Adding higher FOV to Sea of Thieves

  • A lot of people in the community would like to see a wider range of FOV choices. A lot of games usually span from around 90 FOV up to 120 FOV which I would argue is much better. Recently there has been a reddit post going around the community that allows users playing on the steam version of the game to increase their FOV from 90-120 FOV. However, Rare have confirmed that any changes to game files will result in punishment.

    There really is no argument to not adding higher fov, like it or not, it would just be useful for everyone. It wouldn't be unfair since everyone could use it, there is no reason at all for it to not be added. Obviously being able to see behind you isn't fair but you should be able to increase past 90.

    Hopefully we can get this added because less than 90FOV is hardly ever used by people.

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  • Yes good idea that’s all I have to say

  • @v-meli-v thank you smooch

  • I agree, this will be very cool to see added.

  • Yes great idea.

  • @max-kappa 100% agree. It would be better for people on all skill levels

  • if you disagree please explain because it would be so nice to see this added

  • @max-kappa I agree. Would be a great update to the game. They should definitely add this.

  • @max-kappa 90 fov or lower causes me motion sickness

  • Love it. 90 fov hurts my eyes actually. I much prefer 120 fov on every game I play.

  • yea i dont see how anyone can disagree with this tbh. its something that makes everyones life better

  • I disagree massively 90 Fov is fine the only people who care about this is TDMers if you want a higher FOV go and play COD not Sea of thieves. when you add more FOV in sea of thieves it messes with gun textures and gives a unfair advantage do these double gunners. Rare LTD is a great company and know what is best for there players and they are talented in graphics design you TDMers won’t be able to see this because they play at full cursed graphics. And care only about hit reg in a game that works perfectly. More FOV would make the game look worse.

  • I think this is a very reasonable and requested addition to the game, if it is already possible to play at 120 or higher by changing the game files then the least Rare should do is raise the cap to something higher than 90.

  • @shade-inpulse it would indeed.

  • @masteraenox yeah it's dumb cus rare have confirmed that doing something like this would count as cheating which is just unreasonable

  • @staringplace970 (:

  • @just-dreaming34 i mean i'd be happy with just playing on like 98 or 100 fov but i would feel happier getting used to a higher FOV if i knew it wouldn't count as cheating. the thing is is that less than 90 fov is hardly ever used so there isn't really any point in having low fov.

  • @scurvy-tek too close to your monitor young boy

  • @cpt-brano real brano holy

  • 120 FOV Should Not Be Added And Why.

    Before I start this argument I’d like to make clear that I am a tdmer who is above average in skill compared majority of tdmers. And that’s putting it modestly

    #1 Addressing the other side
    An argument id expect to see people say it’s not a bug it’s a feature which is what rare should have done with quick swapping and wall banging. But it’s not really a bug it’s tampering with the game files. Which means it shouldn’t have been in the game in the first place, it wasn’t meant to.

    #2 As it is right now 120 fov is only available through tampering with the game files on the steam version. People never complained about SoTs 90 FOV before 120 Fov was discovered. Now because they don’t want to be banned for literally cheating (that’s what rare says it is) they want it to be available to everyone. Everyone was on an even playing field before 120 FOV was discovered and now that 120 FOV exists it’s given players an unfair advantage over other players.

    #3 Rare never wanted 120 FOV to be in the game, the game was designed for 90 FOV, you can tell by the animations in game they don’t look right on 120 FOV.

    The only argument that the other side can make is “just let everyone have it so it’s fair.” What rare should be doing is removing 120 FOV and putting it back to 90, making the playing field even again. Rare didn’t intend for it to be in the game and they shouldn’t put it in the game.

    I’ll address people who respond with valid points and ignore people who say stuff like “cry more bot”

  • @louderqc i dont really see how double gunners gets an advantage from this if sword players can use it too. and yeah it messes with the gun textures, which is a valid point, but i think if they were to officially release it they would most likely fix fix them :)

    and hitreg doesnt work perfectly lol

  • @staringplace970 tdmers get a huge advantage from it, players will appear to move slower at the cost of the target being smaller which is fine. It makes hitting strafes way easier, you also have a smaller blind spot allowing things like holding the fort to be way easier as well.

  • With series x I'd like to see at least 100 fov added

  • @louderqc it's optional nobody is forcing you to use it if it ever is added and plus I'm a sword user and I would still like to see this added your entire point makes no sense. You are just saying that a group that has a different playstyle then you want something and you don't seem to care for your sake its all about a different group not getting what they want. And your extremely wrong if you thing hit reg is perfect. And your not giving yourself much respect for yourself if your using the COD argument that all tdmers are COD players.

  • @hooohoocoach

    #1. i see your point here, it definitely was not meant to be in the game. that doesn't necessarily mean it shouldn't be tho. i have seen a lot of people who dont tdm and didnt even know that you could change fov in the game files wanting this in the game because of their motion sickness

    #2. after seeing your other post, yeah. it probably does give an advantage to double gunners. but honestly i dont think its a huge one that will determine the outcome of a lot of fights. even so, it can also make double gunning and using guns in general more accessible to new players without crippling experienced ones.

    #3. I think if rare were to officially release this they would fix the animations. but then again i dont think they will release it in the first place so what do i know :p.

  • @max-kappa yes 😎

  • please and thank you (rare will most likely just ignore this thread tho tbh)

  • @staringplace970 said in Adding higher FOV to Sea of Thieves:


    #1. i see your point here, it definitely was not meant to be in the game. that doesn't necessarily mean it shouldn't be tho. i have seen a lot of people who dont tdm and didnt even know that you could change fov in the game files wanting this in the game because of their motion sickness

    #2. after seeing your other post, yeah. it probably does give an advantage to double gunners. but honestly i dont think its a huge one that will determine the outcome of a lot of fights. even so, it can also make double gunning and using guns in general more accessible to new players without crippling experienced ones.

    #3. I think if rare were to officially release this they would fix the animations. but then again i dont think they will release it in the first place so what do i know :p.

    I explained all the reasons it gives advantages over people with 90 FOV in another reply to you

  • i actually get motion sickness playing on low fov, i love this game deerly! but i just cannot play it. i feel sick after only 20 minutes of playing. i would love to see a higher fov option in the near future, this is a good idea. lets get this game heading in the right direction for all players!

  • Sorry but i agree with hoohoocoach its kind of unfair to those who dont use it as of now and rare already bans for it being a cheat. Also you have to change the games files to have it so thats another can of worms, idk i just dont think it will be added

  • Yes I agree 100%

  • @louderqc first of all this game is far from perfect. it has some of the worst hitreg from any game I've ever played. i can recount times where I've shot someone with all of my ammo and they haven't died. they didn't even eat. and the hitreg also affects the sword to the same if not greater extent. it's just less noticeable because the sword is a broken weapon currently. anyways on to my main point.

    I've seen numerous reddit threads and even forum threads asking for an increase in the FOV even before the steam version came out. The people that were asking for this weren't TDMers but they were casual players that get motion sick very easily. a higher FOV helps to diminish that problem. along with that humans actually see at 120 degrees. why should we be able to see less.

    your argument is one of ignorance. to say "go and play Cod not sea of thieves" is completely deluded. in case you lack the ability to tell for yourself they are two very different games with very different weapons and very different strategies. it's akin to saying "if you don't like castling in chess go and play checkers" it's apples to oranges. an increase in the FOV would actually be more helpful to sword users because of the nature of swordplay. it's all up close making it easy to lose your enemy as they move around you. having a higher FOV would make it much easier to track your enemies during swordplay. a double gunner spends most of their time at a distance from their enemy and therefore would find it hard to lose track of them.

    Rare definitely doesn't know what is best for their players. they know what they want. they abandoned arena because they were too stubborn to listen to the criticism of the players that cared and decided the reason people weren't playing arena is because it isn't something people want. They ignore their long time players in favor of content and updates that only benefits new players.

    please don't be so closed minded. i have no idea what caused you to have such a strong and obvious distaste for double gunners and the pvp community, and i wont pretend to know. but one bad apple doesn't ruin the orchard. so please try to be more understanding about the fact that just because something wont be helpful for you it doesn't mean it shouldn't happen. think of the others wants and needs. the pvp community has been ignored for a long time and we deserve this at least.

  • @hooohoocoach
    1: The functionality is there. it is currently only attainable by tampering with the files. but the functionality is there and it wouldnt take much to increase the range of the FOV slider in the settings. the sword leap shouldn't have been in the game and it wasnt meant to. but now it's a staple even endorsed by the devs.

    2: People definitely have complained about 90 FOV before. mainly people who get motion sick easily. numerous posts about people wanting an FOV increase have popped up on the subreddit because people were getting easily motion sick at the lower sensitivity

    3: this is a valid point. although this is a small issue. nowhere near enough of a reason to not make the change.

    it's a lot harder than you make it out to be to remove the ability to change those files. I personally don't believe they can as it's out of their hands. that falls on to steams shoulders. not Rare's.

  • Yes that would be cool to see

  • Agreed. FOV shouldn't be determined by if we want to buy the game a second time. Giving a title an advantage on one software platform is weird, especially when it's a cross console game.

    I don't know how many hours I have, but it's into the thousands.
    Very likely hedging into multiple. The low FOV has bugged the daylights out of me since day one.

    @louderqc This is so close minded. Just cause TDMers bring is up, does not mean it's useless to PvErs.

    90 FOV is disorienting compared to the industry standard for FPS titles. I know plenty or slayers and plenty of bots who quit the game with a main reason being the FOV.

    Higher FOV already exists on Steam, the game does not look worse. Different, but still better. Weird only cause we have been hard locked at 90 FOV.

    Cursed hardly effects anything but draw distance, minor details.
    The only major effect it has- is on the water- which still looks phenominal compared to other titles while on it's cursed settings.
    More FOV does jack all to how the game looks, the ONLY thing the makes it look worse is when cranked the arms clip off a bit when sprinting, and that is SUCH an easy fix. Just adding textures in a small hotfix, boom.

    Seems to me you are just looking for a reason to fight just because change is scary.

    First forum post and it's to refute a dense argument.
    Off to a good start boys..

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