Galleon meta

  • Galleons really need to be nerfed down so its a little more possible for sloops to take them on. Me and my friend always play on a sloop and we're at least decent at this game. We've taken 8 forts, sunk a pirate legend, sunk countless sloops, and today we finally sunk our second galleon. But any solid galleon crew should have no problem staying afloat against a sloop. 1. Galleons sink significantly slower than sloops giving the crew tons of time to spawn back even if the whole crew is wiped out 2. Its almost impossible to repair a sloop in a fight because any cannonfire will hurt you and knock you back and any gundpowder barrel will probable kill anybody on board the sloop. On a galleon, it's very easy to repair safely. 3. It's incredibly easy to hit a sloop in a place to knock off the person who is steering. Even when they add a new ship it's not going to help unless the ships are balanced. If not the new ship will either be the new meta or it will just be as useless as the sloop. Any other sloopers feel this way?

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  • I play on a duo sloop and i dont have any of these problems. The balance is fine. Your just not that good at the game. Sorry to sound like a jerk, but after reading your post, i can tell all your problems come from being outmatched and outmanned. Its not a balance issue

  • My Shipmate and I pretty much only do sloops, and together we have sunk many galleons. Did we sink in the process? Well- yeah, pretty much every time. Did we have any loot, trinkets, or livestock? uhh... no... HOWEVER.
    If anything, I feel as if sloops should be nerfed, because a good sloop crew almost always beats a good galleon crew, thanks to boosted manuevering.
    If you have any objections, please feel free to discuss them with me. I'm bored.

  • i mean, in the sense of physics, perhaps it should sink faster due to weighing more, but also, only so much water can rush through one hole 🤔 it's a battle of who has the most supplies, as far as galleon goes. you're right that players get blasted off the sloop a lot.

    i think it's fair to be damaged when in the hull and taking a cannon blast, but the knockback is a little nuts. someone recently brought that up in their thread, without making a good point, unfortunately. i understood though. whether it's sword or gun, you hit someone and they go flying back about 3-5 meters. i think if they just adjusted THAT, we could reach a happy medium here.

  • My only problem with sloops is how easy it is to get knocked off the ship. Happens all the time. That said my Duo sloop can take out most galleons we come across.

    For me, the biggest hurdle is even matches. Duo vs Duo or Galleon vs Galleon. Win or lose the fights tend to last forever.

  • Galleon v sloop the sloop needs to spawn control. That's about it. Asking for nerfs on the issue is odd.

  • you like sit and exchange broadsides with them? cause that is not how a sloop do

  • I posted this too quickly but galleons definitely need some tweaks. In the 2 days after posting this me and my crewmate sunk 5 galleons and have added several more since then (and we only play about 15 hrs a week max). If me and my friend ran a galleon with other quality members we would never get sunk. That's a fact. The only thing that really keeps it balanced is the fact so many players are bad at pvp. Jump on their ship while they're repairing and they don't know what to do.

  • @benjawenja The main advantage that sloops can get is better communication over maneuvering i think. There are very few full crews playing together (usually they have a couple randos) so its harder for them to make sure everyone's doing their job. That usually seems to work for us. We have kinda gotten really good at sinking galleons in the past few days. I'd love to have a quality debate about this with you but I rarely check the forums so it probably won't happen

  • @nwo-azcrack I posted this looking for a debate about ship balance. Go somewhere else if you want to troll

  • @darnedlemur512
    You were not looking for a debate. You came here sayin galleons needed to be nerfed. You have to know what your talking about if u wanna debate. Like i said i didnt mean to sound mean
    You are just not that great at the game, so you think there is a balance issue.

  • @nwo-azcrack No I think there is an issue and I expressed it. I'm actually very good at this game and have sunk many galleons but i still believe there is some balancing needed. If you actually had an argument you wouldn't bring up my skill level when you have never seen me play

  • There is nothing to argue. Sloops have the movement advantage and galleons have the power. Its very balanced. I dont have any of the problems you mentioned. Its about tactics and using your ships advantages.

  • @nwo-azcrack Now why didn't you just put that the first time? Thats an actual argument. If more people knew how to properly use a galleon the imbalance would be more obvious. Most galleon crews aren't all playing together which makes it harder for them to use tactics properly.

  • @darnedlemur512
    Mate im tellin you there is no imbalance. I was on a duo sloop last night. Fought a well crewed 4 man galleon over and over. We sunk them a few, they sunk us a few. And each time it all came down to who made a mistake first. Whoever lost their advantage first.
    You just said 10 days ago you sank your second galleon. On that day i didnt feel like u had experienced much. Thats why my post was like that.

  • TS Im rly sorry to admit that your wrong in your statement, because i rather be in a sloop every day vs a gallion,

    Gallions are much easyer to hit than a sloop, and in a fight How Manny players do repair second floor in a fight??? They focus on botom hull,

    The sloops bigest worries is gallion crew that try to board you, and i have soloed alot of gallions in My sloop some harder than others, the balance is Good.

  • Honestly, I think both are fine. When my friend and I that I play most often with play on a sloop, we win 90% of the time. Sloop or galleon. When we get together with the other two that make up the crew of "The Holely Ship", we win close to 100% of the time. Sloop or galleon.

    When I play by myself, I hesitate to go up against galleons and that's about it but that should be how it is. Even then I take my chances. Sometimes, every once in a while, I'll come out on top.

    Both ships are good if you know how to play them, everyone knows what they are doing and you have effective communication.

    The only thing I'll say is that I DO think it should be a little more difficult to get knocked off a sloop. A well placed, or lucky, cannonball can quickly turn a manageable situation into a catastrophe if you're not prepared for it.

  • Cry more please.

  • Probably that sloop my crew and I just sank trying to make off with our captain's chest lolol

  • @darnedlemur512 said in Galleon meta:

    Galleons really need to be nerfed down so its a little more possible for sloops to take them on. Me and my friend always play on a sloop and we're at least decent at this game. We've taken 8 forts, sunk a pirate legend, sunk countless sloops, and today we finally sunk our second galleon. But any solid galleon crew should have no problem staying afloat against a sloop. 1. Galleons sink significantly slower than sloops giving the crew tons of time to spawn back even if the whole crew is wiped out 2. Its almost impossible to repair a sloop in a fight because any cannonfire will hurt you and knock you back and any gundpowder barrel will probable kill anybody on board the sloop. On a galleon, it's very easy to repair safely. 3. It's incredibly easy to hit a sloop in a place to knock off the person who is steering. Even when they add a new ship it's not going to help unless the ships are balanced. If not the new ship will either be the new meta or it will just be as useless as the sloop. Any other sloopers feel this way?

    This is how the game should be. I solo a sloop most of the time. It should be hard mode and not balanced. If you don't like it join a Galleon crew. You have the same options as everyone else.

  • I do. Closed crews seem to help as my friends or i can set sail and joinin later on a gallion.

  • @darnedlemur512 said in Galleon meta:

    Galleons really need to be nerfed down so its a little more possible for sloops to take them on. Me and my friend always play on a sloop and we're at least decent at this game. We've taken 8 forts, sunk a pirate legend, sunk countless sloops, and today we finally sunk our second galleon. But any solid galleon crew should have no problem staying afloat against a sloop. 1. Galleons sink significantly slower than sloops giving the crew tons of time to spawn back even if the whole crew is wiped out 2. Its almost impossible to repair a sloop in a fight because any cannonfire will hurt you and knock you back and any gundpowder barrel will probable kill anybody on board the sloop. On a galleon, it's very easy to repair safely. 3. It's incredibly easy to hit a sloop in a place to knock off the person who is steering. Even when they add a new ship it's not going to help unless the ships are balanced. If not the new ship will either be the new meta or it will just be as useless as the sloop. Any other sloopers feel this way?

    My duo sloop record is 6 sloops and 9 galleons sunk in a day :)

    Keep practicing

  • Sloop over Galleon anyday. The extra manpower is nice to have, sure. However, everything on the galleon is dreadfully slow and clunky compared to the sloop and the extra firepower is negligible w/ the limited number of holes you can punch in a ship.

  • @darnedlemur512 said in Galleon meta:

    Galleons really need to be nerfed down so its a little more possible for sloops to take them on. Me and my friend always play on a sloop and we're at least decent at this game. We've taken 8 forts, sunk a pirate legend, sunk countless sloops, and today we finally sunk our second galleon. But any solid galleon crew should have no problem staying afloat against a sloop. 1. Galleons sink significantly slower than sloops giving the crew tons of time to spawn back even if the whole crew is wiped out 2. Its almost impossible to repair a sloop in a fight because any cannonfire will hurt you and knock you back and any gundpowder barrel will probable kill anybody on board the sloop. On a galleon, it's very easy to repair safely. 3. It's incredibly easy to hit a sloop in a place to knock off the person who is steering. Even when they add a new ship it's not going to help unless the ships are balanced. If not the new ship will either be the new meta or it will just be as useless as the sloop. Any other sloopers feel this way?

    tell this to all the gallions that is trying to flee from me and my mate when we using the sloop :P

  • Sloops can sink galleons no problem. I solo/duo all the time and we fight every galleon we see. Sometimes we lose, sometimes we win. Every time the fight feels fair. I don't think you can win a few forts and claim you're good enough to sink galleons.

    Try setting sail on a sloop and do nothing but hunt down galleons. Learn how to fight them effectivley. Learn where to hit them, practice boarding them and fighting outnumbered. You've only sunk two galleons, you still have plenty to learn.

  • Back from my ban. Sensitive group here, wow.

    I’m getting better but in the first few weeks, I was sailing a long with 3 others on a Gally when we saw a sloop minding their own business. We were cocky and arrogant. As we passed by the sloop we discussed how we could destroy it with our larger ship, with double the men, the extra fire power and other stuff. As we passed, one guy fired on it, more of a warning shot but needless. Another guy took a shot and we laughed and said things like “They don’t want any of this!

    Well, seems they did want some and seems they didn’t take too kindly to our firing and probably heard our laughter. So the sloop turned towards us, I recall being caught off guard by its agility and then proceeded in whipping our ***. We sunk, they lived. I recall our guys saying “These guys are a*****s” and “Why are they doing this?”

    I have seen many sloops and Gally’s pass by us and we show we don’t want trouble and once they get in position fire on us. I no longer trust anyone and if you get too close, I’m firing first, asking questions later. These days, tangling with us tends to become a total loss by both sides. It just sucks to lose our loot. Either way, it is fun.

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