Introducing the Boatswains

  • Congratz to all Boldschweins!

  • Love the name of the new title! I saw some people sporting it and was wondering what it was. Kudos to all that were selected! Thanks for making the forums a happy place!

  • @khaleesibot What a wonderful way to reward respectful pirates who uphold the code. I approve of this message.

  • @khaleesibot Is there a reason that Deckhands don't get the title automatically? At least i don't see it in their list of titles/badges/memberships, which is a bit surprising to me.

    The title is real nice and for some pirates hopefully an additional incentive to care about the code.

  • Our crew has always adhered to the Code and will continue to do so on the seas! Hope the list of Boatswains continues to grow!

  • I really can't see why someone would have an issue with someone being recognized for their good behaviour..

    The Boatswain title is, for me, at seal of approval that is forged in the greater aspect of mutual respect..

    It's also a responsibilty to rock a title like that!

    So to all the Boatswains out there - Thanks for keeping the forums positive and only the seas salty!

  • Congrats to all.
    And here you go some more culture:

  • How do you know when you are one? it just magically happens? I wanna be a Bos'un!

  • @wombaxx said in Introducing the Boatswains:

    It's also a responsibilty to rock a title like that!

    this is so true. I've realized, that without even noticing it, I'm watching what I write today a bit more than I did before. Don't want to be the one, who does something to deminish the title for others.

    And thanks to all of you for this recognition and your kind words towards us, it means a lot. I'm speaking for myself, but i'm pretty sure others feel the same way. (if not, feel free to argue with me)

    Now off to the boatcave! NA NA NA NA NA NA NA BOATSWAIN!

    alt text

  • @m1sterpunch said in Introducing the Boatswains:

    How do you know when you are one? it just magically happens? I wanna be a Bos'un!

    Great question! Deckhand @KnightX13 talks about it in this comment!

    @knightx13 said in Introducing the Boatswains:

    While the Boatswains were selected from community members who have demonstrated consistent support, positivity, and respect for our community, we didn't just assign the title and badge, it had to be accepted.

    So while there may be other members who are recognized within and by our community for their contributions, they may have declined this title for personal reasons. And we want to respect that.

    And as previously stated, we will continuously observe and add others to this group in time. It shouldn't be seen that Boatswains are only positive and supportive of the game and Rare, they can be critical, but most importantly they need to be supportive and respectful within our community.

  • The Boatswain was traditionally in charge of the hull and general well-being of the ship so this title makes perfect sense. The positive folks in this community will keep morale up for all and a rising tide raises all boats.

    also possible in game bos'un whistle? lol

  • do we know if we are part of this crew of positivity? I’m not the brightest lantern, you see...

  • @frenziedmaple80

    3 posts above you, @khaleesibot reposted the answer to that. Hope that helps.

  • @sir-lotus
    Ah, I see. Cheers!

  • @katttruewalker how are you not one??

  • Thats actually a pretty cool title to have! Shows how much the community enjoys helping out newer sailors! You guys just keep impressing me! Great job Rare!

  • @dutchdeadschot Deckhands already have a badge to show how positive they engage with the community... they are the galleons we are the sloops...

    Wait, did I just compare us to ships?!?!

  • Correct, as far as group hierarchy goes on the forums, the Deckhand title/group supersedes the Boatswain title/group, so it only displays the highest tier. The other titles have different hierarchies, and is why they can be displayed at the same time.

  • @katttruewalker can i see some screenshot Please :) ?

  • @fgfoot

    Here we go - :)

  • @personalc0ffee said in Introducing the Boatswains:

    @musicmee I know what that is like. Sometimes it is best to just not say anything, lol.

    Boy, is this true. I will admit that this is one of the main reasons I wasn't all that participatory on the forums initially or during the first round of pioneer sessions. Instead I lurked around like a creeper. XD

  • @lady-allrin The pioneer sessions and the linked forums are the friendliest pace on earth! You should have joined in :D Glad to have you here now though :D

  • @khaleesibot
    I love this idea. Ahoy!

  • @Sir-Lotus I wouldn't worry too much, tho :P Since all the things you have written before earned you that title! Enjoy and bathe in it! xD

  • @sir-lotus said in Introducing the Boatswains:


    3 posts above you, @khaleesibot reposted the answer to that. Hope that helps.

    Congrats on getting the title, matey :). Well deserved!

  • congratulations folks

  • will these be updated in waves again so people like myself can have a chance at it?

  • @khaleesibot Very interesting!! Good addition to roles!

  • @katttruewalker that's pretty cool

  • @ant-heuser-kush thanks for the response bud.

  • @ant-heuser-kush I missed that apologies, (its like 2.30 AM and I just check this when it quiet in work haha some times I only get time to skim.)

  • @ant-heuser-kush well glad to have people like you around

  • @katttruewalker thx for screenshot looks awesome, im so jealous :) for me the best looking sail in the game,

  • This badge comes with a very heavy heart. Because I've seen what negativity there is toward The Community and RARE... how people genuinely feel this community is being split apart and that they aren't treated justly according to their actions.

    I wish I can can feel happy for being given this title because I know I can't be everything that I want to be for RARE and SOT-F...

    But I can't. And it breaks my heart.

    Places that I once felt safe are no longer a sanctuary because malice.. bitterness.. anger.. paranoia have found themselves there too. I want things to be better. I want others to feel the enjoyment that I have for this game. I want strangers to feel that this is their home despite that families do have their disagreements and fights now and again.

    I want people to feel loved because I rarely feel that myself. I want people to feel secure and that trust is a common reality because that's hard to come by at work or in any other real life situation. I want people to feel free from that pit of despair, to know that they are able to climb out and feel the warmth of the sun on their face like a gentle kiss, because I don't want them to be stuck down here in the pit with me.

    Our family isn't as small as it once was. And it feels very broken.

    But it's still our family.

    I'm sorry that I can't make you feel better. I'm sorry that I can't take away your pain, your anger, your rejection, your betrayal...

    But I can give you all that I am. And all that God allows me to do to make you feel loved and respected and remembered when the World has turned its back on you.

    You are not alone. And never will be.

  • Congratulations to all the new Boatswains! I too hope to achieve this title one day. See you all on the seas!

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