Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6

  • Patch Notes - 1.1.6

    Ahoy pirates!

    This patch brings the Gunpowder Skeletons event to a close. These explosive skeletons will still remain in the world, but thanks to your hard work, their numbers have decreased!

    Need a way to earn some more Bilge Rat Doubloons? Not to worry, the Bilge Rats have another adventure for you – The Sunken Curse! Along with a new reason for you to explore the watery depths, Patch 1.1.6 brings with it key performance improvements, crash fixes and additional fixes for other known issues.

    Bilge Rats Adventure - The Sunken Curse

    Rumours of artefacts beneath the waves are being whispered across the Outposts, and as usual the Bilge Rats already know all about it! Underwater statues and dangerous curses are amongst their tavern tales, so take a deep breath before diving into this Bilge Rat Adventure!

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    • Sunken Curse Event - Cursed Mermaid Statues are the latest addition to Sea of Thieves. Hidden in the shallows around island shores, they radiate ancient magic. For this adventure, the Bilge Rats are challenging all brave pirates to seek out and destroy the statues. Not all statues are bound by the same curse but they all regenerate health over time, and while some will require more firepower than others to destroy, no more than four players will be required to destroy even the toughest statue.
    • Sunken Items - It's not all malevolent curses in the shallows! Eagle-eyed pirates can also find artefacts, skulls and treasure chests hidden on the seabed ready to be plundered.
    • The Wailing Barnacle Cosmetics - The Hat, Dress and Jacket of The Wailing Barnacle have been added to the Bilge Rat shop. These items are time-limited and only purchasable with Bilge Rat Doubloons, so get them before they sink back to the depths on July 25th.
    • Bilge Rat Titles - Earn three unique titles introduced with The Sunken Curse event and equip them straight from the Vanity Chest!
    • Bilge Rat Doubloons - There are 100 Bilge Rat Doubloons available for the standard Commendations, and an additional 50 Bilge Rat Doubloons available for completing the Legendary Commendation and becoming a Legendary Curse Breaker. Each of The Sunken Curse Commendations on the Bilge Rat progress screen details the number of Bilge Rat Doubloons it rewards. You have until July 25th to earn Bilge Rat Doubloons by completing these Commendations.

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    • Bilge Rat Flag - A new flag has been added to all pirates' flag inventories! This new flag can be used to show other pirates that they're on the hunt for Bilge Rat Doubloons.


    • The Wailing Barnacle Tattoo Set - Now available in the clothing shop on all Outposts, this tattoo set is purchasable with gold and here to stay!
    • Legendary Skeleton Exploder Title - We heard feedback from our community that Legendary Commendations are deserving of a Legendary Title, so we have now introduced the 'Legendary Skeleton Exploder' Title. Existing players who have met the criteria can grab it in the Bilge Rat shop for free. If players unlock the Legendary Commendations required for Gunpowder Skeletons in the future, they will automatically be awarded this Title.
    • Loading Screens - These now give players information about the latest goings-on and what's new in Sea of Thieves.
    • Front End Animations - Pirate animations have been updated when entering the game through the front end.
    • UI Update - A small banner is shown on Commendations within the Bilge Rat progress screen when there are Bilge Rat Doubloons to be earned.

    Performance Improvements

    • Multiple server and client crash fixes.
      Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Fixed Issues

    • Athena's Fortune Bounty Quests are no longer incorrectly blank.
      We have applied a hotfix for the issue effecting Athena Voyages. This issue should now be resolved.
    • Bilge Rat Doubloons which were earned but not rewarded correctly as part of the Skeleton Thrones Bilge Rats Adventure will be awarded.
      We are rolling out a fix over the next few days for players to receive Bilge Rat Doubloons which were not awarded correctly for the Skeleton Thrones event.
    • Upon impact, cannonball knockback no longer causes unintended damage to fellow crew members.
    • Bear & Bird Figurehead Loading Screen is now localised in all available languages.
    • Mysterious Stranger conversation text is now correctly localised in German, French, Italian and Spanish.
    • Ghost Trousers no longer appear broken on certain body types.
    • Bilge Rat Trousers no longer appear inconsistent when equipped with a peg leg and mid-length boots.
    • The Bilge Rat progression UI now correctly counts Gunpowder Skeletons event Titles towards the overall Title count.
    • The option to enable and disable the Player Talking Indicator has been added back into Settings.
    • Players should now see all their items once they have joined a new server.
    • Loading Screen tips should no longer be clipping on 4:3 display screens.

    Known Issues

    • The 'Gunpowder Plot' Commendation and its Legendary Commendation counterpart may not unlock.
      We are investigating a fix for this issue. The time-limited Gunpowder Skeletons event cosmetics will be available again in the future for any players wishing to complete the set.
    • The Hungering Deep rewards were not received by a number of players who earned them.
      We are investigating a resolution for this and will share information when available.
    • Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection.
      Players who have experienced a physical appearance change to their pirate unrelated to hair colour have been reverted to their original selection. Changes to pirates’ hair colour will be reverted during next week’s maintenance window. This issue occurred as part of the team’s ongoing work to give players greater control over their pirate’s hair colour. We’re continuing to work on bringing hair colour customisation options to the game and will let you know when they’re in place!
    • Some players travel in an unintended direction when fired from a cannon.
    • Some players may continue to hear muffled sound after being fired from a cannon.
      We have reports that being fired out of a cannon again clears the muffled sound.
    • The UI and pirates in the 'Select Your Pirate' carousel may not be visible for some players.
      We have reports that the UI and pirates become visible after a few minutes.

    Download size:

    Xbox One: 1.64GB
    Xbox One X: 1.64GB
    Windows 10: 1.30GB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Looking For Crew?

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    Looking for new crewmates? We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

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  • Fix the brig it's been plaguing people's sessions for several weeks now and I still don't see it as a known issue. Players that get invited into a crew may spawn directly into the brig, this can a nightmare to deal with in sloops.

  • Yay :) Can't wait to review this and play after work :)

  • @khaleesibot

    Sunken items? Awesome! Now I have the perfect excuse when I fall into the water: "I SAW A SHINNY!"

    jack sparrow

    Can't wait to rock this Legendary Curse Breaker title and explore the depths of the Sea of Thieves, that looks so amazing!

    Bilge Rat Flag - A new flag has been added to all pirates' flag inventory! This new flag can be used to show other pirates that they're on the hunt for Bilge Rat Doubloons.

    Yooohoo! Thank you Rare!

  • Looks like folk don't have to cooperate this time round. Might see some smiles on faces.

  • @urihamrayne haha what brig?.... wrong forum dude lol

  • the game is afoot....

  • Sounds great! Can't wait to get into it...

  • @khaleesibot Arrrrghhhh lets go to the depths to see whats going on!

    Some mighty fine patch notes as always... its also goo to hear about the bugged commendations.

    The 'Gunpowder Plot' Commendation and its Legendary Commendation counterpart may not unlock.
    We are investigating a fix for this issue. The time-limited Gunpowder Skeleton event cosmetics will be available again in the future for any players wishing to complete the set.

  • Wooooooooo

  • @krlbarker said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @urihamrayne haha what brig?.... wrong forum dude lol

    The brig is the little jail cell on the ships. The problem is that there are instances when a player on your crew has their game crash, and when they rejoin they are automatically placed in the brig and have to wait a set amount of time before they can be voted out.

    EDIT: Judging by your tags, I am guessing your post was sarcasm. Even so, I will leave my post in case others aren't aware of the bug and were curious.

  • Wow still no cannon fix.......

  • @khaleesibot Cheers for the notes!

    Legendary Skeleton Exploder Title - We heard feedback from our community that Legendary Commendations are deserving of a Legendary Title, so we have now introduced the 'Legendary Skeleton Exploder' Title. Existing players who have met the criteria can grab it in the Bilge Rat shop for free. If players unlock the Legendary Commendations required for Gunpowder Skeletons in the future, they will automatically be awarded this Title.

    I'm glad there's a title linked to getting all commendations!

  • Some players? The bug of the cannon affect ALL the players.

    Anyway in known bugs there should be also the "inclined character that bothers a lot when happens to you".

  • @khaleesibot Nice! I can't wait to jump in to this!!

  • I can't work out if Joe is willing me to apply for a job at Rare or not....

  • @sshteeve said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    Looks like folk don't have to cooperate this time round. Might see some smiles on faces.

    Need 4 players in order to destroy some of the statues ^ ^

  • Tereefic patch.
    Please consider bringing back the friendly fire from cannons.

  • @PersonalC0ffee

    Loading Screens - Now give players information about the latest goings on and what's new in Sea of Thieves.

    HAAA! We win :)

  • @treefittymonsta said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    Wow still no cannon fix.......

    I honestly sort of hope they don't fix it....functionally it acts as a "misfire" for stuffing your pirate into a cannon.

    Great notes and can't wait to explore the depths shallows.

  • @blindnev different to having to join other crews - just need 1 gally - easier than the forts and the thrones in that regards

  • very cool release notes.

    "Doubloons, so get them before they sink back to the depths on the 25th July."

    hmm... i wonder what's going to be released that day... :D

  • Finally sunken treasure at the sea bottom! See you all at sea!

  • @sir-lotus Well, we shall see once the trailer hits in the next week!

    :D Exciting times ahead, exciting times!

  • @sir-lotus Pirates of the Caribbean 100?

  • This event is not for me as a gameplay element, but I very much like that the bottom of the sea gets populated with random treasure. There are lot of opportunity in this.

  • No mermaids to accompany the spooky statues?

  • Firing yourself from the cannon to fix the sound glitch is a c**p shoot. The 99% fix (until they fix it) is to climb into the cannon and then climb back out. Tada!

  • Can't wait to dive into this one! Also hoping this update begins fleshing out the lore of the mermaids on these treacherous seas...

  • @psych0-knightro said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    No mermaids to accompany the spooky statues?

    Maybe they were friendly all along.

    Well, they were, until we went down to the depths and started wrecking up all their fancy statues.

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    I can't work out if Joe is willing me to apply for a job at Rare or not....

    Wish I had a valid UK work visa :)

  • looking forward to trying this out

    thanks rare something new to get into .

  • Game is still randomly crashing... Can we get a hot fix instead of waiting til next patch?

  • @sshteeve said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.6:

    @blindnev different to having to join other crews - just need 1 gally - easier than the forts and the thrones in that regards

    Oh haha you are right, didn't notice.

  • Lovely! Good work!

    Now heading to a nearby UK embassy to get my papers ready for coming over there;)

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