Gold curse variations

  • Whats the probability that we will get gold hoarders variations again like to chose or buy a variation from each hoarder to look unique and what do u think about plunder pass pirate legend stuff maybe next osgar seamark jacket lv 100 and lv 50 mysterious stranger jacket

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  • For example u have one glass eye and u put henry the hoarders curse which give u gold only in the other eye and a bit in the eat to make u pirate completely blind would look dope

    Like for example he lost his eye and the other eye he couldnt stop his greediness even tho he knew he will get completely blind

  • When the gold curse first came out it was randomized for each person that completed the shores of gold and obtained it, but people complained and well rare made it more generic in the design that is currently applied.

  • @th3xr34p3r ye i know but the ppl complained for bei g all the same so why not make 8 gold curses this one we have and each from each hoarder in each outpost

  • @muarembossi I would more personally like to see a randomise button option for all the curses to allow the player to have control over the variation of the curse they have once they unlock the base version from the commendation/milestone its tied to at the time. That way there is a way to have it be a little more unique just like you have the generator in the pirate creation screen.

  • @th3xr34p3r same tbh or just buy every version and then u can change them

  • I have always suggested that curses be treated like tattoos. For example, Gold Curse 1, GC 2, GC 3, etc. - that way, you get more than just 1 to choose from.

  • @th3xr34p3r I think it would have been better to have it randomize every time it was equipped rather than one size fits all.

  • @tek-lt That's how it was originally done when it was first introduced but as stated people complained and rare removed the randomized version.

  • @galactic-geek ye wouldnt mind that either good idea

  • Does anyone even care about how Gold Curse actually looks anymore? Like what are you really that upset that it doesn't cover your left pinkie finger, or that it goes over your right eyebrow or something?

    I really don't see anyone pondering 8 different gold curse variations to find the one that most suites them when they would all just be effectively random gold patches. Like they aren't patterns, they're just splotches everywhere.

    And people complained about the random ones because it was inevitable some would just get super unlucky and get no gold at all on their hands for first person or none at all on their face for screenshots.

  • @frogfish12 well mate if u dont care then u dont i do and it seems other ppl do aswell so if u dont care thats ur thing and i think this page is for this ...

    and its the thougt of making look each crew member that has it more unique like the character selector so no one looks the same like rare always says

  • @frogfish12 I care and would gladly take more options. Not the biggest fan of my golden eye

  • @sudsierboar5526 yee i guess this guy is just to cool to care
    or just wants to release anger here

  • @muarembossi My point being it would seem to be pretty pointless as I personally cannot imagine that many people caring. Not that nobody at all would care.

  • @frogfish12 ye u personally think that and i personally think ppl would love to have more variety over cosmetics in a cosmetic based game...

  • Probably slim. Wish they never changed it from how it was in the start. Made it unique, now the gold curse is generic and boring.

  • @itz-majman ye thats what i mean make it more unique put all the fold curses + this one that we have and make it random waxh time u login or each time u select it.
    Rare is pretty bad with criticisism they said smth about a beard description instead of changing the desc they removed the item just fix problems dont make them boring...

  • @galactic-geek said in Gold curse variations:

    I have always suggested that curses be treated like tattoos. For example, Gold Curse 1, GC 2, GC 3, etc. - that way, you get more than just 1 to choose from.

    I've always dreamed of a coral curse that covers the fingers. And a PL curse that makes tattoos glow.

  • @th3xr34p3r sagte in Gold curse variations:

    @tek-lt That's how it was originally done when it was first introduced but as stated people complained and rare removed the randomized version.

    No it wasn't. Everyone got a random one and that didn't change. @TEK-LT suggested to change it everytime it gets equipped

  • @schwammlgott said in Gold curse variations:

    @th3xr34p3r sagte in Gold curse variations:

    @tek-lt That's how it was originally done when it was first introduced but as stated people complained and rare removed the randomized version.

    No it wasn't. Everyone got a random one and that didn't change. @TEK-LT suggested to change it everytime it gets equipped

    If you properly read what I stated that is exactly what I said in my first reply.. as in it was properly unique for each player that unlocked it at the time.

  • @th3xr34p3r I read properly...look at what post you replied to, in this case you answered wrong then

    Edit: @TEK-LT said this: "I think it would have been better to have it randomize every time it was equipped rather than one size fits all."

    And you replied with: "That's how it was originally done when it was first introduced but as stated people complained and rare removed the randomized version."

  • @schwammlgott well i dont mind how it would be or how he meant it as long as we could get variations of gold curses or possibly other curses aswell i would be pretty happy

  • would love to see variations of other curses like coral curse ashen curse legendary curse glowing tattoos like someone said and a version without the glowin chest symbol ink tattoo with only ink inside of eyes and not dripping but the one that i would love the most is the gold curse like u said 8 variations from 7 hoarders and the generic one that we have rn make them all pursachable or random or smth the gold curse atm looks boring af

  • @fadilzotnija yee i mentioned that aswell a long time ago but the main focus here is the gold curse cuz it already was like that we already had the variations the only problem was that someone got a bad variation and some a good one

    rare can do this like the dude above said like tattoos I II III IV ...

    but in the near future maybe other curse variations would be cute aswell

  • As a kinda new pirate I rly like the idea, after I searched the different variations of gold curse I saw the difference between then and now I would love to have other variations and not the same generic curse for everyone

  • @yoboifatfaak ye Ikr we need most variations since its a cosmetic game why not have and not less and boring like plz rare

  • ye would love myself to have the gold curse variations as well more uniqueness from pirate to pirate

  • They ruined the curse when they standardized it, and unless they change it back to how it was when it came out, it will never be as cool. The degree of randomness of the curse is what made it cool and unique, it was your curse more or less. Sure some players will complain that they got unlucky, but I would prefer the "worst" of the old variations to the goopy mess we have currently, as would most pirates with any sense of fashion I'm sure.

  • @neon-ic0n or made all versions pursachable or make it u can choose it once and it stays like that for u and if u want to unlock a new random version do tall tale one more time then that curse will be randomized in another variation and stay so till u finish it again

  • @neon-ic0n well they did ruin it but they always can bring it back but not like that time where everyone gets it random they can leave us the choice of taking one of 8 or letting us buy the other versions or randomize it everytime we login or smth

  • @captainrasha yee love to see someone thinking the same we need more uniqueness in a game where even character creation is about that...

  • I think there should be three variants for each curse (minus the Order curse). Personally, I like my generic gold curse, but different designs would be cool.

    I’m all for the jackets. Open jackets are really epic, and the Stranger’s jacket wouldn’t be too hard to make. Seamark’s jacket would be a bit more difficult to create, but it would look INSANE on a skinny character.

  • @animeowl0807 ur talkin like ur in my brain mate lol i swear only thing i wouldnt like is gold curse should have 8 the generic version and every other gold hoarders version other curses could have 3 or 4 variants ^_^

  • @muarembossi said in Gold curse variations:

    @animeowl0807 ur talkin like ur in my brain mate lol i swear only thing i wouldnt like is gold curse should have 8 the generic version and every other gold hoarders version other curses could have 3 or 4 variants ^_^

    Well, birds of a feather flock together. :)

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