Rare Incentivize players to report hackers?

  • As if getting trolled by hackers isn't incentive enough I think it would be a good idea for rare to reward players somehow whether it's through special ship sails or pirate cosmetics for successfully reporting a hacker.

    It's gotten to the point where Hourglass for one thing is almost unplayable. You have a good streak going and then bam hackers sink you and spam rolls on deck laughing the entire time.

    I feel like if the community was rewarded or incentivized in someway hackers would be wiped of the Sea of Thieves very quickly the moment they pop in.

    Reporting hackers in itself is a bit of a chore I've reported many myself and it's a lot of work for me to get good footage of a hacker hacking, compress footage, and the submit a report.

    At least reward us somehow for doing this. Know what I mean?

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  • I do think that any company should be looking into improving their report and support features.

    Personally I don't buy into extra incentives being necessary or even effective.

    People in SoT spend way more time talking about cheaters than they do encountering cheaters. You can even see people flat out saying that they haven't played in months, but there they are, talking about cheating regularly in the social areas, lol.

    Reporting should be the priority over talking about it all the time, imo.

    Complaints are only effective if there is data to go along with it, so if people want to create some change they need to back up the posts with the reports. That's the incentive, improvement.

  • If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or suspect foul-play, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support. As this is a matter for Support and not the Forums, I'll be dropping anchor here.

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