My Ship Design (fan concept)

  • Below is a fan-made concept for ship customization
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    Fan Proposal for CUSTOMIZATION PIECE for the GALLEON
    By ShootHere4EXP

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    The Royal Stern is the mark of the old galleons that first sailed the sea of thieves in the king's treasure fleets. These ships with their prominent superstructure touted the king's power, while also sporting a rear facing cannon battery to protect themselves from the first greedy pirates. Now these old galleons are sailed by pirates with a taste for the old days, and make for great getaway ships for pirates loaded with treasure.

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    -------------------------Equipped with Royal Stern----------------------------------------------------------Standard Galleon---------------------

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    The Rear Battery and portal of the Royal Stern Superstructure. What a view!!

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    Original Sketch

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    Concept Elevations

    Views from 3D Model
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    I tried to design this piece as a feasible addition to the existing Galleon model, without obstructing gameplay or requiring major changes to in game assets.

    Also the name is kinda funny if you think about it... ;)

    Thanks for your time!

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  • @shoothere4exp I love the effort you put into this. You're obviously very skilled in many design related things and it sure would be a nice addition to the game, but... And don't take this in a bad way as it's more of a compliment. If you have this much skill and you love the game enough to put this much effort into it. I'm sure you could come up with something equally well designed for easy import to the game, not OP and balanced (just like now) yet much cooler and more exciting. I love your work and certainly don't want to sound in disrespectful in any way. Just... If you can do this, you could do so much more which I hope you will. Who knows, maybe Rare will find a good next game designer in you. You earned a subscriber. I love this and can't wait for more. It's beautiful, please make more.

  • good job, just put some way to on/off the lanterns

  • @Retto-Elbaroda Thanks man! And I totally here you, I would love to do more and will, but I wanted to start with something that was very feasible for a game developer to input. A lot of the time as fans we ask for things and don't realize how much work goes into maiking them and how much of a restructuring of the game would have to take place, so instead I wanted to offer up something that only required minor modifications. I tried to work with the style and tone of the game and did my best not obstruct the work already done by the artists and developers.

    I really appreciate you following me! I'll do my best to make it worth it to you.

    I'll also be very interested to see when they release the info how ship customization really works in this game, and see if I was playing it too safe or if I expect too much with interchangeable parts. I would love it if I'm playing it too safe and we could actually customize the the entire shape and silhouette of the ships.

    @Garish59 Haha thanks, and yes honestly that's been at the back of my mind this whole time, maybe I could add a little ladder on the side and platform up at the top.

  • The first graphics are amazing! Love the embossed wood! Me likey, likey.

  • Wow... People are so talented oO You are so talented. What you did here is so nice I thought you were a rare employee leaking info...


  • |Nice work and effort!

  • This is really cool. Nice job.

  • I would like to see different pirate ships of other cultures added like Asian pirate ships, or Mediterranean.

  • @shoothere4exp Hmmm I really like the idea of it too! A rear facing cannon would be GREAT for us pirates who need to escape with loot. Thing is, it might not happen for the Galleon. IF we added a bigger ship, like lets say... a 5-6 man Indiamen. Faster than the Sloop but slower than the Galleon. With 6 cannons on each side, and 2 cannons on the stern under the Cabin. If I had time I would draw what I mean

  • @shoothere4exp

    That is a superbly detailed piece of work and looks amazing on the ship, not too sure I'd want to see a rear cannon but sailing one of these, you'd turn every eye on the ocean :)

  • Well I just stumbled on this area of the forum and after seeing your thread, I feel better for it.

    Very nice indeed. Not sure about a rear (or front for that matter) cannon, but a really cool cosmetic with the added value of increased vision.

  • @ShootHere4EXP are you working in the industry as these are some very fine pieces of concept art here!
    Do you texture and bump map your models as well? It would be very nice to see that final model with textures and shadows added such as we would find in the game!

    Fancy turning my tribesman into a model for me? I don't have the time or patience for 3DSmax or Maya anymore!

  • Thanks everyone! I really appreciate the awesome feedback!

    but it's time for an.....
    Important Disclaimer!
    I want to make it clear that I am NOT a Rare Employee, nor do I work in the Video Game Industry. All work shown is purely personal fan art that I make on my own to share my voice for the direction of this game. I do work in the entertainment field which is why I developed these skills, but all work here is purely voluntary on my part.

    Sorry for that but I just want to make it very clear that I'm not attempting to muddle my work with official IP.

    I'm glad you all like the design, looking back especially after playing the game some more I'm not sure having rear cannons is a great idea... but there is a part of me that craves that sort of customization.

    At the very least, I hope that in the future we will be able to customize not just the paint job of these ships, but their actual Physical Form by unlocking different modules for the ships.

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