Skeleton Cursed Hand! (Unique hook cosmetic)

  • Not everyone is willing to burn away all their flesh and hard earned cosmetics for the Skeleton curse, some much rather keep wearing their cosmetics for many reasons and was disappointed to learn that pirate cosmetics doesn’t work with the skeleton curse and most likely never will!

    So here is my small not so great solution for that!

    Earned yourself the Skeleton Cursed Hand after Reaching 105 in the Servants of the Flame

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  • There is a bone peg leg, 2 I think, so I don't see only the hand as an issue.

  • @butterfinger750 especially if it could move like Tasha's that would be amazing

  • @guyrza that the idea!

    I just want a skeleton hand!

  • Reward for an upcoming Tasha Adventure instead. Toss non pvp fans a BONE.

  • @pithyrumble Id rather have Briggsy's jacket as a reward tbh, and the hand as reapers reward

  • One of my friends really would love this, with the cursed bone peg leg he decided that he wanted to roleplay that his character is turning into a skeleton on his way to get the curse.

  • I love this suggestion. It gets my vote.

  • I support PithyRumble in this one.

    A skeleton hand, and skeleton peg leg would be amazing as adventure rewards.

  • I would love that. Flesh is weak, Calcium is strong!

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