cross platform

  • So I am sure this has been talked about a few times.
    Why is it necessary to have pc players on the same servers? I know this seems like sour grapes, but it is not. Let's stop pretending that it is not a huge advantage to play with a mouse instead of a thumb stick.
    The disparity has soured me to the pvp aspect of the game because I know if they are on pc.......I loose.
    I do understand that cross platform was promised, and hard to take away now. But what if you made xbox only servers, but if you wanted to play xbox with a pc buddy, you could go to the PC servers?
    Seems to be the most sensible solution.

    thanks for a great game, and I hope that one day I can be a pirate again.

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  • I agree that the cross platform isn't ideal, it give PC players a huge advantage. Also there's been a lot of modded PC players out there. BUT, without cross platform the seas would feel a bit empty.

  • Ive talked about this on forum a few times. Ive seen videos and the differences are there for sure, im a console user and to be honest i really dont think it drastically matters. Im 42/38/50 sailing solo as stated on console and ive only been playing just after release. Doubt i would be any further on pc. Sure i lose most of my pvp battles but as i sail solo i attribute most of my losses to that fact not because they are on pc

  • @gaudiermold5217
    A topic that is discussed over & over, but nothing ever seems to come of it.
    Controller users are upset because they are at a disadvantage in close quarters combat, kb/m users try & tell you the advantage is minimal or doesn't matter because this isn't a competitive game!
    Where's @LogansDadToo? I'm sure he'll have something to say.

  • @gaudiermold5217 i agree... but i wont bother trying...

    Really, they arent gonna change it. Pc will forever rein.

  • @gaudiermold5217
    Crossplay as a concept is a great idea. In games with no fps pvp it works well, but as soon as there is any element of FPS PVP included then crossplay starts to falter.
    KB+M has an inherent advantage over controller, it always has & always will. Controllers cannot aim or turn as quick as a mouse can & that's a simple fact, it can't be balanced unless you nerf mouse speed to match a controller which would make it an awful experience for pc players!!
    As SOT has an element of FPS PVP it makes sense to have separate servers like every other crossplay title has. All other crossplay games seem to be doing fine with split servers & it hasn't affected their player bases at all!!
    +1 vote for separate servers!!

  • I believe the issue could be drastically reduced if two things were changed:

    First: The Eye of Reach should make less damage the closer you are to your target, basically the exact opposite of the shotgun. This would prevent PC players from using the sniper rifle in close quarter combat like they do now.

    And second limit the ability to bunny hop all over the place. Sea of Thieves is not Fortnite.

  • @sanni
    Xbox players bunny hop just as much as pc players m8, but xbox players cant jump 180 like pc players can ;)

  • @sanni lol except fortnite has a jump limiter, which this game needs IMO

  • Oh, in this case maybe make it more like Fortnite. 🤣😁

  • @logancreeperboy
    yep, lots of valid points in all these posts, and whether someone agrees or disagrees with you, they are still accurate points.
    And yes, just because someone says. 'its not competitive so it doesnt matter ', does not stop them from killing you with more ease.
    I can only hope more threads regarding this topic surface, so that the forums ARE actually 50% crossplay threads.The horse is up and moving :)

  • @onyx-wartooth ever think that these threads happen everyday by new forum users. At this point you should just be constructive or shut up. Just being a rude little person will not stop this topic. Rare needs to man up and fix the problem with cross platform.

  • Rare has repeatedly manned up and said NO.

    SWAG, they are quite proud of the acronym.

  • @barnabas-seadog
    Just like they said No AI ships!
    I think they said something like 'we want our players to know that every set of sails they see on the horizon is another crew of players'
    So does No really mean No???
    When things aren't working as intended, don't you think they might have to change their mind??

    SWAG should be used in more crossplay threads!!
    PC players acronym

  • @caisterkaos

    Sure they are showing flexibility when it's obviously going to make the game better, but to backtrack on crossplay?

    I'm not seeing it happening, but I was wrong about AI ships too.

  • @barnabas-seadog
    They back tracked on the death tax!
    It's not a case of back tracking on crossplay, it's about giving players the choice!
    Nowhere did it say crossplay was FORCED / always on!
    With every other crossplay game offering the option most people would assume this would be the same. I'm sure there would have been less xbox sales if we were told that 'no asterisks crossplay' actually means 'no asterisks way to turn crossplay off!'

  • @caisterkaos said in cross platform:

    Just like they said No AI ships!
    I think they said something like 'we want our players to know that every set of sails they see on the horizon is another crew of players'
    So does No really mean No???
    When things aren't working as intended, don't you think they might have to change their mind??

    SWAG should be used in more crossplay threads!!
    PC players acronym

    lol, and the xbox acronym could be
    edit: the other 2 's' words censored, so i'll go with
    Slow or Subdued

  • cross play is great. xbox players can actually win. i like playing with pc friends. full stop.

  • @marsmayflower said in cross platform:

    cross play is great. xbox players can actually win. i like playing with pc friends. full stop.

    except when you play against mod/cheaters :'( happens too often, aimbots, etc. Multiple times I have gone up against pc players (you know they pc when they can type whatever they want) and next thing I know I am getting one shot by a cannonball multiple times in a row.

  • Make it optional, solves problem. People that dont want it turn it off, people that dont care nothing changes, no one notices a difference. Only thing pc players have to say is it will slowly divide the community and kill the game, which is pirate p**p. PC players just dont want to fight people with equal skill.
    Forget the Mouse/Keyboard thing, what about the fact that on a PC you can shoot two guns almost instantaneously for guaranteed instakill?

    I play on both, i think it should be optional
    drops two cents on the deck

  • @captgraykid no. I wont grow up. Because these forums are mostly [Mod edited] about people whining about a advantage in pvp. Guess what [Mod edited]. Meta. There will always be a meta. Pick up a EoR even with a broken gamepad i can still stomp.
    This includes but not limited to: pve servers. Crossplatform optional. Sloop only servers. Private servers. And so on
    I already gave my fair share of why these forums are 100% pointless. So has many. Many. Many. MANY! other forum users.
    I play on both so what.
    These forums mostly are the root of a problem and not a solution.
    Because of people wanting to change the fundamentals of a game they bought but were not happy about.
    The pc advantage is such a [Mod edited] scapegoat. There is no headshot multiplier. I agree gamepad senstivity needs to increase.
    People need to learn the games ins and outs before complaining about crossplatform or pvp.

    These threads just should be auto locked. Get the mega thread back open. Atleast there it was organized and people could go for the throat in a big nice thread. Instead of these small threads
    Takw it from here papi!

  • @onyx-wartooth
    & they also said no AI ships, but now there will be.
    Things change & if enough people want that change it will probably happen.
    If someone has an issue they post on the forum, that's what they are for. OP has an issue with crossplay & is entitled to post their views on the official forum.
    People & posts like yours are whats fundamentally wrong with the forum. Instantly with attitude & aggression, trying to shut down any discussion about a subject you don't agree with!!

  • @caisterkaos said in cross platform:

    & they also said no AI ships, but now there will be.
    Things change & if enough people want that change it will probably happen.
    If someone has an issue they post on the forum, that's what they are for. OP has an issue with crossplay & is entitled to post their views on the official forum.
    People & posts like yours are whats fundamentally wrong with the forum. Instantly with attitude & aggression, trying to shut down any discussion about a subject you don't agree with!!

    that is what the report for moderation button is for :)

  • @caisterkaos the reason why we are getting ai ships is because basically 2 good reasons.
    Pvp has devolved into who can spawn trap the other team first.
    And 2 so people have some nice ship v ship combat
    Which is rare.
    My attitude is and has been addressed on this. Its not the matter i dont agree. Its the matter of these threads go no where.
    Its the same swished around spit we have all coughed up before and its the same minor things that lead to the same outcome

    Insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result.

    Its not just me that doesnt agree with this. But the fundamentals of sot as a whole was built from the ground up to allow crossplatform.
    If you cant handle it. Leave.
    The only other game that includes i can think of a toggle for crossplay is rocket league.
    On pc your forced to use gamepad.
    But soon
    Xbox will have native support to kb and m
    So you cant really complain about an advantage then once thats out.
    Because in reality...sot sorta runs like poo on pc

  • @shuoink This is semantics, but it's not equal skill, it's equal tools.

  • @onyx-wartooth
    The only crossplay game that doesn't have matchmaking filters or a toggle to disable crossplay is Minecraft & now SOT. (funnily enough both MS titles!)
    I suggest you do some research before flinging wild 'assumptions' about.
    Every other crossplay game has the option, every single one!!! Do you know why that is??? It's because they all know that you can't balance a keyboard & mouse against a controller!
    You obviously have no knowledge of the subject you are arguing against, so i'll end my discussion with you there, good day :)

  • @barnabas-seadog "they are showing flexibility when it's obviously going to make the game better"
    Giving players an option for crossplay shows the exact same thing. It also shows that they aren't completely out of touch. There is a very good reason why NO ONE does PC-console cross play in their games. Cross play directly contradicts Rare's statement "You will never face off against overpowered players."

  • As this thread has descended into arguments and unrest, and includes multiple violations of the Forum rules, it will now be locked. Please remember to be respectful of others, regardless of whether you share their opinion.

  • @Onyx-Wartooth Please refrain from the use of derogatory and inflammatory language on the forums, as it is a violation of our Forum rules. Your post has been edited accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

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