Alliances are Broken

  • No one wants to join an alliance anymore. The players will use the alliance to keep track of other ships. Then, once said ships have loot, the players will double cross ships. To fix this, there should be friendly fire enabled and a short cool down period once a ship leaves the alliance.

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  • @rayhotep Nope. It's fine as is, because it's working exactly as intended. Furthermore, FF is already enabled for alliances - it's why we can shoot them and they can shoot back.

  • @galactic-geek That’s my bad, I meant FF should be disabled. In that case an alliance should actually be called a Truce. For instance I cite the great Pirates of the Caribbean movie when they create an alliance to fight Davy Jones. They were all bound by the code. Now on the other hand jack sparrow and Barbarossa teamed up ( formed a Truce) many times but also tried to kill each other many times. Maybe it is as intended, maybe they should look at changing the intentions.

  • You just described a Pirate.
    "Monitoring other ships"
    "Double Crossing"
    Now, frankly, not every alliance is like this. Some actually do use a full server alliances and keep racking in loot/gold.

  • @rayhotep I have to say that I love it as it is. I do agree with @Galactic-Geek. This is the way Rare wanted it. I look at it as you are a pirate. Pirates cannot be trusted in any way shape or form. Betrayal is in some pirates nature. It adds an element of excitement and always keeps you on alert. I haven't had much problems in forming alliances and I have also been betrayed as well but I stay at high alert when in an alliance and watch for signs of betrayal and respond appropriately when needed. I believe it would take a unique mechanic and a form of excitement out of the game if they did away with it.

  • @burnbacon we could take that a step farther, why not double cross your crew. Why is FF off? If you have the option to turn it on or off in crew why not for an alliance. By your logic an alliance is no different than a normal crew. Sure you can lock them in the brig but only one person at a time. That means the rest are still unable to double cross themselves.

    I’ve been apart of the server wide alliances. They are cool but everyone pretty much requires voice chat I order to verify they won’t double cross.

  • alliance is a risk. don't like it? don't use it. No fixing for something not broken. Nice try though.

  • I prefer to sail along side my fellow alliance ships increasing the spawn rate of ai threats. I have no interest in joining and going our separate ways. I would also prefer if friendly fire was applied to our own crew as well.

  • @enticed-malice that’s a matter of perspective.

    @br0crastinat0r I could see if people wanted to make it more realistic to have to option to vote to turn on FF on a crew or disable FF in an alliance.

  • @rayhotep whatever makes you feel better.

  • @enticed-malice I’m not die hard player like, I would imagine most people are that are on these forms. Though, I have had the game since inception. I think a lot of new players or more casual players would enjoy the game more.

    Maybe “broken” is an exaggeration. It’s a catchy title though.

  • Having friends on different boats has created some of the most fun times on the seas for me. It is always constant shenanigans of shooting each other and each other's boats. Don't hardly get anything else done but it sure is high quality entertainment.

  • @venomous-sloth7 I totally agree. it would be nice if they made it easier to get friends in the same server.

  • @rayhotep We usually end up that way through alliances. If the people on one ship are going to leave they invite a buddy to their crew and then we fill it with friends or create LFG's to find others to fill the boats. It's a great way to play with a bunch of friends and meet new people.

  • Just to recap:

    -Pirates double cross, however the game doesn’t let you double cross crew.
    -People enjoy the possibility of being double crossed.
    -Some don’t.
    -Add a voting option to enable crew FF and disable an alliance FF

    @venomous-sloth7 I was a part of that one time, on the meet new people side of things. pretty cool how they organized it.

  • The OP is inaccurate.
    Last session i was in a 6 ship alliance. Everybody done their own thing but there was a constant trickle of coins and rep from all the loot 6 crews turn in.

    I regularly come across friendly players. More friendly than hostile for me so far.

    Double crossing alliances is fun also.Even being on the receiving end. I love it when you get double crossed then plot your revenge and actually steal back the loot.

    There is no honour among thieves, even those on the seas. Thats what makes this game fun.

  • @rayhotep
    Why not take it another, if Brig you dont earn any gold! Oh my! think of the broken system that bing.

    Double cross your crew? So nobody will be joining random crews and being solo until there friends decide to play. That will just ruin everything. You are thinking way to much into this.

  • @burnbacon The same can be said about alliances. That’s actually exactly what I’m saying. Your sentiments about the crew are mine about the alliance.

  • @rayhotep dude this is kinda an anexdotal thing many of us dont experience this kind of stuff

  • This is 85% false because everyday I activate the FoTD and Rob it from at least 3 ships

  • @Rayhotep It all depends on the server, sometimes yes they will use them for trolling/tracking but otherwise alliances can be good, I know alliances were never meant to work as tracking devices but that is what it comes with i guess. There should be an option to enable it, but it shouldn't automatically be enabled as that was how piracy worked, at the end of the day "Don't trust anyone"

  • The French people who make the whole server alliances use it - they are farming on Xbox LFG every day. But that's about it. Random alliances due to their design are otherwise just a trashy pvp tool. Disabled friendly fire would not change much, Rare would need to completely rework the system.

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