New Hourglass modes and a ranked mode

  • At the moment there is only the normal mode so it would be cool to see a new mode with more ships like in the Arena, which is a alternative to the 1vs1 mode and you should consider to give higher rewards for fighting a bigger ship like 3x more than normal.
    And bring a Ranked system in, which resetst every season and you get rewards for every rank so that there is a reason to play again if you got all cosmetics. And also make requirements for that ranked mode like pirate legend so that cheaters cant get in it instantly.
    Als a Private hourglass server would be nice for ranked
    And for the rank bonus you could give multipilcators like 2x more level per win

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    just for funcommunityfeedback
  • They have said they plan to bring in some form of rep requirement to prevent the fresh account cheaters.
    Don't think they will do separate servers due to arena lessons learned
    Definitely agree on the champion battles and general motivation to go beyond 4 streak could do with some love

  • @hiradc I just want to make sure that the mode doesn‘t dies like Arena, so a new variant would be good

  • A guild fight option would be great.

    Each guild gets a guild hide out which is a copy of the sea dogs taven with the doors open. The red sea surrounds it. You can vote to dive to it. It acts as a lobby, hang out location, while you wait you can TDM to pass the time outside the tavern or on your ships that are docked, unmovable on the dock. Do the obstacle course etc. Other things like target practice or other games could be added for other coolness.

    As soon as another guild has a matching complememt of ships, both guilds ships auto dive to new blank server. The fight occurs, at the end you pick up supples, flags. The battle zone never leaves to prevent this becoming alliance servers. Once have picked up supplies, you can vote to dive back to your hideout or back to the normal servers.

  • Adding side “modes” to an already non mode would be a nail in the coffin for this tool.

    Hourglass will always be. Just instant PvP
    But players have taken it out of its reason for existence and Turning it into something else. Which happen to arena and look what happen.

  • Let's make this clear: Hourglass fights are not a game mode but pvp on demand that takes place in the SOT main world and uses the same mechanics.

    The Arena fiasco shows that every mode separate from the main game is doomed to fail.

  • First of all, they need to give more incentives to play HG. It is a tedious grind for many players, so in order to get the curses, people even do lose farming. There should be daily/weekly deeds that give an XP boost to allegiance, so the player pool playing HG gets more numbers.

    The matchmaking is still inconsistent, giving players an even a harder time to level up. Before puting any Ranked gameplay they first need to make sure there is a consistent matchmaking. There is no sense on playing hourglass if you are matching against people too skilled or exploiters that know how to break the game to get advantage.

    Then the hacker problem. Unless they really implement the evasion of bans and a system to block hourglass to new accounts, there is no sense on bringing new stuff.

    With that being said, I agree there is a need of new variations of HG. However, there are many things that need to be fixed prior to that.

just for funcommunityfeedback
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