Ghost ship

  • Before i start yes i know its been talked alot...

    Curently after you die you go to the ferry of the damed, but what if.. there was a really small chance like 5% that you and your team would spawn on a ghost ship and you could sail it... While on that ship you cant do voyages bottle maps or drink grog or die, that is just so people dont abuse this as the game kinda looses purpose. You have to sink the ship of the pirate who killed you to then spawn on your ship again and be able to do stuff again. Also you have 0% chance to spawn on that ship if you kill yourself or you died alot recently, again so that people dont abuse... I will leave the ship design to rare😂.

    What do you guys think about this?

  • 15
  • @mate-fh3

  • @cappjacksparrow wake uppp!!😂

  • @mate-fh3

  • I've heard many ideas about this before, and I think it would be pretty cool. Seeing a ghost ship coming after you would be some of the scariest c**p to date. Then again, the adrenaline would make me anchor turn that ship around and sink that ghost ship l**o

  • @draconic-etrius yes it would also look so amazing and cool being on that ship mist around you and then sinking them taht would be amazing😂 also the ship would be extreamly hard to sink 😂

  • @cappjacksparrow wheres ur ship matey eh?

  • @mate-fh3

    Eh, Rare has got a bit of work to do on her...

  • @cappjacksparrow so i see u been in tha locker again ey? I think u messed up this time tho😂😂😂

  • The though of getting chased down by the Flying Dutchman came to mind while reading this.

  • In your idea, can the ghost ship be sunk by the person they are hunting or are they completely impervious to damage, dooming the person who killed them previously to a definite death? Also if they die do they then have an option to ghost ship you back? If so wouldn’t that be an infinite game of cat and mouse that could possibly be abused by griefers? Personally I think it all sounds a bit messy.

  • I think it's an interesting concept!

    In general, I love the idea of a ghost ship whether crewed by players or NPCs!

    Skies go dark, water gets choppy, and an ominous sea shanty on the wind...

  • @probablewheat that exactly what sparked my idea😂

  • @saracens-lament ghost ship is not completly involnarable(bad eng) and no the ones killed(if they are)by ghost ship cannt spawn on one... So no they arent completly doomed😉

  • @landiien yes its kind off an epic sceene... Just imagine everythin turning dark and the you see a ghost ship right behind you... EPIC😂

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