Try this if you have a keybinding not saving issue, and rare, pls fix it.

  • Work for me, not sure, I think there is a conflict keybinding problem between the Item and Quest and the Pirate Chat, I didn't dig too much, cause it toke me too much time, 5 hours trying to save my game settings, thanks rare, just do not use the same key between them, I think this is also the reason why after resetting to default setting and you still get it work.

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  • hey mate, im having the same situation but mine is that after resetting to default both my Kb&M and Controller key binds i cant save no modification after.
    Also im not using the same keybind to Item and Quest and the Pirate Chat
    Its sad that this used to be an easy fix, but after many controls where added to the game this became a larger mess

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