Best gameplay tip. Drop your rivals a message!

  • I got chased from the entire length of the map a few times. This brigantine chasing my solo sloop never gave up.

    I made a last minute mistake and misjudged my turn and crashed.

    I broadsided them and they boarded and killed me and sunk my ship.

    My best tip I think, is to drop them a message.

    Sent them a message "GG".
    They replied "Same to you"

    Said GG to the other and he replied "You made us work for it! Lol"

    Turned out they were Duo brigging. So they invited me as a third crewmate due to my friendly disposition.

    So not only did i cash in my lost loot, i cashed in theirs and another poor pirate sloop that we happened to run down.

    We killed them a little quicker with me on the cannons though!

    So best tip, drop them a GG.
    It might lead somewhere. At the very least they'll know you arent a salty pirate but a good sport. Even if deep down you are seething! Haha

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  • @daringclarky

    Been trying to tell people this for ages. All I get are "NO PvP'ers are toxic".

    I have so many stories where my crew were lenient towards another crew because for once in a blue moon, instead of the obsceneites we usually get flown at us, we got "hey guys GG" or "man you guys got us, hopefully we'll get another chance to try again".

    PvE'ers have no idea how rare it is for us to actually get cordial response to PvP. Its almost always hatred.

    Be a grown up when you get attacked and you'll more than likely make some friends.

  • people give what they get generally

    pvpers can get pretty cringey when they win and pvers sometimes make a rage chest seem stable when they lose but in general most people are going to respond to good sportsmanship with good sportsmanship

    I like me some good competitive smack talk (gameplay stuff not personal attacks) while fighting and some friendly chit chat on the ferry

    it's like playing sports as a kid you always gave each other a hard time while playing but were buddies just doing what we all enjoy at the end of the day

  • @wolfmanbush I like a bit trash talk too. Its also hilarious when i'll tell them that when i board their ship its over...and i get completely owned. I'll be like "Well that didnt go my way haha"

    Moments like this make the game great.

    Theres some really nice people out there. Some even too nice to rob. The kind that would join you at the skelly fleet back when they spammed sleep balls endlessly. They would grab the loot (before harpoons!) divide the loot on the deck and you would split it 50/50. Before alliances.

    Everyone is different.
    Its nice meeting nice people.
    Its also nice meeting competitive people too :)

  • @daringclarky said in Best gameplay tip. Drop your rivals a message!:

    @wolfmanbush I like a bit trash talk too. Its also hilarious when i'll tell them that when i board their ship its over...and i get completely owned. I'll be like "Well that didnt go my way haha"

    Moments like this make the game great.

    Theres some really nice people out there. Some even too nice to rob. The kind that would join you at the skelly fleet back when they spammed sleep balls endlessly. They would grab the loot (before harpoons!) divide the loot on the deck and you would split it 50/50. Before alliances.

    Everyone is different.
    Its nice meeting nice people.
    Its also nice meeting competitive people too :)

    haha I love those moments too

    there have been plenty of times where my mouth was writing checks my skills couldn't cash and I took a fully justified humble pie straight to the face

  • @wolfmanbush Mouth writing checks my skills couldnt cash.

    I love that phrase.
    Im gonna steal that if you dont mind. Haha

  • @daringclarky said in Best gameplay tip. Drop your rivals a message!:

    I got chased from the entire length of the map a few times. This brigantine chasing my solo sloop never gave up.

    I made a last minute mistake and misjudged my turn and crashed.

    I broadsided them and they boarded and killed me and sunk my ship.

    My best tip I think, is to drop them a message.

    Sent them a message "GG".
    They replied "Same to you"

    Said GG to the other and he replied "You made us work for it! Lol"

    Turned out they were Duo brigging. So they invited me as a third crewmate due to my friendly disposition.

    So not only did i cash in my lost loot, i cashed in theirs and another poor pirate sloop that we happened to run down.

    We killed them a little quicker with me on the cannons though!

    So best tip, drop them a GG.
    It might lead somewhere. At the very least they'll know you arent a salty pirate but a good sport. Even if deep down you are seething! Haha

    sometimes gg can trigger someone just warning pirates and if you are genuinely sorry that you sank them

  • @closinghare208 Doesnt have to be 'GG' could be anything positive really.

    Youll get the occasional person who gets triggered at the loss and will swear at you on xbox chat.
    Those people i honestly couldnt care less for. They make the game quite satisfying when we sink them.

    As a bonus, if you find yourself on the receiving end just report it and within 5 minutes or so xbox gives them a 24 hour communication ban making it a nightmare to party up if they dont have a mic. But DONT swear back or youll both get one.

  • I wish more people got this. I hit chased and sunk today while solo slooping. It was a good fight and I made a mistake. They got a GG. They earned the win.

    I then sunk a duo sloop after they kegged us both at the end is their gilded OOS journey. I told them GG and I'm just taking their flag as we both sunk (next to the arch do not a bad swim to rrpears) and ifvthey hurry they can tension their loot. They screamed but never got it.

    I then murdered a brig crew while my crewmate shot their hull full of holes. They also got a GG and they send cool. Stayed in the area doing their journeys but gave us a wide berth.

    Communication is great. Being a good sport is better. Honestly I'm just sharing stories as a way to say I agree with you and have found a lot of cool people through this game just by being willing to talk.

  • @delmont91 Once i was stalking a sloop as a sloop.

    I pulled up to another solo slooper as they were on the island and they didnt see me.

    He waa fishing. He stopped as i must have drifted into view.

    With no hope and nothing else to do he simply waved and sais "ahoy".

    I hesitated and was just about to fire but he text typed "Nice ship hull, which one is it?"

    I told him which it was and the desire to kill him diminished.

    Id just been doing ghost fleets so i gave him a spare ghost storage crate with a few supplies i had spare and told him that the storage crate is a decent bait box.

    We then parted ways! Haha

    He literally avoided pvp by having a little chat lol

  • As long as it is a positive message. I can’t tell you how many times we decided to “quick sink one more ship tonight before bed.” Then after 20 minutes of chase and we’re borderline about to give up because the sloop knows squaring and going into the wind and it’s late. Then low and behold a message about being trash and you’ll never catch us... at which point we’re willing to go 20 minutes more to close the deal... 🤣

  • @haydnsym45 Hehe i know the feeling. Its made me come into work very tired before haha

  • @daringclarky

    Those are my favorite. I actually met a bunch of my now regular crew 'cause my fiance and I were doing a vault at Kraken's when they first came out. Another sloop started rolling up on us and I swam out to board them. They were paying attention but also said "Hi!" As they were guarding their ladders so I talked back. We decided on an alliance I didn't trust so stayed on their board. Another sloop came rolling in and we decided to go get them in our alliance. They foolishly chose to open fire without talking instead. That sloop got absolutely wrecked and I proved to them I was good at PvP and they proved the same to me. It was like a well oiled machine with my piloting their sloop and manning the cannons while they boarded.

    We finished both our vaults, they had one at Kraken's as well, sailed together and turned in all without betrayal. Decided to Galleon it up and we've been regular crew-mates ever since.

    I think a lot of people take this game too seriously and are too worried about their gold/loot. The stories you get from actually talking to other players are where it's at and being willing to go along with dumb stuff is a blast.

    Another time I boarded and slayed out a relative new player on their sloop and instead of sinking of them started talking. Told him he was now my crew and this was my ship and he went with it. After press ganging him into our service another of my crew came over and we went after a Galleon, teaching the guy how to board while we managed ship combat. We had a blast, the guy who had his ship commandeered had a blast and made a ton of money off the alliance we formed.

    I have so many stories like this from SoT and they are why the game keeps pulling me back. Not the gold, not the PVE grind, not being a merciless PvP reaper, this stuff. It's awesome and so few other games offer it.

  • Was in an open crew earlier with a guy I didn't get along with and a new player. Guy I wasn't vibing with was doing the bossing people around arrogant thing and just being unpleasant but we were doing FOTD and the fleet and just generally destroying everything so I figured whatever while it's double gold weekend

    We came up on a brig and the guy I didn't care for gave them a hard time and was killing them and all the usual and I wasn't interested as they didn't have much loot and were fairly new it's not my thing to mess with people unless it serves me So I was just being friendly during the interaction

    Obviously they were upset and not very fond of me. They came back 5 times before we got off and they sank every time but I continued to try to be nice about it

    This other fella and I had enough of each other and we sold and I messaged one of the people we sank a GG message.

    They responded a few hours later and said sorry for being upset they were trying to get the lights for a fort they had never done one before

    I said well count me in if there is an open slot sometime I'll make up for the hostilities

    500k later and we are cool now

  • @daringclarky said in Best gameplay tip. Drop your rivals a message!:

    @closinghare208 Doesnt have to be 'GG' could be anything positive really.

    Youll get the occasional person who gets triggered at the loss and will swear at you on xbox chat.
    Those people i honestly couldnt care less for. They make the game quite satisfying when we sink them.

    As a bonus, if you find yourself on the receiving end just report it and within 5 minutes or so xbox gives them a 24 hour communication ban making it a nightmare to party up if they dont have a mic. But DONT swear back or youll both get one.


  • As stated, people give what they get.

    I don't consider PvP to shoot others in the back, PvP is done in the Arena (not Adventure mode).

    I have no respect to give to any player who goes around the map sinking ships for fun, I'll just hunt them down and hit them when they least expect it, like they do with everyone else.

    This ends up giving me extra 20~50k before I leave session, so GG.

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