Help me determine the number of SoT coins

  • I'm trying to determine if some of the following are the same coin so that I can ensure that I have every type of SoT coin available.

    So first we have the pre-order coin (hard copy):

    Then we have the store coin:

    Then, we have the zavvi gold variant:

    What is interesting is I sometimes see pictures of the zavvi gold variant that look like this:

    My zavvi gold variant looks like the first one but I want to make sure there aren't two different gold variants. Does anybody know?

    Also, there is the new silver variant in the store:

    But I see the following on ebay:

    This silver looks like it also has a black off-color.

    Furthermore, the silver+black above is listed on ebay as the SoT E3 coin, but on SoT's twitter page the E3 coin says "FanFest" on the back:

    Anybody know the actual number of different coins? @Musicmee, I'm looking at you cuz I know you have a lot of merch lol.

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  • @xcalypt0x so fanfest coin (approx 500 id guess) and silver coin on website are different. The silver coin on the store is same as e3 coin on ebay limited to 5000. There is gold zavi version 1000 and antique version (most common), I dont believe there and other different versions of that coin. However in usa there were also preorder coins from bestbuy and the like

  • @blair187 Thanks! So they are not giving out the fanfest coin at e3 this year?

  • @xcalypt0x only for fanfest attendees, rare gave away 10 as well.

  • I have all the coins except the Fanfest coin and would like to get one. Anyone, willing to help a matey out to make a deal for one of those coins I will jump with joy!

    The Antique coin I own #1 out of 9,995.

  • @xcalypt0x I have all the coins except the Fanfest coin and would like to get one. Anyone, willing to help a matey out to make a deal for one of those coins I will jump with joy!

    The Antique coin I own #1 out of 9,995.

  • @itchycalf810939 There are some on ebay but the price can be pretty steep.

  • @xcalypt0x

    Yeah, Im not willing to pay $125 for it though. Greedy sellers selling that coin. Someone was charging $200 and I offered $90 and they wouldnt negotiate even though they had the “Make an Offer” option turned on. I cant afford that at the moment as I just got a lot from the sea of thieves official store. Im not a fan of twitter and just learned a lot of info for their promo stuff gets said there... Makes me mad because twitter is the worst for me and I will check to see if they update there Facebook with the same info...

    I hate when they have too many outlets to get there news out there because I always end up missing out on info like the Fanfest and it’s annoying checking g all the websites constantly. Now, I have to check all their social media just to see if I havent missed any info on these promo items.

  • @itchycalf810939 Couldn't agree more on the issue of too many outlets. I've come to find that their twitter and discord are the best places to follow.

  • @xcalypt0x
    I havent even gone to Discord yet. And probably wont.

  • Woohoo, I now obtained the Fanfest coin for a hefty price, but worth it!

    I now have all the coins! I love these coins and the Zavvi Gold is very nice as well!!!

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