Update made controller play even worse

  • For those of us on controller, crouch being bound to the same thing as another is not working the same as it was before.

    I have always had my telescope bound to R3 (right stick click). When crouch was introduced, it defaulted to that. Fine enough because it didn't effect me pulling out my telescope. I would simply push R3 then R2 and I would be using my telescope.

    However, after today's update, when I push those 2 buttons in succession, it keeps me in crouch and I have to click R3 again to stand up before I can use my telescope.

    Not sure if this is a bug or by design to prevent quickswapping, but please find some other solution to prevent quickswapping if that's the case. Just another hindrance to the controller experience since we're so limited on buttons as it is.

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  • Controller desperately needs a QoL update to help with the severe lack of button binds.

    But I'm not able to reproduce your bug, or at least it's not as big an issue for me if it's the same behaviour.

    I use similar binds, but use an Xbox Elite 2 on PC. I used to have the spyglass on Right Stick Push, but that got taken by crouch (as you said), so I rebound spyglass to Right shoulder button (RIP dedicated Quest Radial button!). When I crouch and press RB, I hear the spyglass coming out, pressing Right Trigger stands me up automatically and I can press Right Trigger again to use it. It's an additional trigger press, that's about it for me.

  • @sweetsandman same except my right stick press was bound to food for the last like 4 years. its sad but im going to finish these comms and just disbale crouch.

  • Just another hindrance to the controller experience since we're so limited on buttons as it is.

    Or just for those who change binds and dont use defaults.

  • I just logged on to these forums to make this exact complaint, and see the OP beat me to it.

    For six years I’ve had spyglass bound to “right stick click” (as have all my controller-using crewmates). And last update they decided to fill that slot. Fine. As OP said, was easy enough to press RT fast to use the telescope.

    But now, thanks to the changed crouch behaviour in this build, it’s useless. After SIX YEARS. I’m not even going to bother asking the devs why they’ve made this particular change.

    Of all the displays of technical incompetence and unintended broken features every update, what’s most infuriating is this change was possibly deliberate.

    Just fix it, Rare.

  • @burnbacon said in Update made controller play even worse:

    Just another hindrance to the controller experience since we're so limited on buttons as it is.

    Or just for those who change binds and dont use defaults.

    Lemme guess Bacon, the next brilliantly smart remark you were preparing to give is something among the lines of "It goes against Rare's vision of the game to change keybinds".

    On the topic - it looks like there are still a lot of recurring issues with keybinds/actions in general. There's also a PC related thread from a month ago, that people just as I type this keep replying to.

    Playing on a controller is already harder with cross-platform enabled. Saying this as a PC player on kb/mouse + default keybinds. I hope you guys get this sorted out soon.

    "It's Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Functional Keybinds yall!" Lol.

  • @burnbacon said in Update made controller play even worse:

    Just another hindrance to the controller experience since we're so limited on buttons as it is.

    Or just for those who change binds and dont use defaults.

    Default user.
    But controller is at a keybind disadvantage to kb/m. They should be restricted to the number of keys they can bind to controller buttons ... for balance and fairness!

  • Xbox Player here.... i got the same issue, i use the R3 for quick swap for food and It's difficult now when going into battle. I found using the food radial a bit annoying when used to having the R3 bind, it has a delay which obstructs quick battle decisions. Right now for me, the buttons commands seemed to be "grandfathered in" due to the update. Food pops up when i get out of crouch postion. Interesting thing... because of this integrated fault from the update. i can use the quick swap for food when i press R3 after i jump in the air, before landing back to the ground. This somehow cancels the execution command for the crouch. 😆 The crouch postion works when you are on solid ground without jumping. So when im in the water, R3 food swap works for me. 🤷‍♂️ (Nevermind the recent update patched it) Maybe the Devs can integrate a binding with a 2 second hold toggle into the control system. Im not talking about a hold binding, which is already in the game. Im talking about holding the button for 2 seconds to toggle crouch. For example; Call of Duty has a 2 sec hold toggle binding (R3) like that for the knife on the xbox controller. Maybe something like that can be added to the game.
    -Colonel Q

  • It's a valid concern but why have spyglass mapped to a unique bind? It's not an item you ever need quickly.
    Food throwables bucket. I used to have cannonballs for loading from a distance during naval but unbound it for crouch and got back into habit of using the inv wheel

  • @hiradc said in Update made controller play even worse:

    It's a valid concern but why have spyglass mapped to a unique bind? It's not an item you ever need quickly.

    It depends. Personal preference for me, not sure about SweetSandMan's reasons. I play solo a lot and like to have easy access to the spyglass to keep an eye on the horizon constantly, but it's not as easy to select from the radial as it's on a diagonal slot. It's just annoying to use the radial if you use it a lot.

    Food throwables bucket. I used to have cannonballs for loading from a distance during naval but unbound it for crouch and got back into habit of using the inv wheel

    I have food, throwables, emotes, and PTT mapped on my controller's D-pad (don't use pirate chat). Bucket is one of the cardinal directions on the radial, so relatively easy to select quickly, even under pressure. Even though food is on the radial top slot, it's bound for easy cycling of food.

    I've said it before, but I think the only real solution to controller players' issues here is with a shift-modifier bind. That's how a lot of games add more binding options.

  • @realstyli said in Update made controller play even worse:

    I've said it before, but I think the only real solution to controller players' issues here is with a shift-modifier bind. That's how a lot of games add more binding options.

    I have to agree because the other common recommendation is “long press” for a different action but this game has “reduce hold to ___” and it’s an accessibility feature I personally use because I get hand fatigue playing video games and this reduction of holding allows me to play for longer.

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