• This is a Copy and paste of the report I sent in to Rare:

    PC Specs - RTX 4070 Super, AMD Ryzen 7700X, 32 GB DDR5 RAM, 4 TB SSD (Where game is installed)

    Hello! ive run into an issue ive never had before. I understand optimization on islands can be hard, but im having an FPS issue on only this game. Here is whats happening:

    Before this issue, I generally run SOT on Max settings on an average 180 - 240 FPS. The lowest it has ever gotten for me, was around 90 FPS for Port Merrick.

    Now, as of a week ago, I cant get over 120 FPS when even staring at the sky. The average FPS is around 40, Max is 80, And when in combat, It will even freeze or Drop to 2FPS (I have recordings if needed of Pre and Post issue gameplay)

    It is ONLY SEA OF THIEVES that has this Issue. Cyberpunk at max runs at around 180fps, Helldivers 2 runs at 144FPS, And other high intense games are not having these issues.
    I have checked file integrity, Reinstalled my Graphics Drivers, and Reinstalled the game but the issue is still persistent. is there anything you could do to help?

    Are any of you having the same issue? and if you fixed it, how?

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  • I’m having fps trouble in the last couple weeks!! I go from 200 to 30 any time I get around something I can grab or pickup! Like wheel ladders cannons etc ! Sea of thieves is the only game I have issues with and when it drops randomly when fighting around the wheel or stairs of a sloop! Is unplayable! It’s sad my 3080ti can’t run sea of theives anymore ! My console runs sot better right now!! I just wanna cry!

  • @oda-ashina I have the same problem, no one can solve it, I want to play again!!

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