How does healing work?

  • As the title states, I would like information on how exactly healing in this game works? Is the health deposited all at once in your health bar upon eatting or is it instead added to your health bar over time? I ask because I have had situations in pvp where I eat something that should heal me past a 1 shot kill threshold such as eatting a pineapple after being hit by an eye of reach but I still die to the follow up shot even though I ate the pineapple and saw my health bar going back up from it. Some confirmation on how the healing system works would be appreciated.

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  • As far as I'm aware health is deposited all at once however, like all games over the internet, you'll get strange occurrences due to latency and how the game server handles interpolation.

    There is a period of time from when you start the eat action to when it actually gets 'performed' which allows you to cancel by doing something else (stowing, pulling out a weapon, etc...). This is entirely client side and will result in the food not being eaten. In combat this can happen a lot of you don't wait for the 'crunch' sound from biting into the food to occur. In this case, you eating the food was never actually sent to the server as one of your actions.

    It's also possible that if you saw the food get eaten and your health go up that this happened 'after' you were hit according to the server. This is the same as dying behind a corner in other FPS games, where you were behind cover on your screen but your opponent hit you before that happened. This is caused by the server trying to resolve actions from different players using latency to determine in which order these things should be occurring in.

  • Its supposed to be instant, but the game is pretty buggy, and as far as i can gauge it, a lot of the issues experienced manifest as packet issues. It could be possible on your end you started to see it healing you but the game didnt yet register the packet server side. Or it could possibly be some other issue.

    At this point its hard to really say what exactly is causing any particular issues.

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