The Colonies (a comprise for PvE/PvP issues + fun!)

  • The game's PvE/PvP aspects are very well balanced right now in my opinion. I have never had griefing issues and only get into the fights I want to be involved in. I guess I am lucky. Nevertheless, fully PvE servers in this game are a horrible idea for two reasons: (1) it goes against the core idea of the game; and (2) it would split the player base. However, a PvE-minus region could be great for everyone, providing semi-peaceful gameplay for PvEers and daring pirating-adventure for PvPers. Below, I refer to PvEers as "Merchants" and PvPers as "Pirates".

    The Colonies - A new region of the world called "The Colonies", controlled by "The Empire" or the "Trading Company". Make it one large island (maybe a "Port Royal"), with multiple smaller islands in close proximity all around. The close-proximity of the islands would make it an ideal place for sloops.

    Port Royal: Port Royal could be guarded by a very large fortress that can shoot in all directions around the island with multiple cannons. Smaller towers would be scattered all around the shores of Port Royal. All of the smaller islands in the The Colonies also have smaller towers.

    Pirating in the Colonies: Attacking other crews/ships in The Colonies turns the NPC towers against you. Thus, the only way to survive in The Colonies is to evade the towers OR be peaceful (including by running away from fights). Basically, if you are a Merchant, you will be fully entrusting your security to The Colonies; if you are a Pirate, you will live by the sword and die by the sword, as The Colonies will turn against you as soon as you harm another ship or player.

    Voyages in the Colonies: The only voyages available in The Colonies would be Merchant Alliance. This makes it less likely that pirates will want to hunt you since you are a largely worthless prize of loud chickens, starving pigs, and annoying snakes. Merchants, meanwhile, would have an incentive to leave The Colonies to level up in the other factions and actually become a member of the Sea of Thieves. Pirates would have little reason to attack Merchants because of what they are likely carrying and because there is a bigger prize in Port Royal... The Vault.

    The Vault - Thus, for Pirates: a new mechanic called the "Siege of Port Royal". This requires you to sail into the harbor of Port Royal, take out the heavy fortifications with cannon fire from your ship (or well placed gunpowder barrels), and crack The Vault inside the fortress (which opens once you have taken out the fortifications). The vault has all sorts of very lucrative goodies that must be sold to an outpost outside of The Colonies. A siege would have to be balanced whereby even a single well-run galleon would never be able to win. You would need to bring a Pirate armada to win the siege. The vault/fort gets reset/rebuilt every few gameplay days. Similar to the pirate forts, players sailing would notice a glow emanating from Port Royal at night when the Vault is full. You could also have the Vault fill up faster depending on how quickly Merchants finish missions successfully within the region. That way, Pirates would actually want Merchants to finish their missions so they could try to raid and plunder the town.

    In sum, I believe an idea like this is a good compromise to the current PvE/PvP debate:

    • It provides a way for Merchants to enjoy part of the game relatively secure from the threat of Pirates.
    • It provides a way for Pirates to team up for a big score rather than attacking each other immediately.
    • It would not fully-destroy the pirating aspect of the game in the region because Pirates could still attack Merchants but would face stiff consequences with little reward.
    • It does not fully cater to PvEers because they will have to venture into the Sea of Thieves to fully enjoy the other factions.
    • It gets the PvPers to focus on a bigger prize within the region, allowing Merchants to sail relatively freely (just don't try to dock when there is a Pirate armada bombing the city).


    • Thieves would still be prevalent, but that makes sense thematically.
    • Inability to defend yourself (unless, of course, the developers could find a way to make it so the towers in the area knew who the aggressor was).
    • Probably others....
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  • Of all the suggestions of this type I would have to say this is probably the best I have seen. This could also be the place to house all the "in-game" games and to show off your pirate in a non shoot first environment.

    I have no idea how hard something like this would be to implement but I think there are some ideas housed within this suggestion that are worthwhile. It does address one of the things the devs mentioned about bringing players together.

  • I love this idea, the only real problem would be the camping going on outside the border I feel there are A HOLE trollers out there that want nothing more than to ruin the experience for everyone else. but anything like what your saying here would be great.

  • This sounds very interesting, but I'm concerned about the "difficulty" of Port Royal Vault encounter. What are some of your ideas to make this a difficult scenario to handle with a fully crewed galleon? I think there would have to be some new mechanics introduced because the ones that exist aren't really suitable for the creation of such an encounter. I'd really like to see some raid content in this game, but I really don't want it to be easy-cheese like raiding in Destiny or Borderlands or any of the other fps games that have "raids", if you can even call them that.

  • I like your idea. Unfortunately, it would take Rare another 4 years to be able to add it.
    Seriously though, something like this should have been in the game since day 1. It adds more of a pirate adventure feel compared to a postal delivery person.

  • I actually think that this might encourage PvE people to do PvP! To rank up, you can team up with the other "Merchants" if you will, and work together to complete the vault! That way I would never have to leave Port Royal with all the goodies from the vault! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    Perhaps the loot just be mostly plain gold, with a few pieces of treasure?
    What about people who camp outside the range of the cannon towers? Perhaps NPC Guard Ships?
    Also there should be 3 ports, each for a different faction, with the vaults handing out loot for that faction?
    OOOOOOH what about all the merchants have to help defend the port because you can't do/get voyages during the raid! that would be cool, with a fleet of sloops (Merchants) v a battalion of Galleons (Pirates)

  • @ttargetpractice - To make the Vault encounter difficult, make the fortress very strong, needing 70+ quality hits from cannon fire. In the meantime, the fortress and the many towers in the area rain cannon fire on you. I don't think a single well-manned galleon should be successful; it would require pirates working together.

  • @saintsfanx05 - Camping outside The Colonies would certainly happen but that is the risk of venturing outside them. Right?

    If The Colonies were a region in the very center of the map, that would provide plenty of avenues to escape campers too.

    As for within The Colonies, no place should be safe for Pirates from NPC cannon fire.

  • @choicesponge oh ok didn't realize when I first read it that there were separate merchants inside the colony zone and its own islands to find them. yeah it makes since and like I said that is the only downside to your idea the rest is brilliant and I hope the Devs see your post.

  • No. I disagree with this terrible idea.

    Primarily, because I do want to have to watch another generation of Americans dump a load of good tea overboard.

    Never again...

  • @guybrushcrpwood ????? huh????? btw ill dump anything that's over taxed into the harbor.

  • @choicesponge I don't think that it would be unable to be completed by a single galleon if dealing and repairing damage are the only things necessary to complete the encounter.

    @saintsfanx05 You had better dump your salary into the harbor then! Ba dum tsss.

  • What if this Vault had something like 10 levers spread around the island that all need to be flipped within a small timer from one another to open it. 3 could be centralized at the door for captains to pull and help coordinate between the teams on the timing. Other numbers are viable too, so long as it is more than 4 levers needing flipped so it takes more than a single Crew.

  • @redeyesith - Could probably work. That is a good way to guarantee pirates working together.

  • To be fair, it is a bland and generic way to enforce it, but the obvious solution may as well get used once too.

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