Easy Anti-Cheat is ineffective; and causes the game to crash constantly.

  • I have hundreds of hours on both xbox and steam, I bought the game on steam and have been playing it exclusively on that platform since it's release and I simply cannot play the game anymore due to constant crashing from Easy Anti Cheat. I have tried every "solution" online; verifying local files, re-installing EAC, clearing temporary files, etc.

    I've gotten every variation of error messages related to Easy Anti Cheat that you can find in various forums online; after months of this problem being so widespread and nothing being done...The most baffling part of this whole ordeal is the bizarre/lazy choice to use Easy Anti Cheat; it's literally nicknamed "Easy Cheat" for how easy it is to get around!

    There are tons of threads on various forums with this exact same issue, and hackers are seemingly just as widespread as before ("easy Cheat" working it's magic) . You are pushing more players away from your game than you are safeguarding it.
    As a software engineer, I can confidently say that you should have developed a novel way to tackle cheaters specific to your game than to take the lazy way out and pay a vendor. Now, that poor decision making and subsequent lack of care to address this problem promptly is outright shoving players like myself out the door.

    I have resorted to having the game installed TWICE on my PC, on both Steam and Xbox, just to be able to MAYBE play the game! Most people can't sacrifice 200+ GB of storage for only a CHANCE to play a game they love!
    I never post on forums bellyaching about a game, I usually just stop playing the game...is that what you want? Launch players to quit the game after 8 years? Fair enough.

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  • @jiggoj

    Some updates, I can't play the game either. The game shuts down and I get a notification that Easy-Anti Cheat found something and i have to verify the files and hope it fixes it but then a week or month after it's back to it again. Even Shadowplay gets flagged.

    I do think it keeps a big chunk of cheaters gone but when it starts impacting the "normal" playerbase, it's obviously an issue.

  • @jiggoj said in Easy Anti-Cheat is ineffective; and causes the game to crash constantly.:

    I have hundreds of hours on both xbox and steam, I bought the game on steam and have been playing it exclusively on that platform since it's release and I simply cannot play the game anymore due to constant crashing from Easy Anti Cheat. I have tried every "solution" online; verifying local files, re-installing EAC, clearing temporary files, etc.

    I've gotten every variation of error messages related to Easy Anti Cheat that you can find in various forums online; after months of this problem being so widespread and nothing being done...The most baffling part of this whole ordeal is the bizarre/lazy choice to use Easy Anti Cheat; it's literally nicknamed "Easy Cheat" for how easy it is to get around!

    There are tons of threads on various forums with this exact same issue, and hackers are seemingly just as widespread as before ("easy Cheat" working it's magic) . You are pushing more players away from your game than you are safeguarding it.
    As a software engineer, I can confidently say that you should have developed a novel way to tackle cheaters specific to your game than to take the lazy way out and pay a vendor. Now, that poor decision making and subsequent lack of care to address this problem promptly is outright shoving players like myself out the door.

    I have resorted to having the game installed TWICE on my PC, on both Steam and Xbox, just to be able to MAYBE play the game! Most people can't sacrifice 200+ GB of storage for only a CHANCE to play a game they love!
    I never post on forums bellyaching about a game, I usually just stop playing the game...is that what you want? Launch players to quit the game after 8 years? Fair enough.

    I can confidently say that you should have developed a novel way to tackle cheaters specific to your game than to take the lazy way out and pay a vendor

    Do you have ANY idea how difficult it is to develop an anti-cheat? It's nothing like developing a game.

    hackers are seemingly just as widespread as before

    No anti-cheat is 100% flawless. Of course, what you don't see is the people it catches. Because they are gone. So your sample size is 'Everyone not yet caught' and assuming it won't ever catch them.

    Now, that poor decision making and subsequent lack of care to address this problem promptly is outright shoving players like myself out the door.

    So them not hiring developers explicitly to develop an in-house anti-cheat is 'poor decision making' and 'lack of care'?

    Tell me you have 0 idea how programming works without saying you have 0 idea how programming works.

    @itz-majman said in Easy Anti-Cheat is ineffective; and causes the game to crash constantly.:


    Some updates, I can't play the game either. The game shuts down and I get a notification that Easy-Anti Cheat found something and i have to verify the files and hope it fixes it but then a week or month after it's back to it again. Even Shadowplay gets flagged.

    I do think it keeps a big chunk of cheaters gone but when it starts impacting the "normal" playerbase, it's obviously an issue.

    The problem is that the anti-cheat is not being updated (by the anti-cheat makers) at the same time as the game.
    So the game's NEW files are seen as 'Not the proper files' by the then-outdated anti-cheat until it's updated to catch up.

    That's the nature of how anti-cheats work, and Rare can't do much to change that, since updating EAC is on EAC's end, not Rare's.

  • @jiggoj “easy cheat” but it is currently keeping quite a few cheaters away that have payed cold hard cash to get cheats for the game.

    Just so you know, there will never be a anti cheat that is 100% effective 100% of the time, simply because the cheat developers are getting payed to circumvent anything the anticheat and the game devs throw at it.

    And these people pay ALOT of money to get cheats

    Anyway, yes cheaters are still present but WAY WAY WAY less

  • They were doing stuff effectively before EAC was even implemented.

    It got real obvious that certain groups of activity were suddenly playing less before and after EAC.

    Some of that is just burnout but also there was a very noticeable drop with the obvious stuff. Like streamers getting messed with for example. Now it's just a lot of metagaming but not nearly as many examples of targeting through cheating.

    Way more obvious that people are popping up around social areas with the "I didn't do anything" stories.

    Rare was cleaning things up before EAC and EAC has been supporting their overall efforts. Been pretty obvious in my experience.

    Pretty obvious they are doing more on some of the extreme exploiting too. More chatter about bans/enforcement on that front too.

  • Most people can't sacrifice 200+ GB of storage for only a CHANCE to play a game they love!

    SoT on Xbox is only 86...not even close to 200, Steam its 100, still not close to 200

  • @burnbacon said in Easy Anti-Cheat is ineffective; and causes the game to crash constantly.:

    Most people can't sacrifice 200+ GB of storage for only a CHANCE to play a game they love!

    SoT on Xbox is only 86...not even close to 200, Steam its 100, still not close to 200

    They were referring to having both the MS Store and Steam versions installed at the same time. Which is over 200 GB.

  • With regarding banning cheaters, when it comes to paid cheats, this is usually done in banwaves every 3-6 months, typically. While it sucks to have to wait on that to happen, it's effective because it hits the cheatmakers with a ton of chargebacks all at the same time. And it gets more effective over time.

    Most of the free and known cheats should be indentified and accounts banned pretty quick but, again, it probably won't be instant if they are manual bans.

    For everything else that the AC detects as usually interacting with the game in memory, it should just stop the game from running or kick the player instantly.

    I'm not saying that EAC has been implemented correctly in this case (I've been pretty vocal that I think it's misconfigured still) but I do believe Rare have the knowhow to fix it and, hopefully, we'll get to a point soon where its impact on legit users is negligible.

  • @jiggoj take some of the language in this with a grain of salt, I was and still am frustrated...

    I acknowledge I wrote off the difficulty of making an effective anti-cheat, but also think are ways they could've flagged cheaters in house (idk im an infra guy, but like flagging suspicious boat movements); I also think Rare has done a good job overall with the cheating problem.
    It's just extremely annoying being unable to play, and knowing many others have the same problem.

  • @wolfmanbush said:

    Rare was cleaning things up before EAC and EAC has been supporting their overall efforts. Been pretty obvious in my experience.

    This is something Rare deserves credit for.

    The addition of an anti-cheat is was well overdue, imo. Rare's management didn't make their security team's jobs any easier, by limiting the tools they had available to combat cheat devs for several years.

    But I've received enough confirmations from Rare Support (before and after EAC) to know that, when evidence is brought to them, they definitely clean things up.

    If we're seeing a spike in cheaters, best thing we can do is report it & then root for the security team to do their best with the resources they have.

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