Do Rare not care? PvP/Hour Glass

  • This has become ridicules. Its that time again where the only light at the end of the tunnel for unlocking that ghost cosmetic is double EXP. And I know I know, "Git Gud" but look, I would happily try and "Git Gub" if the pool of players in hourglass was there and the experience was enjoyable. It is none of these. And why?

    First of all the combat in this game has become so janky that I'm surprised I can even hit a Keg-Skelli with a sword. From dropped inputs, to cancelled actions, to cannons not loading, to loading the wrong, to tools not working very well. I know grapple gun, maybe not the best thing to have when doing hourglass, but I know I scuff boarding's alot (Mainly due to hitting "F" on the ladder and Rare Servers deciding "Nah") and what I noticed today, you use that thing anywhere, it gives you a little bump upwards when you hit your destination, you do it on a ship, tosses you down under the water, AWAY from the ladder if your a tad to low. and not only what, the biggest pain. I grapple the ship, I stop mid way, why? because there is a stupid merfolk popping up right in my line. But technical issue aside, and the crux of this Feedback/Rant.

    It's either getting pounded by hardcore hourglass players, or finally being paired with someone as terrible as myself that we end up fighting for an hour. And I see the same suggestion being mentioned everywhere on how to make it better, funnier and streamline. Get Rare, makes no changes, nothing, doesn't even mention it. The same with the quest board, the same with any new feature, it gets put in there, bugs get fixed and then it gets forgotten, with zero improvements, a sandbox where they keep tossing buckets and spades in and then just leaving them to be brittle in the sun and buried in sand and cat muck.

    Again, I ask why? The answers to most of these issues are there, some of the mechanics to make this improvements are already there (Arena scoring system)

    So why, time and time again do these developers refuse to do anything with the feedback we give.

    I had intended to get my grind on and knock out my last few levels in hourglass, but 10 matches in, I'm not going t o waste my time. New content is good, but what good are new tires on a car when the axel is slowly rusting falling to bits.

    Im sorry this is more rant then feedback, but at this point. I feel like it's the only way to get this team to listen. Well, till the post gets shut down.

    What changes to combat or the hourglass system do you think SHOULD be implemented ASAP.

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  • Rare choose to pretect noobs than keep pvpers. All pvpers I followed from streaming are afk now. there is nothing enjoyable in fight right now. For me quick swap or one shot blunderpass is like head shot in other games, which makes me feel good, right now the big problem is the long time waiting before you take the second shot, its so weird, when you play
    other games, if you want to use your second gun, you just take it out and shoot, you don't need to wait, you don't need to hold your gun steady, you are fighting, you take out, you shoot!

  • I mean its better now than a whole lot of times before. We had era's of hourglass with the mast bug, the invisible water bug, being unable to interact with enemy ships utilities like not being able to anchor them, your own ship missing things like the actual cannons, the ships being submarines, the queue's being 45 minutes long... and now you can enjoy the 2nd gen sweats which arent quite as bad as the 1st. PvP is going to have a certain misery factor because the game just isn't meant or built for the kind of performance we really want. The game/server gets stressed so bad a grocery list of things start happening like not grabbing ladders, weapons not firing when ADS'ing, buckets getting harder to throw out and all the stuff you mentioned and its bad sometimes but you can manage it somewhat. Only thing I can think of to help is just take the hourglass lightly or you'll be unhappy.

  • Your issue is you’re going in on the times when the players better than you are also queuing, during G&G. Try queuing outside of that and you’ll find the pool of players vastly different.

  • It’s event time and once more, the players are upset because. Things aren’t going as they “should”

    Turning hourglass from a fun PvP experience into a competitive combat system. Nobody likes to lose but come on….have we fallen so far from playing video games that every PvP has to be “perfect”

  • @tesiccl

    From my expience, G&G is the only time I find non sweats because they are all trying to take advantage and work towards 100. If I had to level hourglass without x2 exp I think I would shoot myself from bordom.

  • @burnbacon

    I would like the game to work as intended mechanically wise, I dont mind loosing, I mind loosing because the game cant handle itself and the player pool is to little to get a level playing field, more then likely due to the gamemode being wonky and matches very quickly becoming a painfull slog made more painfull that the duct tape holding it together is wet and pealing off.

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