Meet Robin Beanland (SoT Composer)

  • The wait is almost over, so I thought I could share a few videos where we get to know man who created the soundtrack of our new lives that are about to begin. Also, if any of you have any more clips of him talking about the music, please share!

    The last one is just briefly, starting at 0:35

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  • Gotta say I've been blown away by how good the music in the game is. The original reveal trailer music, which they have re-used several times since then, is pretty unique in that it starts with a sorta charming, curious tension that then bursts into almost a jolly tune that gradually evolves into a more dramatic/epic sound. Not many songs have taht kinda emotional range.

  • @tavishhill2003 It is :)
    The thought that have gone into everything from the instrumentation and chords to the time signatures is astonoshing. Is this the piece you're referring to?

    As you may have noticed it's a rework of the popular "What shall we do with the drunken sailor" (originally in 4/4) but its time signature is changed to 6/8 which is more fitting to the modern epic orchestral music we have come to associate with pirates, and one time he said that the signature gives you that on-board-a-floating-vessel-feel (whether Hans Zimmer, the father of orchestral pirate music, or Beanland himself figured that out I'm not sure)

    Disclaimer: Some may say that Klaus Bedalt is the father of orchestral pirate music, but it is purely out of legal reasons his name stands alone on the first PotC movie. He is a student of Hans Zimmer, who was not legally allowed to work on any movies at the time, and while Klaus helped, it is actually a work of Zimmer despite it being fully credited to Klaus. Zimmer is credited for the following three movies, cause then the contract allowed him to.

  • @seasicksig

    No, though that is an incredible piece itself as a dramatic rendition of Drunken Sailor. I was actually referring to the reveal trailer music:

  • @seasicksig they are all great tunes but that is my fav then Becalmed. Wonder if we'll hear more

  • Really love Robin's work. Hope they have a soundtrack for us soon!

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