As a reaper do you attack other reapers?

  • Ive noticed being a reaper and seeing a reaper in the server affiliated to his faction, there is no shroud.

    You can see their ship type from across the map and in a way its very akin to being in an alliance….but is it an alliance?

    Are we safe to assume other reapers are still a threat when one yourself?

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  • @shadow20642

    Heck yea! What's mine is mine and what's yours is mine on the seas!

  • It's the only ship on the server you should never feel bad about sinking or attacking. But since you have that emissary flag yourself, they can and should see you coming from a mile away. Also expect sneak attacks by people without any emissary flags. If you are planning to do PVE while having one equipped, someone should always be on the lookout at all times

  • As a reaper. I don’t attack anyone.
    :p. See not all reapers are evil but hey that just me

  • As my 5 minutes of being a Reaper at at time, as in only when I'm turning in, I can't say that I do.

    When I play with my kid and we're doing events and actually leveling the flag we don't.

    I don't typically attack other players at all lol. Sometimes I get a pineapple that tastes weird and get violent.

  • it's more fun to sink peaceful ships that are not expecting an attack. I usually start by saying "I'm friendly" and then help the other player's ship to the seabed!

  • @ixxxoloff said in As a reaper do you attack other reapers?:

    it's more fun to sink peaceful ships that are not expecting an attack. I usually start by saying "I'm friendly" and then help the other player's ship to the seabed!


  • I just assume reapers are hostile until they display otherwise.

    If anything your biggest danger as a reaper is another reaper. Especially if you have grade 5 and they don't, it's common for them to target you to try to get grade 5 themselves.

  • Reapers are intended to attack anyone they see for their loot, this includes other reapers! Even in lore it is official that reapers fight among each other, as long as they fight in the name of flame heart they are breaking no rules of the faction.

  • @goldsmen said in As a reaper do you attack other reapers?:

    Reapers are intended to attack anyone they see for their loot, this includes other reapers! Even in lore it is official that reapers fight among each other, as long as they fight in the name of flame heart they are breaking no rules of the faction.

    Which is odd when people gatekeep Reapers saying they're the pvp faction when they're really just the no rules do whatever faction.

  • @pithyrumble said in As a reaper do you attack other reapers?:

    @goldsmen said in As a reaper do you attack other reapers?:

    Reapers are intended to attack anyone they see for their loot, this includes other reapers! Even in lore it is official that reapers fight among each other, as long as they fight in the name of flame heart they are breaking no rules of the faction.

    Which is odd when people gatekeep Reapers saying they're the pvp faction when they're really just the no rules do whatever faction.

    The only situation i can understand is when people get angry that you attacked them as reapers, because they are intented to either hunt for their loot, or be a big bright target for anyone to be able to go after. You dont have to hunt people as a reaper, but at the same time you cant be mad at some one for wanting to hunt you.

  • As a gold hoarder I attack anyone 👌👌 reap what u see my freind

  • Yep, its competition

  • Oh sweet summer child. When I’m a reaper, we reap. We do not sow.

    Only the strong should survive.

    You are never safe.

  • Pew pew Er’ebody gon,’ die. I’ll sink everyone as a merchant ship. No loyalties in this game until negotiated. Shoot first ask questions later.

  • @pithyrumble said in As a reaper do you attack other reapers?:

    Which is odd when people gatekeep Reapers saying they're the pvp faction when they're really just the no rules do whatever faction.

    This situation is finally irrelevant now that we have a "better" version of what people consider to be the proper PvP faction(s).

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