Pirate legend Lengthy hair???

  • To those who have also reached Renown 45 have you actually recived the lengthy hair in your vanity chest? i've been waiting since early friday morning for the hair or is this reward bugged to heck like flameheart atm? managed to gain the 65 renown reward updo hair completly fine so thought i'd ask if others have yet to recive the 45 hair.

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  • I received the 45 level hair but not the level 25 beard. I don’t understand why my crew got theirs instantly but not me

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    yeah I got the lengthy but most importantly I got the updo and life is complete

  • A question about these legends rewards, will you also get them if you are not legend? If I become legend after the season one ends will the items still be in my chest or do you have to be legend sometime during the season?

    Reason I'm asking is mostly because I just started playing rather recently and those I play with can't play as much that it migth be impossible to reach it by the end of season one.

    I know I don't have the cosmetics in the chest at the moment, but was wondering if they might be invisible/locked until I become legend.

  • @slimymilli Ahoy matey!

    These are Pirate Legend exclusives WHILE the season is running.

    They will be available at a later date in the Pirate Legend Hideout... but behind a harder, more challenging commendation and gold spend.

    They are there to incentivise and reward players that are currently legend... but moving them to the Hideout after the event means all players will still be able to get them eventually.

  • Level 100 and I received every item along the way. Apart from tracking the first few days there has been no issues with unlocks for me.

  • Yeah it’s day 3 for me and still no beard. Wonder what went wrong with that one particular item. 99% of all my unlocks happened instantly except this one lol weird

  • @satanicnemesis do you remember how many ancient coins you got at the various levels? I thought I was getting 25 per tier, but I think I didn't get awarded any with my last level (58). Its possible I'm having a brain freeze, so I thought I would ask. After 6 ancient coin rewards I've received 125 coins. Does that sound right to you?

  • @tangus-00 yeah its 25 per

  • @satanicnemesis thanks for that. I was correct then that I didnt get the latest 25 reward. I'll wait another day or so to see if it shows up then put in a ticket. I appreciate the help.

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