Anyone else not getting credit towards their You Work For Me commendation? I'm stuck at 16/25
You Work For Me - Not Tracking
Conpleted mine in this way: go to a sea fort. Equip flintlock and blowpipe. Clear all the waves until you reach the final one. Go on top of the seafort, and climb on the stone arch above the bell. Wait for the phantoms. Shoot 4 hits of flintlock to the captain. Finish him with 1 bait dart so the ghosts kill him in a couple of swings. Repeat the process on every seafort until you complete the commendation for a total of 25 times.
@evilpause best solution? Do a large island OoS voyage and get the captains to kill each other, NOT the crew. Guaranteed 2 per voyage. It takes time but at least it works.
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