Accessibility Request (Lighting & Kill cooldown)

  • Happy New Year everyone!

    Sea of Thieves has been making the rounds through my friend group recently. I gave it an honest shot, but there are 2 things that make it difficult and frustrating for me to play long-term. This post is from the perspective of someone with Asperger's and a visual impairment.

    First, when I have the lantern out, I can't hold anything else. I'd like the ability to be able to hold the lantern in my-off hand, so I can also carry other objects. Would be very helpful for contrast when completing tasks at night, or just trying to find holes in my ship when it's filling with water and I have wood planks out ready to go. I have the brightness up to 100% in-game, which helps some, but not perfect. I know the off-hand is used a couple times in the game (i.e. picking up storage crates), so, off-hand lantern may not work with that, but a head lamp you could purchase for around 1,000 gold with the same brightness as the lantern would be a great substitute. This should be something you buy once and stays with your character.

    Second, need a kill cool-down. This should be an optional setting that someone can enable if they have a slower reaction time in combat, like myself. When my friends and I played last week, we were engaged in ship combat with another crew. It was fine, until they hopped on our ship and "spawn-camped" us. I ended up endlessly dying and re-spawning without being able to move. With my challenges, this turned me into a pretty useless teammate, while the knuckleheads were laughing maniacally over proximity chat. I never had the chance to get my sword out, or make a trip to the ammo chest on our ship. My character was dead before I even processed what was going on. By the time, I figured out that someone else was on our ship, we were sunk and done. Incredibly frustrating!

    If I had a cool-down for 3 or 5 seconds before someone could kill me again after spawning in, I would have actually had a chance. It would not be feasible to enable a cool-down for all players, but should be an option for those that want it. I think it would be nice for players to adapt their strategy when they encounter someone with this setting on, rather than just killing them endlessly. A clock or shield icon could be placed next to someone's gamertag, so all players know who has the cool-down and who doesn't.

    I like the game so far, just need those couple tings addressed before I play more often in the future. If you're curious, I play on PC with a controller.

    I know it will be a while before anything happens, the dev team will need to have a few meetings and determine how they'll implement these changes, but I figured I'd share my POV, as these are relatively simple changes/fixes to a good well-established game.

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  • This should be an optional setting that someone can enable if they have a slower reaction time in combat

    You and 99% of the player base will enable this. Thus will become the norm which will be like it never existed :/

    If I had a cool-down for 3 or 5 seconds before someone could kill me again after spawning in

    Yeah but players loading times would be the issue. Your character loads in but your sight itself lags behind.

  • That's an interesting tid-bit I didn't know. That explains why I was half-dead before I could see anything. In regards to your other message, what would have never existed? Normal combat? I am 100% aware an option like this can/will be exploited for selfishness, even if someone doesn't actually need it, but better than nothing.

  • If I had a cool-down for 3 or 5 seconds before someone could kill me again after spawning in, I would have actually had a chance.

    So, basically, 3-5 second immunity in which you can fight back?
    Literally everyone would turn this option on.

    It was fine, until they hopped on our ship and "spawn-camped" us. I ended up endlessly dying and re-spawning without being able to move.

    That's when you vote to scuttle the ship & change servers.
    You've clearly lost; They have total control of your ship, and they have the ability to prevent you and your friends from taking it back.
    So the option is to vote to sink. Not to ask for limited immunity.

    And trust me; I get it. I don't think or react as quickly as even average players. I am, literally, slower of thought.
    But there's already a fix for being camped in place; Scuttling.

    Imagine boarding someone's ship, killing them, and starting to steal treasure, only for them to respawn and, with 5-second immunity to all damage, kill you/raise the anchor/lower the sails/any of the above & start running away while you're forced to respawn on your ship.
    It would feel cheap as hell.

  • By making blunderbuss no longer one shot they have effectively added a cooldown as unless you are shot by multiple players on spawn (which takes skill and coordination so shouldn't be blocked entirely) you do have the opportunity to react and do something.
    I'd recommend mapping food to dpad on controller and start moving before you can fully see as generally others will notice you spawning before you do.

  • Thank you all for the replies. This is a bigger issue than I anticipated. I should have seen the "how dare you try to muck up our combat!" messages coming from a mile away! Lol Although, trying to move before I spawn in is not something I would have ever thought of on my own, so thank you for that!

    The only way this would work properly and not be exploited would be for those who request a cool-down (or other assistive functions), to go through an eye exam by an outside entity to prove they qualify. Then the devs enable those functions on their account. No different than applying for government programs to get accessibility assistance.

  • @biggoofycat said in Accessibility Request (Lighting & Kill cooldown):

    The only way this would work properly and not be exploited would be for those who request a cool-down (or other assistive functions), to go through an eye exam by an outside entity to prove they qualify. Then the devs enable those functions on their account.

    That...Is never going to happen.

    1. Who would be in charge of reading the submissions & activating the option on people's accounts?
      This would cost Rare time and money (To pay people to review a doctor's note for a video game) when there's already a fix for camping in place: Scuttling.
    2. It's a video game.
      Don't take it so seriously that you think needing a doctor's note to get preferential treatment is a good idea.
    3. What about other disabilities?
      I react slower; Why should only people with bad eyes get a special function?
    4. It's still preferential treatment over other players.
      The game, and developers, have very much a 'Everyone has the same tools on launch' mindset for the game. To the point that they changed in-game Sails to ensure it did not give an advantage for people who use them over people who do not use them.
      The idea of special doctor-ordered options flies against their entire design philosophy.

    Again, as I said above:

    Imagine boarding someone's ship, killing them, and starting to steal treasure, only for them to respawn and, with 5-second immunity to all damage, kill you/raise the anchor/lower the sails/any of the above & start running away while you're forced to respawn on your ship.
    It would feel cheap as hell.

    Add to that unfairness: the option for functional immunity exists for THEM, but not for YOU. Because a doctor wrote a doctor's note for a video game.

    Sorry but the idea is unfair, goes against the design philosophy for the game, and just stems from taking the game way too seriously.

  • Microsoft actually has the Xbox Adaptive Controller that is specifically designed for people who have dexterity issues, supporting large buttons and other accessories. Their landing page for the thing mentions someone who is paralyzed and can't use his hands. He has a whole setup to be able to play Halo like he used to, before his accident. I wouldn't be surprised if someone out in the world was playing SOT with an adaptive controller. Lol So, in that sense adaptive hardware devices are okay, but start talking about making software/games adaptive and everyone loses their cool.

  • @biggoofycat People aren’t mad because they don’t want the game to be accessible, its just that this sort of advatage is too big. It is completely different than a special controller as it is no advatage per se. You could solve your problem this way, by just planning ahead with your defciency in reaction time in mind, by always having good food like pineapples and a dedicated food bind, you can eat one as soon as you respawn without even needing to react. This should give you enough time to get back on your feet and fight back and would only cost you a couple thousand gold per session.

  • @biggoofycat said in Accessibility Request (Lighting & Kill cooldown):

    Microsoft actually has the Xbox Adaptive Controller that is specifically designed for people who have dexterity issues, supporting large buttons and other accessories. Their landing page for the thing mentions someone who is paralyzed and can't use his hands. He has a whole setup to be able to play Halo like he used to, before his accident. I wouldn't be surprised if someone out in the world was playing SOT with an adaptive controller. Lol So, in that sense adaptive hardware devices are okay, but start talking about making software/games adaptive and everyone loses their cool.

    I'm sorry you think perfectly valid counter-arguments and supporting facts against your request are people 'losing their cool'.

    You're not just asking to make the game 'more accessible'.

    • You're asking rare to spend time and resources examining doctor's notes from potentially thousands of people. Which costs time and money to maintain staff to do this.
    • You're asking Rare to determine, day after day, if the notes they get are real or fake. Which means comparing them to doctors notes from whatever city/state/country they come from to ensure they are real. Which costs them time and money.
    • You're asking Rare to allow only a subsection of people who can get (Or forge, because that will happen) these notes a special function that gives them game-breaking invincibility frames.
    • You're asking Rare to program a whole new interface to manually go into people's accounts to enable an option. Which costs time and money to make.
    • On that note: You're asking Rare to program said option in the first place. Which costs time and money.
    • And, to top it off, you want only a subsection of people to have this special power. In a game where Rare has very, VERY vehemently said no one gets special powers or items that other player's don't get. (See: Dark Adventurer's Sails)

    And that's twice now that you've ignored my points to claim I'm just being reactionary:

    I should have seen the "how dare you try to muck up our combat!" messages coming from a mile away!

    Start talking about making software/games adaptive and everyone loses their cool.

  • Rare would rather spawn camping be in this weird grey area where it is acceptable sometimes and isn’t acceptable other times rather than simply add temporary spawn protection so players who are returning to their ship from the ferry of the damned have a small window of time where they cannot be damaged. I think 3-5 seconds would be appropriate but it may be necessary to have a range of values and balance it by crew size.

    Attackers on an enemy ship can hide, disguise or just flee from any player who is temporarily immune to taking damage.

    I do think it should be very obvious if a player is immune to taking damage such as having their character blinking white or some other obvious visual and perhaps audio indicator as well.

    But yes it’s a good idea to add spawn protection and it has been suggested before. Rare apparently tried it but the insider community didn’t like it so it was scrapped. And like I said as a result spawn camping is in this weird grey area of whether or not it’s appropriate when it absolutely does not have to be that way.

    The developers have to learn to ignore the cries of change if they truly believe a. That it simply isn’t fun to die, spawn, die, spawn, die, spawn, etc. without getting the chance to do any sort of damage back to your opponents and b. Killing players is a part of PvP in Sea of Thieves. The scuttle option has been improved to include scuttling to a new server to avoid a crew that just sank you. There are tools to address a situation where your crew is being spawn camped so use them if you can’t break a camp.

    That being said I do think Rare should retest spawn protection in insiders and get the length of time per crew size not overpowered but also not useless meaning a player just spawning back in should have an advantage for a brief window of time. And add it into the game so that once and for all nobody needs to be banned for simply killing players in a PvP game regardless of whether or not their intention is to sink a ship or just practice their killing abilities.

  • The accessibility angle? Sending in proof of a medical issue? There's already 15 different HIPAA violations in this thread. Not to mention Rare/MS now has to do annual trainings that NO ONE wants to have to do.

    Blanket option or not at all. Preferably the 2nd. 3 seconds isn't enough to break a camp anyways 😂

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