@Soulless Rager said in Is it like this for everyone that solo matches into galleon crews?:
If I have to use resources outside the game itself to find an enjoyable session, that's a failure on the games part.
This is exactly the problem. For a game that promotes itself as a 4 man co-op experience I find the lack of an in game lobby pathetic. Rare has relied on Microsofts inadequate LFG system rather than doing the work themselves. It should be very easy for everyone starting the game to join the relevant queue and sail with like minded gamers.
My LFG experience. There's no way to filter the LFGs except by time so you're looking through a list of irrelevant posts with tags like Francais only or Deutsch only. You've then got loads of posts with no text or tags at all. Then a load of server hopping skull fort groups. Then a load of rather confused posts e.g. #EnglishOnly then write their post in Spanish. Loads using #StonersWelcome - you want stoned crewmates who refuse to work? Some from people who haven't played the game e.g. need 6 crewmates - what? How about "Need full team, stealing other peoples stuff" - errr no thanks. Or "Girl gamers here looking to make long time friends" - no this is not a dating site and we all know you're probably a fat bloke anyway.
But if you do manage to wade through all of that spam and actually find an LFG that looks like it might be useful you're now left in limbo. I've tried a number of times, requested to join a "starts now" LFG and messaged the poster only for them to completely ignore me. I assume because they're already at sea and were either too busy to respond or didn't know how to actually get me into their game.
Plus you can jump through all these hoops and still end up in a game with someone who thinks dropping anchor in the middle of a sea battle is a good idea!!!!