[Mega Bread] - I had a bagel

  • @erikinthebakery I'm hungry.

  • I am genuinely surprised at how long this thread has lasted.

  • All the recent bickering and snickering got you down? Just wish you could sit back, relax and nom nom some breakfast? Well today is yer lucky day cause
    I. Had. A. Muffin.
    WHAT? Yeah, I know, it's a first for me and this thread, but that's ok. Cause this is now the Mega Bread (and breakfast) Thread.
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    I do not discriminate muffins... I love them all. But one of my favorites is the poppy seed.
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    This one's for you @erikinthebakery @SirioNDB @khaleesibot @Wargrym . My loyal carbohydrates enthusiasts.

  • Boy oh boy!

    I am so hungry right now!

    I am waiting for my girlfriend to come home so we can go out for Cafe Lattes and Almond Croissants!

    Hopefully, I don't come out with an Almondbeard ;).


  • @sappyelephante True story - as I am in the garden more than the bakery these days, I've been working on growing the kind of poppies that give you the seeds used in baking so I could make poppy seed muffins.

    @siriondb said in [Mega Bread] - I had a bagel:

    I am waiting for my girlfriend to come home so we can go out for Cafe Lattes and Almond Croissants!

    Dang it all, I want to go get a pain au chocolat now and I blame you, Sirio

  • @erikinthebakery

    Everyone blames me!

    I think I'm going to grab Chocolatines too :D!

  • @tartansnake-8 said in [Mega Bread] - I had a bagel:

    G'day @sappyelephante, no bagel for me but I'm having french toast with candy floss!

    What in the world is this?

  • @DrBullhammer & @khaleesibot the stars must have aligned or something to revive this thread... cause guess what I had for breakfast this morning? Yup. Everything bagel toasted with garden veggie cream cheese.

  • @psych0-knightro said in [Mega Bread] - I had a bagel:

    Everything Bagels are the best bagels. Nothing else can compare.

    Super Onion bagels are even better! Egg bagel with everything on an everything! lol

    I don't know why they don't call them Super Everythings...but...well...there you have it! lol

  • @khaleesibot said in [Mega Bread] - I had a bagel:

    @tartansnake-8 said in [Mega Bread] - I had a bagel:

    G'day @sappyelephante, no bagel for me but I'm having french toast with candy floss!

    What in the world is this?

    Gross? That's what happens when French Toast eats a Unicorn and coughs up a hairball afterward.

  • This is a flagel game.

  • Donuts in the office this morning... Krispy Kreme
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    Anyone else splurging in the carbohydrates this morning?

  • Spelt waffles nom nom nom

  • Why can't RARE give us MORE bagel choices?!! And more toppings for the bagels we DO have?!!!

  • Who had a sunny side up egg this morning? Raise your hands! raises my hand

  • @futurevessel288 I did not, but this reminds me I should probably make some of those blueberry bagels I referenced 9 months ago lol


  • @erikinthebakery haha sorry for bumping this up once again, and you are welcome.

  • @sappyelephante good to know

  • Gonna go ahead and lock this one up because it's an old thread that was brought back after its time, and it's making me hungry since all I had for breakfast was poptarts.

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