthy as keeping everybody together is what causes so much hostility in the community as well as many many players leaving and getting upset with the player activity or lack of it.

    As I said in another thread, the only way for this game to work peacefully for everyone being on the same type of server is that if the PvP side have the empathy required to show some respect toward the PvE side, but some players in the PvP side (not all. I met some really good PvP players who will listen and leave me alone after I told them that there was a misunderstanding or that I'm on a Tall Tale)... And due to the PvP players who are just bullies in all honesty not learning how to be at least respectful... This started a domino effect where players quit, run away at first sight of another player ship, have no loot, and many many more things that I've seen PvPers complain about, as well as PvEers complaints...

    Simply put, when your game has both options available, then you are going to want a way to split up the community or else you get a lot of these problems and these problems are just gonna get worse the longer it stays mixed like this...

    I never understand this mentality that "the whole community must be together if it will stay good!" because that mentality tend to cause the most problems... Everyone is different, everyone has different desires and wishes in what they want out of the game, and thus having them all stuck together will cause conflicts, hostility, and many issues in the community to a point where the game might actually die from this due to players quitting ON BOTH SIDES. I wouldn't be surprise if some PvP players has quit SoT simply due to the fact that they can't find anyone to fight them as everyone will just run away (a very natural consequence of essentially doing too much PvP).

  • @closinghare208 iiiiiddddk man all the bosses have the same move set and some people harras tall tale players

  • @galactic-geek because voyages dont need improvements to pve? i mean sure nobody wants the man o war but can you be specific next time

  • @fllw3rb0y said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @closinghare208 iiiiiddddk man all the bosses have the same move set and some people harras tall tale players

    not anymore go check out a ashen fort

  • @closinghare208 One boss isnt enough and you know that man. Why does the gold hoarder have the same moveset as briggsy? im just saying there needs to be more improvements.

  • @fllw3rb0y said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @closinghare208 One boss isnt enough and you know that man. Why does the gold hoarder have the same moveset as briggsy? im just saying there needs to be more improvements.

    i mean the three at the ashen fort have different moves

  • @closinghare208 no they don’t. They have the same animations for the same move set of slam, teleport, or summon skeletons

  • @baronbrr said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @closinghare208 no they don’t. They have the same animations for the same move set of slam, teleport, or summon skeletons

    it's changed since january's update

  • @closinghare208 trust me man. every skeleton lord has the same exact moveset. just different weapons and animations. fighting briggsy is the exact same thing as fighting the mutinous helmsman. fighting graymarrow is the same thing as the two faced scoundrel. they don't have different special attacks, only different weapons and behaviors.

  • @baronbrr said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @closinghare208 trust me man. every skeleton lord has the same exact moveset. just different weapons and animations. fighting briggsy is the exact same thing as fighting the mutinous helmsman. fighting graymarrow is the same thing as the two faced scoundrel. they don't have different special attacks, only different weapons and behaviors.

    lol just look

  • @closinghare208 no you look. i have followed this game since launch, the six skeleton lords do the same three damn things no matter which one you fight. Only the weapons they use are different. if you don't believe me, go read the gamepedia wiki.

  • @baronbrr said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @closinghare208 no you look. i have followed this game since launch, the six skeleton lords do the same three damn things no matter which one you fight. Only the weapons they use are different. if you don't believe me, go read the gamepedia wiki.

    maybe i will

  • @closinghare208 good. glad we could reach a consensus. if you don't want to look you don't need to. sorry for the argument.

  • @baronbrr said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @closinghare208 good. glad we could reach a consensus. if you don't want to look you don't haft to. sorry for the argument.

    it's fine i like a good argument sometimes

  • I actually agree with this post alot of good things. Different Enemies including those in the deep below or even on ground even if they are just hostile animals. Bigger ship with bigger server capabilities of ship/people (which wi think not seeing a ship for hours and having to server hop is why people dislike it). I think more dynamic events (Sirens making u walk off the boat, lochness monster, etc) and weather would be great like Siren and Hurricane/Tornadoes!! and Tsunami's, Heavy FOG; Just more weather this could be done beautifully. who doesn't want to out maneuver a tornadoes or Big Gaint waves. . i think grappling hooks or ropes would be fun to swing and board. I think implementing a potion craft would be fun with different ingredients like to help resist sirens call. -- May even be able to customize where your stations on in ur ship or keep the bones of the ship the same but be able to customize the inside. Having decorations like chairs and stuff to place on the boats or even let you have your own island on with a house on it rather this be instanced or not and that would open up alot of items/microtransations to sell. allow more pets like cats and dogs. More generalized ideas, but great ideas. Making the lost city of alatanis would be awesome DLC

  • @deprived-vision Some new ropes on ship and islands where you can grapple could be neat. Hell a spinnaker sail could prove useful. Yeah Customization could use more stuff and more interaction on islands.

    Biggest one I think is servers could use an increase, when you see the size of the Magpie ship I want to see that ingame. People worry about balance but I think taking on a big ship with a sloop could be fun. More Islands with a Voyage and Faction overhaul could make the game more engaging.

    @Jusey1z Sorry I disagree, It's a Pirate Game. Servers split would cause people who interact with people less and those that are on PVE will eventually get bored anyway. Maiden Voyage is Singleplayer. If people are annoyed by getting sunk they should realize that the rewards in this game aren't so great. Just have fun being sunk or sinking ships.

  • this is a pretty good idea overall hopefully rare see this and can improve it then add it to the game

  • @fyibias said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @Jusey1z Sorry I disagree, It's a Pirate Game. Servers split would cause people who interact with people less and those that are on PVE will eventually get bored anyway. Maiden Voyage is Singleplayer. If people are annoyed by getting sunk they should realize that the rewards in this game aren't so great. Just have fun being sunk or sinking ships.

    And I disagree because it would increase player interaction and activity between each other as the players whom are afraid of PvP or just want to play with their own crew would be removed from the main pool, allowing all of the mixed and PvP purests be together in the same server. Plus, with some rules, a PvE server option wouldn't be exploitable for super easy grind, just be more focus on Tall Tales, layback exploration, and general enjoyment of the game.

    As for people getting bored? That's a possibility, but it will also decrease the chances of players getting bored in the main pool since they will no longer be just chasing ships which are running away, finding ships that scuttle themselves, and so on... And instead will find increased activity and interaction from other player ships.

    Essentially, this is a net positive for the main servers. We just aren't too sure how the PvE servers themselves would work out in the long run. However, what I am saying is just a theory, just like yours being a doomsday theory. Either of us could be right for all we know!

    Also, the problem isn't necessarily being sunk in general or losing loot. That sort of stuff I shrug off because you are correct, the rewards in this game are pretty meh. Don't matter to me. The big problem is losing all of your progress in Tall Tale, or griefers (not pirates).

  • @jusey1z I can see if the game had campaign mode but it's not the type of game. As for 'Griefers' or 'pvp purests'I don't like those terms. People should have the ability to mess around other players good intentions or not.

    Bigger servers is my thinking on what could make this game fun.

  • @fyibias said in Some Ideas that could make this game more fun:

    @jusey1z I can see if the game had campaign mode but it's not the type of game. As for 'Griefers' or 'pvp purests'I don't like those terms. People should have the ability to mess around other players good intentions or not.

    Messing around is fine. However, some people are actual griefers who aren't messing around or just trying to have fun with you. They're just trying to have fun by making you upset on purpose. Which is different.

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