@jctc758 sagte in Sword balance changes:
@galactic-geek The sword was in it's best and moat equal state when the game first came out.
why, because you like to use exploits?
cutlass got exploited like guns and other stuff got exploited.
they nerfed things they didnt intend and other things they didnt intend, but were fun to use were kept in the game.
guess why they implemented delay's and made it "clunkier".
Just a guess why they did that?!?
Can you guess something why they took out the fluidity of the cutlass when you could combo to no end hitting the environment or just the floor?
Or when you could bypass the lunge delay?
Or why did they put in delays in form of animations for switching weapons or adjusted animations for reloading for example?
Because to drive players away?
Do you think the games playerbase had increased because of nerfs or decreased?
And do you think a company what is after money in the first line does things that let them earn less money?
Maybe the nerfs to DG and buffs to cutlass, before it got nerfed to death lead to more players playing and having fun?!
and maybe it's good and we have only some tryhards complaining because they can shout git gud and adapt or die to others, but when they need to do it by themself they are stubbornly refusing to use a cutlass - the pirate weapon no.#1 and the bread and butter swiss knife of any pirate?!
It got fixed, it got balanced, it isn't perfect at all, but in the best state regarding balance than ever!
Nor was the launch combat more balanced neither was it that good balanced at any time but now.
people who complain about the sword often said before git gut, when they DG'd or even DGE'd.
So we had to adapt and use DG by ourself and maybe learn to DGE.
for a pirate game bunnyhpooing DG'ers are really silly imho, but ok i understand some people want FPS only and play pirates on land.
I say that because many argued they do TDM in Forts in Arena without ships and feel they are the "premium" PvPers, at least they call themself this and seem to be a little bit entitled and biased, but ok.
as allways, the game is not a FPS!
Rare need to make the combat easy to learn and simple for a wide audience and with crossplay in mind!
Split players on xbox only Servers need not to be promoted and arent a thing anyway, because xbox only is just a preference.
So the overall aim is to balance combat for young and old, controller and M&KB.
Also a low skill gap is good to have for a shared PvEvP world without any matchmaking to have as much as possible competetive people.
Knowledge about the game and skill playing videogames and fighting gives allways advantages.
This game should not be build or balanced around hardcore FPS players who want to domintate with their aiming skill - we have other games to do so.
SoT is and will hopefully never fit into these sort of e-sport FPS gaming genre, but stay a fun comical pirate game with a low skillgap and welcoming all players, including casuals, complete noobs, young and old - a family game with funny PvP!