Remove Letters of Recommendation

  • Sorry dude @xultanis-dragon , you refuted yourself and confirmed my point.
    Here are your "reasons" put together that defeat each other:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    They limit their function now. I stated that at the start it did nothing but let players skip the grind part of the game and now that we have emissary flags there is honestly no reason to keep the recommendations in the game.

    It used to take hundreds of hours of game time to reach pirate legend. You can reach pirate legend in 3 days now. Reputation is not a grind anymore so there is no reason to have it.

    Its all part of the experience but players were using the letters to skip it. Which means now they avoided a crucial learning curve of the game and will probably never learn it, which means they will instead have a better understanding of the game but will instead complain about it.

    So you say that the letters had at the beginning the effect that players avoided crucial game experiences, although you never came up with the point that people had to earn the needed doubloons in the first place, and only under the most optimistic circumstances would they have been able to avoid other players entirely and crucial game experiences.

    But also you say that they no longer are needed since the game itself is too easy, thus the letters have lost their impact on the game and are no longer a way to avoid crucial game experiences.
    So, essentially you are saying that there is no reason for your suggestion in the first place. Bravo. I agree, the only reason left is aversion and purist attitude.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    He is not strawmaning, hes right. Alliance servers pull players out of rotation that would other wise be playing with other players.

    He is doing that as you are now, since we were talking about Alliances in general, not about Alliance servers and even if we were talking about them, people playing there would stop playing altogether and never stay as "part of some kind of rotation". Get it, boy, some people like only parts of the game and go for great lengths to enjoy it somehow and if you not agree with that, then wave bye bye to them and say hello to empty servers nevertheless. They. Are. Not. Forced. To. Play.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    Before the introduction to letters everyone agreed that you really didn't understand the games frustration until grinding the last 5 levels of Merchant alliance. Having to keep those animals safe, not losing the crates from sinking.

    What do you want to tell me? I leveled Merchant Alliance up to 75 mostly alone because I like to do their voyages since they are the shortest of all and I can do them now and then. And I sometimes just wanted to chill, alas, it did not alway work and I had to sink some peeps to return to chilling.
    Still, I want to keep the choice, people also want the choice to fight against other players, this is not Fortnite.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    Its happening now as we speak "I'm Pirate Legend Athena 20, so I know what I'm talking about, this is why this game is horrible and these are all the changes that need to be done" check the players stats and he has less than 3m meters sailed.

    Exaggerated and only possible if others carry you there. Sorry, no point.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    The game progress is horizontal and with that horizontal progress comes the experience learned from that progression. By removing the progression you remove the period of learning.

    You already stated that the letters are needless in your opinion because the game seems too easy for your taste. You can no longer state this without lying. Sorry, no point.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    There are gems everywhere, you can fish or turn in fish that you gather. Are you planning on completing the commendations one day? If you are then why bother buying the levels? By completing the commendations you'll reach level 50 anyways. So again, the letters aren't needed.

    There is one, try harder to read and comprehend what others say:

    ... they help a bit to progress even when people were not able to play enough ...

    And as I already said similarly: I want to keep the choice, since we get choices in this game to tackle this and that one way or another. And I am working on commendations, but I like to be done with one or the other, and to have a choice here if I want the cosmetics first or the titles.

    @faceyourdemon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @galactic-geek economy is not just the trade between players with have an economy with the npc and logic.
    So your point is not valid on this one.

    Please read some stuff about economy, this is insulting to have to answer to.

    @dekeita said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @schneebaer17905 was there a point to any of that? I can ramble for much longer if you'd like.

    You can do with your time whatever you want and feel good even at sorting beans in a can. But I will not repeat myself, you have to read again for yourself and I am not endorsing the behavior of some wannabe leaders of repeatedly speaking falsehoods until people give up and believe every guff, but feel free to waste your time on that.

    @combatxkitty said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    Arnt these only buy-able once a month? I do agree with you, leveling up is soooo much easier now they are kind of pointless. I say kind of because I do think they can still benefit some like solo players or people who really do not get on as much as they would like, its just an extra little push really at this point, I remember back when they first came out and it was not a once a month thing, that was silly.

    I do not think the removal of them would be devastating by any means but also do not think them being available is a big enough deal to spend time to remove. I dont know, just my thoughts.

    That is basically my point too. Not hard to understand, but some peeps want their view to be the only valid one.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @galactic-geek economy is not just the trade between players with have an economy with the npc and logic.
    So your point is not valid on this one.

    What kind of economy do we have with the NPCs exactly?

    We give them gold for voyages and cosmetics and it pretty much ends there. There is no growth or loss of growth due to its finite nature. Why else do you think that so many pirates have gold in the millions?

  • @galactic-geek sagte in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    Why do you guys care so much about how OTHER PIRATES choose to level up? It doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever!

    The community has become really really toxic or has been this way for a long time.
    Noticed it around a month ago. If you want to know whats up, search the forum for some time and the ugly truth will come to light.

    Edgelord snowflake Mary Sue's everywhere. :D

  • @odyssee-mit-tee You are the only toxic one here mate.
    We simply dont agree with you.

    @Galactic-Geek We spend millions on cosmetics and we need commendations to unlock more things to buy so i dont understand why are you ignoring an obvious matter.

    Economy is more then, a trade its also a worth for items, a castaway chest wont cost the same amount of an Athena chest because when you build an economy you create logic and value for diffrent things based on rarity and demand.
    The argument is dumb because you cant argue on this, when you create a game other then the idea and gameplay when you create a currency and things to buy to spend it, so players will have a reason to go out there and earn.
    Making things too easy will make players lazy and drop out.
    To our subject, its not the end of the world that players can buy one level for each faction once in a month but there is no reason for to be able to do that because its very easy now to level up.

  • @faceyourdemon it's very true. I honestly wish they would make it harder to get to pirate legend maybe even add a four emissary requirement.

  • @silentboops said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @faceyourdemon it's very true. I honestly wish they would make it harder to get to pirate legend maybe even add a four emissary requirement.

    For what reason? Being a pirate legend is nothing one can be proud of, there is no benefit, you get another outfit and that is it, there is nothing to be had, no hideout, nothing more you can buy to make life a bit easier, like storage crates or rowboats to simply give you some quality-of-life benefit that is not game changing, but would be a welcome thanks for grinding your back off.

  • @mewgarb 1 outfit and that's it?

    What rock have you been living under?

    New hair dyes
    Ghost outfit
    Ghost tools
    Ghost weapons
    Ghost ship set
    Legend outfit
    Legend tools
    Legend weapons
    Legend ship set

  • Currency sinks are often asked for, this qualifies and seems hardly problematic. Keep it in, and come up with more sinks that are also not game breaking.

  • I agree with the emissary it is extremely not necessary to have the letters of recommendation. I hope it will encourage more people to have an emissary more

  • The way I see it is levels dont matter except show how dedicated you are to the game, so letters of recommendation dont bother me. And you can only buy one every month.

  • @galactic-geek said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @mewgarb 1 outfit and that's it?

    What rock have you been living under?

    New hair dyes
    Ghost outfit
    Ghost tools
    Ghost weapons
    Ghost ship set
    Legend outfit
    Legend tools
    Legend weapons
    Legend ship set

    Nope. Try not to stare too much into the sun, it can blind you.
    You get one single outfit. Period. Ask people what they get for becoming pirate legend, read the Wiki of SoT.
    Of course, you become also eligible to buy some exclusive stuff, still, what is the take of this? It is the same as it was before, so it makes no difference if people reach pirate legend or not, alright, they can ride the hype train into oblivion and call every outfit awesome, whatever pleases them.

  • @mewgarb Feel free to choose to look at a half-empty glass, but I'm going to continue to choose to look at a glass that is half full.

  • @galactic-geek
    Look, your opinion is really dandy, and you can stare into whatever you want, and flush it then, but sadly it is not the answer to my reply to the suggestion that pirate legend should be harder to reach seemingly because of a feeling of exclusivity or braggadocio.

    So yeah, keep going

  • @mewgarb This isn't your game; it's Rare's game. They just allow us to sail in it. You're more than welcome to make suggestions, but on this topic, it would appear that Rare has already firmly laid out the groundwork for their stance.

  • @galactic-geek
    Now derailing because you want to have the last word but have no clue what to say? Would you be so kind to keep your allegations out of the topic? Read my post again and try again.

  • @mewgarb Except, it's not just about what you get for reaching PL, but what you can get after.

    Besides, you generally only get 1 cosmetic per accomplishment in this game. Why should reaching PL be any different? BTW, it IS different, because you get an entire outfit instead of a single cosmetic.

    IMO, you're just feeling entitled and are overreaching.

  • @galactic-geek
    Anything else? Or do you keep spamming now answers to statements I never made? Or want to keep playing psychologist by making remote diagnosis via forums?

  • @mewgarb I have responded to just about everything you've brought up.

    You mention getting 1 outfit for reaching PL; I counter that there's a lot more to get after reaching PL; then you say I wasn't following what you were actually saying, so I put emphasis on your statement regarding AS you reach PL; you insult me; I respond by letting you know that I'd rather think positively rather than negatively; you suggest that getting to PL should be harder (it was, BTW - most didn't like the grind; I remember those threads too); I let you know that there's little you can do because SoT belongs to Rare and they have already made up their mind; you then accuse me of being off-topic even though I have addressed just about everything you have said thus far and you accuse me of making allegations against you; I then bring up the fact that you do get more for being a PL compared to just about everything else in the game even if it is just 1 outfit; you then accuse me of non-answers and playing you when you never simply and clearly repeat your point for my understanding.

    Does that about cover it? Because just about the only thing left that you have mentioned that I haven't covered is how you want things to get easier upon reaching PL through QoL changes that don't adversely affect the game - making things easier for PLs inherently makes the game imbalanced in that case, so you're basically asking for an impossible solution. And all of this is in direct contrast to you wanting getting there to be harder.

    Why would you want it to be harder to get to PL, but easier after? That would only serve to make more newer pirates quit, and the experienced pirates that make it to PL to be left unchallenged so they end up quitting too.

    The opposite should be the case, IMO, because it would grow the community by being accessible to newer pirates while still challenging veterans. However despite what you and I think, Rare chose the middle-road - being a PL offers more, but in terms of balance, it is exactly the same before and after. This is a good thing, overall, because it follows their philosophy of horizontal progression and allows for true skill to shine through by distilling things down to simpler elements.

  • @galactic-geek
    Sorry, to bother you, but I never talked to you. I asked someone else what would justify his idea and all of a sudden you told me about your liking and I simply do not care about your liking else I would have asked you or everyone about theirs.

    So, spare me and other your pseudo arguments by which you try to give your personal liking something like objectivity; I have better stuff to do.

  • @mewgarb said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    Sorry, to bother you, but I never talked to you. I asked someone else what would justify his idea and all of a sudden you told me about your liking and I simply do not care about your liking else I would have asked you or everyone about theirs.

    So, spare me and other your pseudo arguments by which you try to give your personal liking something like objectivity; I have better stuff to do.

    You're willingly posting on a public forum. If you didn't care to hear what anyone else thinks, then you should have privately messaged the person you intended to speak to instead. But you didn't do that did you? Therefore, whether you like it or not, you're going to hear from others.

    I have given you numerous counterpoints that you have yet to refute. You are in the thick of it; if you care to defend your stance, you're welcome to respond in kind or acquiesce to the conversation being had instead of trying to win at your imaginary game of dodge ball.

  • @galactic-geek
    Have I ever forbid you to answer?
    I just like when people answer to my statements, what you are not doing. You even think that I would have insulted you, but I tell you something about insulting:
    You cannot even comprehend the statement "becoming pirate legend gives one just a single outfit" because you understand it as "becoming a pirate legend gives one nothing besides a single outfit", whereas I merely said one plays the game the same way as before and nothing changes (one does the same quests as before, just with different names), and that is a big difference.

    And by this you have insulted yourself, so why do you blame me for something you brought about yourself by repeatedly spamming here without any reference anymore to the topic? Be done already with your self presentation and bring something new to the table.

  • @mewgarb said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @galactic-geek said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @mewgarb 1 outfit and that's it?

    What rock have you been living under?

    New hair dyes
    Ghost outfit
    Ghost tools
    Ghost weapons
    Ghost ship set
    Legend outfit
    Legend tools
    Legend weapons
    Legend ship set

    Nope. Try not to stare too much into the sun, it can blind you.
    You get one single outfit. Period. Ask people what they get for becoming pirate legend, read the Wiki of SoT.
    Of course, you become also eligible to buy some exclusive stuff, still, what is the take of this? It is the same as it was before, so it makes no difference if people reach pirate legend or not, alright, they can ride the hype train into oblivion and call every outfit awesome, whatever pleases them.

    I am assuming you mean what you get as soon as reaching PL? As in you get the outfit, the peg leg,hook for reaching PL. It also unlocks Athena voyages and the PL tavern and you get a new shanty, so not just given an outfit :)

    Dont get me wrong though becoming PL is certainly not something to put on your resume. I also see no reason to make the grind to it harder. As far as adding things to make game play easier for PL's well I think the devs have been pretty clear with how they do not want people to get advantages for leveling up but of course that does restrict them to purely cosmetics rewards which some may find not worth the time in leveling. I myself really enjoy cosmetics/outfits so that doesnt bother me.

  • @mewgarb This thread is about the Letters of Recommendation. Stop playing mind games, and get back on topic!

  • @combatxkitty said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @mewgarb said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @galactic-geek said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @mewgarb 1 outfit and that's it?

    What rock have you been living under?

    New hair dyes
    Ghost outfit
    Ghost tools
    Ghost weapons
    Ghost ship set
    Legend outfit
    Legend tools
    Legend weapons
    Legend ship set

    Nope. Try not to stare too much into the sun, it can blind you.
    You get one single outfit. Period. Ask people what they get for becoming pirate legend, read the Wiki of SoT.
    Of course, you become also eligible to buy some exclusive stuff, still, what is the take of this? It is the same as it was before, so it makes no difference if people reach pirate legend or not, alright, they can ride the hype train into oblivion and call every outfit awesome, whatever pleases them.

    I am assuming you mean what you get as soon as reaching PL? As in you get the outfit, the peg leg,hook for reaching PL. It also unlocks Athena voyages and the PL tavern and you get a new shanty, so not just given an outfit :)

    Dont get me wrong though becoming PL is certainly not something to put on your resume. I also see no reason to make the grind to it harder. As far as adding things to make game play easier for PL's well I think the devs have been pretty clear with how they do not want people to get advantages for leveling up but of course that does restrict them to purely cosmetics rewards which some may find not worth the time in leveling. I myself really enjoy cosmetics/outfits so that doesnt bother me.

    Thank you for reading properly and not just making an argument for making an argument. That was my point. And yes, I forgot the shanty. My bad.
    I was just pessimistically saying that the Athena voyages are the same voyages as before, this time cramped into a single one.
    Oh, and the changes I briefly mentioned were not intended to make things easier, just to save some time, but that is a thin line, I know. Even if not, I enjoy the game too.

    @galactic-geek said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @mewgarb This thread is about the Letters of Recommendation. Stop playing mind games, and get back on topic!

    No mind game involved. Have fun.

  • @mewgarb Arguing for the sake of arguing? She basically just said the same thing I did, but in a single post!

    Instead of us trying to read it properly, how about you write in a way that's easy to understand?


  • I was playing with a new player a few nights ago. He'd only been playing for 2 days and was already a level 37 in gold hoarders. It took me months to get that far and took me a year to get to level 50 as the increase was so small from lvl 40 onwards.

  • @stroro That's exactly my point. New players can get PL way to easy nowadays. Like I've been taking my time. Really really taking my time. I've been playing like 3 weeks at most. I'm already half of the way to PL. Yeah it might only be cosmetics and stuff but the fact that it's so easy to get now is what has made it lose it's meaning. It's supposed to be this awesome title you get for doing everything this game has to offer, yet everyone can get it in like a week now. It should be harder to get so it has meaning again. So it's a badge of honor again. Something to be proud you got.

  • @silentboops said:

    It's supposed to be this awesome title you get for doing everything this game has to offer

    Except that you're wrong, and it's not. All it means is that you've reached level 50 in 3 separate companies. Congratulations! You're a company man (or woman) and know how to grind.

    Rare didn't want the game to become about the grind, and after numerous requests to speed up the process, they did exactly that in order to make their fans happy. It worked. The only
    pirates you see unhappy are the ones who have already obtained PL long ago, and they're only unhappy due to their own injured pride/ego.

    There is so much more to do than the grind. Looking at all of the commendations alone will make anyone's head spin. The only way to truly see everything the game has to offer is to follow those, because they're less like commendations and more like recommendations.

    Happy sailing.

  • @galactic-geek I get that my good sir, but if these rewards feel like they took no effort to get they become stale and worthless. I mean look at the state of loot in WoW, it's just handed out now like candy and people are bored of it. I just don't want the same thing to happen to this game. Like there has to be a balance. It shouldn't be to hard or to easy to get. It just feels to easy right now is all. It's becoming more of a challenge to not get PL than it is to get it.

  • If I were you, I wouldn't worry so much. When the newer pirates start collectively complaining about how fast they got to PL, that's when you need to worry.

  • @galactic-geek Alright then, Any new pirates out there already PL or really close to it?

  • @faceyourdemon sagte in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    @odyssee-mit-tee You are the only toxic one here mate.
    We simply dont agree with you.

    Not agreeing to anything is not an opinion.
    You are passivists. You are that part of any videogame community that, if it would be put in charge, would instantly kill the game.
    Cause "everything is already perfect" so we don't need anymore update patches.

  • @mewgarb said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    Sorry dude @xultanis-dragon , you refuted yourself and confirmed my point.
    Here are your "reasons" put together that defeat each other:

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    They limit their function now. I stated that at the start it did nothing but let players skip the grind part of the game and now that we have emissary flags there is honestly no reason to keep the recommendations in the game.

    It used to take hundreds of hours of game time to reach pirate legend. You can reach pirate legend in 3 days now. Reputation is not a grind anymore so there is no reason to have it.

    Its all part of the experience but players were using the letters to skip it. Which means now they avoided a crucial learning curve of the game and will probably never learn it, which means they will instead have a better understanding of the game but will instead complain about it.

    So you say that the letters had at the beginning the effect that players avoided crucial game experiences, although you never came up with the point that people had to earn the needed doubloons in the first place, and only under the most optimistic circumstances would they have been able to avoid other players entirely and crucial game experiences.

    But also you say that they no longer are needed since the game itself is too easy, thus the letters have lost their impact on the game and are no longer a way to avoid crucial game experiences.
    So, essentially you are saying that there is no reason for your suggestion in the first place. Bravo. I agree, the only reason left is aversion and purist attitude.

    I mean if you want to prove my point for me I won't argue with you. Thank you, if you want to link what I've posted more often then go ahead, I don't see what you are trying to say either than proving me right.

    The doubloons would be gathered from just doing the events that they released at the time and the amount of doubloons needed to level up was lower than what was needed. So no what I said doesn't cancel anything out, you still proved my point.

    Letters were never needed in the first place and were detrimental towards players development in learning how to play the game. Players would get on, do a single events worth of doubloons and just level up a single faction 10 levels. So no buddy, regardless of what you think it has nothing to do with Purist attitude, even though I think you are maybe a little angry because people are saying you cheated your way to Pirate Legend? If you did, dont worry about it, who cares what you did to level up, I don't care.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    He is not strawmaning, hes right. Alliance servers pull players out of rotation that would other wise be playing with other players.

    He is doing that as you are now, since we were talking about Alliances in general, not about Alliance servers and even if we were talking about them, people playing there would stop playing altogether and never stay as "part of some kind of rotation". Get it, boy, some people like only parts of the game and go for great lengths to enjoy it somehow and if you not agree with that, then wave bye bye to them and say hello to empty servers nevertheless. They. Are. Not. Forced. To. Play.

    Boy, I mean I wish players would already see that a lot of players in the server alliances already stop playing anyways lol. So lets go with that angle. I've seen players stop playing Sea of Thieves on those alliance servers because they had nothing else left to do. They do everything in a month and thats it, they got nothing left to grind and stop playing.

    I mean, boy, its like players stop playing once they have accomplished everything in the game, if only there was some way to keep them from completing all of the objectives so easily. Like playing normally and learning how to play the game.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    Before the introduction to letters everyone agreed that you really didn't understand the games frustration until grinding the last 5 levels of Merchant alliance. Having to keep those animals safe, not losing the crates from sinking.

    What do you want to tell me? I leveled Merchant Alliance up to 75 mostly alone because I like to do their voyages since they are the shortest of all and I can do them now and then. And I sometimes just wanted to chill, alas, it did not alway work and I had to sink some peeps to return to chilling.
    Still, I want to keep the choice, people also want the choice to fight against other players, this is not Fortnite.

    I leveled up most of my rep solo and with emissary flags on. You think you are special? You talk about being a "purist attitude", you seem like you are having one right now :).

    Whats funny is this pretty much proves my statement. You at one point or another learned how to play the game because you realized you had to. Congratulations. A lot of players never do and the letters let them do that. They ended up changing that to just 1 a month and so that pretty much makes it useless. There is no reason to keep something like that around with emissary flags about.

    You can argue all you want but the Letters do not need to be in the game anymore. "Then why do you care if its useless!!" why do you care that it stays in the game then if you are agreeing with me that its useless? lol. When you use that phrase you are agreeing with me thats its useless, so if its useless why keep it?

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    Its happening now as we speak "I'm Pirate Legend Athena 20, so I know what I'm talking about, this is why this game is horrible and these are all the changes that need to be done" check the players stats and he has less than 3m meters sailed.

    Exaggerated and only possible if others carry you there. Sorry, no point.

    Not exaggerated lol, I've seen Athena 20's with less than 3m meters sailed. Who cares who carried them, still proves my point that rep is too easy to get which means letters are useless.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    The game progress is horizontal and with that horizontal progress comes the experience learned from that progression. By removing the progression you remove the period of learning.

    You already stated that the letters are needless in your opinion because the game seems too easy for your taste. You can no longer state this without lying. Sorry, no point.

    Lying? Who has to lie? That statement goes to the whole argument. Letters are useless, the grind is too easy now because of the emissary flags. Broski you just love ignoring dancing around statements you can't poke holes in, thats your problem.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    There are gems everywhere, you can fish or turn in fish that you gather. Are you planning on completing the commendations one day? If you are then why bother buying the levels? By completing the commendations you'll reach level 50 anyways. So again, the letters aren't needed.

    There is one, try harder to read and comprehend what others say:

    ... they help a bit to progress even when people were not able to play enough ...

    And as I already said similarly: I want to keep the choice, since we get choices in this game to tackle this and that one way or another. And I am working on commendations, but I like to be done with one or the other, and to have a choice here if I want the cosmetics first or the titles.

    You have already stated that letters were useless by agreeing with me that they were. You want to get titles get your titles, you want to get your cosmetics, get your cosmetics. You can do both by just playing the game. There is no sense in buying a letter when you can get the same amount of rep just by playing the game.

    There is no reason to rush to level up your rep. Just by playing the game and turning stuff in, eventually you will level up, letters do nothing and serve nothing.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    You just ignored every contradiction you made and now you try to convince people that you are right by stating that you are right, well, nothing else needs to be shown here. You should simply put a bit more effort into this, that it is not so insultingly obvious.

    I made my points, you had nothing to oppose, so it seems you realized how pointless this topic is, although you will not agree on this, because you would have to concede your error.

    By the way, these letters of recommendation were in the game before the emissary flags, have you confused something? And while we are at it, how about keeping allegations in your mouth? Having no arguments does not justify getting personal, so keep your fingers by yourself -- boy.

  • @mewgarb said in Remove Letters of Recommendation:

    You just ignored every contradiction you made and now you try to convince people that you are right by stating that you are right, well, nothing else needs to be shown here. You should simply put a bit more effort into this, that it is not so insultingly obvious.

    Hmm...seems you are one of those types. Thats fine. Lets repeat my points.

    Letters need to be removed because they server no purpose. The original purpose of the letters was to help players get over the hump of the grind for the last bit of levels, which was a very idiotic idea on Rare's part.

    The introductions of the Shrouded Shores update and even with the now emissary flags makes Letters useless, especially when they are only available once a month.

    The game has repeatedly gotten easier for players to level up which causes a huge skill gap difference between OG players and the newer player base. Titles and cosmetics that actually meant something and would let a player know "holy hell, they might actually know what they are doing?" mean absolutely nothing now because its so easy to level up now.

    You are trying to say I contradicted myself when no contradictions happened, you make a lot of claims by just posting what I said when it just furthers my point.

    I made my points, you had nothing to oppose, so it seems you realized how pointless this topic is, although you will not agree on this, because you would have to concede your error.

    You didn't make any points whatsoever. If you look at your argument style, you don't actual make any points. You say things that don't mean anything and then argue against the player not understanding your point when you make no point. The only time you ever made a point is when someone says something and you quote their entire post saying "thats what I'm saying" when you haven't said anything like that.

    By the way, these letters of recommendation were in the game before the emissary flags, have you confused something? And while we are at it, how about keeping allegations in your mouth? Having no arguments does not justify getting personal, so keep your fingers by yourself -- boy.

    I've been playing this game a lot longer than you. I know emissary came out after letters, we all do. Emissary makes Letters redundant and useless. There is no reason to have letters of recommendation and they were a bad idea to add in the first place. Allegation of what?? You need to point out the allegation if you are going to say anything against it. When have I gotten personal? Oh are you angry over the use of the word boy? Why would you be? I didn't direct it towards you, but it would seem that touched a nerve. Maybe if you are angry over the use of the word of something, maybe you shouldn't use it.

    Get it, boy, some people

    That was said by you and if you read carefully I never directed the word "boy" to mean you did I? You keep telling other people to read more carefully, me thinks that you should take your own advice there --boy--.

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